Tuesday of Week 6 in Ordinary Time






I will never again curse the ground because of man.
For the intention of man’s heart is evil.
Can we not comprehend our true scan
Do we not understand still.

I am in Hebron.
At the Tomb of the Patriarchs.
Here peace waits for a new dawn.
A place for all religions’ divine sparks.

But I see only the army.
Shouldn’t this be a place for all.
A place for a new spiritual journey.
Where we all can walk tall.

Shall faiths are one.
Where we worship the one.


Should we curse the ground
Because man’s will is evil
Or should we include


See Genesis 8

Monday of Week 6 in Ordinary Time

Why does this generation seek a sign.
I say to you.
I will give this generation no sign.
Even though we are many not few.

And he left.
And got in the boat.
We are bereft.
Trying to keep afloat.

Not enough of a sign.
Nor direction.
Nor a line.
Never enough inspiration.

But we keep praying.
And hoping.


We all seek a sign
But we are not given one
We just wait in hope


See Mark 8: 11-13

6 th Sunday in Ordinary Time


Cursed is the man.
Who makes flesh his strength.
And trusts in man.
And in his own strength.

Blessed is the man.
Who trusts in the Lord.
He is the man.
Whose trust is in the Lord.

He is like  a tree planted by water.
Who sends out its roots by the stream.
He will not be sent to everlasting slaughter.
Death does not happen as it may seem.

This sounds so reassuring.
In all our travails uplifting.


Cursed then is the man
Whose only trust is in man
Just trust in the Lord


See Jeremiah 17: 5-8

Saturday of Week 5 in Ordinary Time






By the sweat of your face.
You shall eat bread.
He ran his  race.
It has all been said.

Till you return to the ground.
For out of it you were taken.
Even though we thought ourselves sound.
And not forsaken.

For dust you are.
And to dust you shall return.
Our final goal seems far.
Thwarted at every turn.

Like Adam we will keep trying.
And no doubt failing.


For dust that you are
And to dust you shall return
That is just our fate


See Genesis 3 : 9-24

Friday of Week 5 in Ordinary Time





The harvest is plentiful.
But the labourers are few.
We just have to be merciful.
And not mind where we are in the queue.

Pray earnestly to the Lord of the harvest.
To send out labourers.
To his harvest.
We are those labourers.

We each have a role ourselves.
To write or preach.
Or to be ourselves.
To search  and to reach.

We may not be able.
But we all bring something to the table.


Plentiful harvest
But just too few labourers
So we must do more


See Luke 10: 1-9

Thursday of Week 5 in Ordinary Time

It is not good that man should be alone:
I will make him a fit helper for him.
A seed was sown.
For us and for him.
Your wife will be like a fruitful vine .
In the heart of your house.
Everything will be fine.
Even the tiniest house mice.Your children like the shoots of the olive.
Around your table.
A picture of all love.
No mere fable.

A legendary garden.
Bringing us pardon.

For a man alone
Is surely not a good thng
God gave a helper


See Genesis 2 18-25

Wednesday of Week 5 in Ordinary Time


You may surely eat of every tree in the garden.
But of the tree of good and evil you shall not eat.
We are fallen , we can only ask for pardon.
As we stand in front of the judgement seat.
In the bible we need to look for echoes.
In Genesis the tree foretells the tree of the tree of the cross.
We always need to look for what follows.
And thus we see our gain and our loss.For all of us.
There is one thing we should not do.
But we do it, all of us.
And of course the result , we rue.

But shriven.
We are forgiven.


You eat from that tree
The tree of evil knowledge
And we will then die


See Genesis 2

Tuesday of Week 5 in Ordinary Time

So God created every living creature.
And God saw that it was good.
Everything created in the past or future.
Is made by God so it is good.
What an amazing thought.
How positive and uplifting.
Everything has value, nothing is naught.
In its arising.But we corrupt
We destruct.
And obstruct.

But it was good in the beginning.
And will be good at the ending.


God did creation
And he saw that it was good
But what do we do


See Genesis 1

Monday of Week 5 in Ordinary To me






They laid the sick in the market place.
And implored him that they might touch his garment.
But of course we will never see his face.
We will never touch his garment.

As many as touched.
Were made well.
Will our spiritual goal be reached.
Who can tell.

Worried, we can only look at the statue of the Virgin.
But it is strangely reassuring.
Somehow we are no longer out but in.
Not failing but somehow surviving.

We may not see Jesus’ face.
But we have the Holy Spirit in his place.


Laying down the sick
They tried to touch his garment
We have just spirit


See Mark 6 : 53-56

5 th Sunday in Ordinary Time


Woe, the Prophet writes, is me.
For I am lost.
I cannot, my future see.
My heart is held in frost.We are always  worried.
Everything seems too much, with no reason or rhyme.
But then I saw the churchyard where I will be buried.
I don’t know when, soon or later, sometime.Compared to those endless silent years.
What do all these worries matter.
Then there will be no laughter or tears.
Only a body to bury or ashes to scatter.But with luck the soul will live.
And in God’s presence thrive.…….

He says woe is me
Isaiah says he is lost
But still does live


See Isaiah 6

Saturday of Week 4 in Ordinary Time


Come away by yourselves to a desolate place.
And rest for a while.
We need to slow down in our race.
We don’t need to run the extra mile.

For many were coming and going.
And they had no leisure even to eat.
We need more resting and praying.
No need always to talk and to meet.

And then in church praying.
All seemed so true and believable.
It was the quiet meditating.
That made the scripture seem so true, reasonable.

But you have to sit quietly.
And reverently.


Come desolate place
And rest here awhile alone
And then you can pray


See Mark 6 : 30-34

Friday of Week 4 in Ordinary Time

Let brotherly love continue.
Do not neglect to show brotherly love to strangers.
Put giving not taking on the menu.
They are not our dangers.For thereby some have entertained.
Strangers unawares.
And great joy gained.
To dispel all grinding fears.

I often wonder.
If those I help are angels.
A thought which is tender.
Or who  knows what heavenly archangels.

So beware.
Be truly aware.


Let love  continue
Neglect not to show strangers
All the love you have


See Hebrews 13 : 1-8

Thursday of Week 4 in Ordinary Time

We have received your merciful love.
In your Temple.
A  peace dove.
And holy sample.The kingdom of God is at hand.
Repent and believe in the Gospel.
In this and every land.
In every church and temple.

The thoughts were difficult.
But the psalm and acclamation were reviving.
More than any cult.
To be believed and soothing.

We listen, we hear.
We need not fear.


Your merciful love
Is received in your temple
Here and for always


See Psalm 48 and The Gospel Acclamation

Wednesday of Week 4 in Ordinary Time






A prophet is not without honour.
Except in his home town.
We wonder how we can open our own home’s door.
Will we be met with a knowing frown.

If Jesus had difficulty
Why should we worry.
If people view us cynically.
There is no hurry.

And the same was with his relatives.
And amongst his own household.
Facing all these negatives.
Everything on hold.

He could do no mighty work there.
Except of course heal some sick there.


Honour for prophets
Seldom arises at home
It’s the same for us


See Mark 6 : 1-6

Tuesday of Week 4 in Ordinary Time








My little daughter is at the point of death.
Come and lay your hands on her.
Will we find after death new breath.
Banishing all fear.

Come and lay your hands on her.
So that she may be made well.
Take away every tear.
So that we may tell.

Do not fear.
Only believe.
He is here.
Just receive.

Why are you weeping.
The child is not dead, she is only sleeping.


A child is dying
Jesus says she’s not dying
She is just sleeping


See Mark 5 : 21-43

St Blaise , Monday of Week 4 in Ordinary Time

And all these although commended.
Did not receive what was promised.
Indeed sometimes derided.
Their contribution missed.God had provided something better.
That apart from us they should not be made perfect.
We can make them fitter.
And give them respect.

Thus we have a role in praying
I asked my dream for a blessed.
To visit the dying.
Indeed I felt him comforted.

One day we will be helped by the living
As we lie dying.


These though commended
Did not receive that promised
We make them perfect


See Hebrews 11 : 32-40

The Presentation of the Lord





Lord, now you are letting.
Your servant depart in peace.
At our final moment let there be no regretting.
As we pray without cease.

Hope is the daughter of faith.
I dreamt on these words again and again.
But I do not have it absolutely , I just attempt faith.
So I inserted attempt in my refrain.

Life is difficult.
Disasters are always happening.
But faith is more than a cult.
It just keeps us going.

In my dream I saw a great light.
As I kept faith and hope  in sight.


Lord let your servant
Depart from this place in peace
The message for us


See Luke 2 : 22-40

Saturday of Week 3 in Ordinary Time

A great wind storm arose.
And the waves were breaking into the boat.
Sometimes we feel that our heart has froze.
We can barely keep afloat.The boat was already filling.
But he was in the stern.
Are we sinking or just dreaming.
We feel that although told we cannot learn.

Teacher do you care that we are perishing.
And he awoke and rebuked the wind.
Thus we find that with his help we are surviving.
Even though blown in all directions by the wind.

Why, he asked, are you so afraid.
Have you no faith, but with him our troubles are laid.


A great wind arose
And all the waves were breaking
He was in the stern


See Mark 4 : 35-41

Friday of Week 3 in Ordinary Time


The kingdom is like a grain of mustard seed.
Which is the smallest of all the seeds.
What into this can we read.
And where are all the spiritual leads.
It goes up and becomes larger.
Than all the garden plants.
Thus we can see further.
As we walk through life’s many slants.
It puts out large branches.
So that the birds of the air might shelter.
we may fly to these branches.
Whatever disaster strikes and take shelter.
Our life may seem small.
But we can walk tall.
Grains of mustard seed
May start their life very small
But they will grow tall
See Mark 4 : 26-34

Thursday of Week 3 in Ordinary Time





With the measure you use.
It will be measured to you.
Perhaps it’s all too short, our fuse.
I should think less of me, more of you.

For to the one who has more will be given.
And from the one who has not.
That will be taken.
Holy, happy, sad or not.

I find this teaching.
Very hard.
Being given me, a bad card.

But we have to use our talent.
Or we will lament.


The measure you use
Will then be measured to you
That is just our fate


See Mark 4 : 21-25

Wednesday of Week 3 in Ordinary Time

Every priest stands daily at his service.
Offering repeatedly the same sacrifices.
Is there something that we miss.
If left to our own devices.But when Christ had offered for all time.
A single sacrifice.
He sitting next to God absolved much crime.
Most things in future would suffice.

On the blessed sacrament exposed.
One can just visualise.
Thus it came in my dream reposed.
Despair could fade and hope rise.

We are never alone.
We can atone.


Priestly sacrifice
Is offered repeatedly
But Christ only once


See Hebrews 19 : 11-18

Tuesday of Week 3 in Ordinary Time






We have been sanctified.
By the body of Jesus.
Both as man and deified .
He did this for us.

I was back again before the blessed sacrament.
What an amazing claim I realised.
That this is God actually here, extant.
Not just a symbol I surmised.

But is that really true.
Is God really here.
Held up before us few.
Is this doctrine really clear.

I waited for inspiration.
Calm yes but in vain still  for jubilation.


We are sanctified
By the body of Jesus
That’s our honest hope


Se Hebrews 10 : 1-10

Monday of Week 3 in Ordinary Time





IMG_1966If a kingdom is divided against itself.
That house will not be able to stand.
Is this directed at ourself.
Or at some distant unknown land.

There was no mass available today.
I went to the Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament.
What a good way to end an aimless day.
It was as if all this was meant.

The church  was candlelit.
The Hail Marys softly said.
Truth quietly knit.
Worries laid.

For peace, not much needs to be uttered.
The litany can just be muttered.


Kingdoms divided
The house not able to stand
But are we in it


See Mark 3 : 22-30

3rd Sunday in Ordinary Time. Sunday of the Word of God






Ezra read from the book clearly.
So that the people understood the reading.
No harm in reading scripture daily.
Meditating, understanding.

But by midday.
I’ve often forgotten the reading.
But every day is a new day.
A chance again to start remembering.


Reading, meditating.
Contemplating, repeating.


Read the book clearly
And understand the reading
A good way to start


See Nehemiah 8