Monday of the 3 rd week in Lent

They brought him to the brow of the hill.
So that they could throw him down the cliff.
Do we do this still.
Throw what threatens us down the cliff.
No prophet is ever acceptable.
In his own town.
Or entirely respectable.
His cover blown.
They knew him too well.
He was one oftheirs.
Being too familiar is rarely an easy sell.
And often leads to tears.
But passing through their midst he went away.
And now we fear he will always be gone away.…….

Brought to the hill’s brow
They tried to throw him down cliffs
But we do the same


See Luke 4 : 24-30

3 rd Sunday in Lent

A man had a fig tree.
Planted in his vineyard.
Are we the tree.
The world the vineyard.Look for years now. , I have come seeking fruit.
And found none.
We are that fruit.

Let it alone.
Until I dig around it and put in manure.
If we atone .
We can hear his word , that is the lure.

If it should bear fruit next year well and good.
But if not you can cut it down , it is no good.


Man has his fig tree
Planted in the world’s vineyard
God will make it grow


See Luke 13: 1-9

Saturday of the 2 nd Week in Lent

He was lost.
And now he is found.
We are not the less but the most.
Always accepted by and in the round.
Christ said before Abraham was I am.
Before time was we are.
We are divine presence in the I am.
We never were not, we are.We are not just us.
We are everybody.
There is no me or I, just us.
We are everywhere in everybody.

We never will be lost.
We will be found before we are lost.


He was indeed lost
But then the son was then found
As we always are


See Luke 15

Friday of the 2 nd week in Lent

Come now , let us kill him.
And throw him into one of the pits.
And all on a whim.
When like them are we  quits.We threw Jesus into the pit.
Either full of hatred or careless.
We blow out the candle that was lit.
And extinguished our witness.

But Joseph survived.
Jesus rose again.
Without stain.

And so will we.
If we truly try to see.


Let us then kill him
But Joseph survived all this
And so shall we too


See Genesis 37

Thursday of the 2 nd Week in Lent

If they do not hear Moses and the prophets.
Neither will they be convinced if someone rises from the dead.
And where are our profits.
Are they with lasting life or with the dead.
When I think of Lazarus and the rich man.
I think how we have been sent someone risen from the dead.
But we have no lasting plan.
The truth neither understood nor read.No one else will come back.
We have our one witness.
Nothing do we lack.
Except spiritual fitness.After we die.
We can merely sigh.


Do we hear Moses
Or all the prophets sent us
Sadly we do not


See Luke 16 : 19-31

Wednesday of the 2 nd week in Lent. St Joseph

When your days are fulfilled.
I will raise up your offspring.
Our seed sown, our land is tilled.
Our joy we can sing.
And what greater joy.
Than our family.
Pure golden alloy.
A beautiful lily of the valley.We cannot know.
Or plan.
As we sow.
Beyond our scan.

But life is born.
And we are reborn.


Our days are fulfilled
As we raise up our offspring
For all our futures


See 2 Samuel

Tuesday of the 2nd Week in Lent







Learn to do good.
Seek Justice.
Search for the Holy Rood.
Resist injustice.

You are not a sinner like us in every land.
You have never done anything wrong.
It is I with sins countless as grains of sand.
Who have bought down on you this host of sorrows for so long.

I was listening to St John’s Passion.
These words moved me unbearably.
At last I had understood our mission.
My tears rolled down irresistibly.

It was the haunting words of the tenor evangelist.
That my heart could not resist.


You not a sinner
You have never done some wrong
You take our sorrows


See Isaiah 1 : 10, 16-20 and Bach St John Passion

Monday of the 2 nd week in Lent . St Patrick






For to all that I send you.
You shall go.
And whatever I command you:
You shall speak so.

Enslaved .


And then missionaries to all the world.
They helped convert the world.


To all I send you
You shall go to all nations
And you shall then speak


See Jeremiah 1 : 4-9

2 nd Sunday in Lent







His face was altered.
And his clothing became dazzling white.
On the mountain tops we feel exalted.
In the valley floors we lose our very sight.

Life goes from mountain to valley .
From rose to thorn.
We lose sight of our up and down tally.
Between  feeling fresh and worn.

But I listened to the common pigeon’s song.
I watched the sun dip below the hill.
Nothing good or bad needs to last long.
Exciting or run of the mill.

Remember Christ transcendent.
Our life one day will be ascendant.


His face was altered
His clothing became dazzling
Remember all this


See Luke 9 : 28b – 36

Saturday of the 1st week in Lent







Blessed are those.
Whose way is blameless.
A budding rose.
No less.

Who walk.
In the law of the Lord.
No more talk.
Just a spiritual sword.

Blessed are those.
Who keep his decrees.
Another rose.
Who has paid his fees.

They seek him with all their hearts .
And find new fresh starts.


Blessed then are those
Whose way is truly blameless
Are we those people


See Psalm 119

Friday of the 1st week in Lent







O let your ears be attentive.
To my pleadings.
But are we attentive.
To his readings.

In a city we seldom look at the sky.
Our attention focused on what’s passing.
So we don’t look at him in the eye.
But in the country the sky is constantly delighting.

If you pause and look at a cloud.
You are in this moment.
There is silence, nothing loud.
Changing yet constant.

The clouds have no future , no past.
No regrets or hopes , content not to last.


Are my own pleadings
Being listened to by him
But am I listening


See Psalm 130

Thursday of the 1st week in Lent

And it will be given.
Our Task.
As doubt is riven.Seek.
And you will find.
When meek.
And kind.

And the door will be opened.
Undo our heart’s lock.
Joy then happened.

For everyone who asks.
These the completed tasks.
Are new spring leaves.


Ask and it’s given

Knock, the door will be opened
Seek and you will find

See Matthew 7: 7-12

Wednesday of the 1st week in Lent







A broken and humbled heart.
O God, you will not spurn.
Here is a start.
If we start to learn.

I am the light of the world.
Anyone who follows me will not be walking in the dark.
I read these words lighting a candle for the next world.
Trying for those passed to make a mark.

He , I read will have the light of life.
We are not walking alone.
We have eternal life.
Believe and you will not be alone.

The candle is lighting
And we are surviving.


Broken humbled heart
Will not be spurned by our God
That’s what we believe


See  Psalm 51 and John 8 : 12

Tuesday of the 1st week in Lent

So shall the word that goes out from my mouth.
It shall not return to me empty.
From East and West, North and South.
Our words will not be empty.It shall accomplish
That which I purpose.
Words that can astonish.
In their whole corpus.

And shall succeed.
In the thing for which I sent it.
Taking Lord, your lead.
We will be fit.

Your word will be given.
As we are striven.

When the word goes out
It will not return empty
Or that is our Hope

See Isaiah  55 : 10-11

Monday of the 1st week in Lent

For I was hungry and you gave me food.
I was thirsty and you gave me drink.
Are our eyes fixed really on the holy rood.
What do we really think.As you did it to the least of these my brothers.
You did it to me.
And of course our sisters.
This is the key.

But I feel so guilty.
Have I really done this.
Or is this too much sensibility.
Too little to miss.

How have we treated others.
Have we broken these selfish tethers.


For I was hungry
And you gave me food and drink
But have we done this


See Matthew 25 : 31-46

1st Sunday in Lent







There is no distinction between Jew and Greek.
For the same Lord is Lord of all.
After all don’t we all seek.
All of us waiting for the call.

He is bestowing riches.
On all who call on him.
We can build bridges.
We are all one body , one limb.

Pray for Christians in  Syria
Persecuted , numbers declining.
Even today killed in Latakia.
Fleeing, hiding.

All God’s people are one.
That is the prize to be won.


No distinction
Between all religions
The prize that we seek


See Romans 10 : 8-13

Saturday after Ash Wednesday





Teach me O Lord your way.
That I May walk in your truth.
We search , is our path right, who can say.
To our old age all the way from our youth.

Did God create man.
Or did man create God.
Who knows for sure , how narrow is our scan.
We are so flawed.

But one thing is certain.
God’s love is real.
We just need to draw aside the curtain.
It is there all around us, this we cannot know, only feel.

We know this through the joy we feel.
And that certainly is real.


Teach me Lord your way
That I may walk in your truth
Now and for ever


See Psalm 86

Friday after Ash Wednesday






Cry aloud, do not hold back.
Lift up your voice like a trumpet.
Truly there is little we lack.
We are indeed well met.

Declare to the people their transgression.
To the house of Jacob their sins.
This too is our mission.
Although there will always be losses and wins.

Yet they seek me daily.
And delight to know my ways.
Certainly if we pray daily.
Seeing God in our thoughts like the sun’s rays.

Always searching.
And we pray believing.


If you cry aloud
And if you do not hold back
You make some progress


See Isaiah 58 : 1-9a

Thursday after Ash Wednesday

Whoever will save his life.
Will lose it.
Doubt is rife.
Yet an eternal candle is lit.
But whoever loses his life for my sake.
Will save it.
Read , understand , wake.
Be spiritual and fit.
For what does it profit a man if he gains the whole world.
And loses his soul.
This is not the final world.
One day we will be whole.
Our life is passing.
Yet we will go on living.……

If you save your life
Then surely you will lose it
So think of the next


See Luke 9: 22-25

Ash Wednesday








Consecrate a fast.
Consecrate the  congregation.
To the last.
In sorrowful meditation.

All this will pass away.
Not just ourselves fast or slow.
But even the sun’s ray.
Everything will go.

So fast.
Give alms to the last.
This and every day.

Lent is here.
But there is no need to fear.


Consecrate a fast
Consecrate congregations
For all this will pass


See Joel 2 : 12-18

Tuesday of Week 8 in Ordinary Time







He who keeps the law makes many offerings.
He who heeds the commandments sacrifices a peace offering.
Maybe we indulge in too many mutterings.
Too concerned with our own suffering.

He who returns a kindness.
Returns a fine flour.
An end to restlessness.
Living in this hour.

And he who gives alms.
Sacrifices a thank offering.
Absolved from harms.
In grateful giving.

To keep from wickedness.
Is to forsake unrighteousness.


If we keep the law
We will make many offerings
And heed commandments

… …

See Sirach 35 : 1-15

Monday of Week 8 in Ordinary Time






Disheartened by the saying, he went away sorrowful.
Because he had great possessions.
Are we too mournful.
Wondering if we will enter his mansions.

I too am disheartened by this Gospel reading.
Not that I have great possessions.
But the little I have , I am slow  in giving.
To hang on to what little we have , we all have reasons.

But I paid five pounds for a candle today.
In gratitude.
Not really enough for today.
In rectitude.

We give a little.
We live a little.


He was disheartened
For he had great possessions
But then we do not


See Mark 10: 17-27

8 th Sunday in Ordinary Time






When a sieve is shaken, the refuse appears.
So a person’s filth in his thought.
But we are never forsaken.
Never permanently in despair caught.

The kiln tests the potters vessels.
Likewise the test of a person’s filth is in his reasoning.
In our hand we have our mental pestels.
In our mind too much is happening.

We spend too much time worrying about the  I.
And too little about the infinite.
We are not truly the I.
Our true destiny is  the infinite.

This is the only path to happiness.
Turning away from exclusiveness.


The sieve is shaken
And then the refuse appears
As with reasoning


See Sirach 27 : 4-7

Saturday of Week 7 in Ordinary Time






If salt has lost its taste.
How can it be restored.
Nothing needs to be put to waste.
For we are called.

You are the light.
A city set on a hill cannot be hidden.
As long as we keep this in sight.
We are bidden.

Nor do people light a lamp.
And put it under a basket.
We climb happily our spiritual ramp.
As we remember that one day there is but a casket.

Let your light shine.
As we tread our life’s finite line


You are then the light
A city set on a hill
And then we are called


See Matthew 5: 13-16

Friday of Week 7 in Ordinary Time







When you gain a friend gain him through testing.
And do not trust him hastily.
Knowing , advising, supporting.
Wearily yet still merrily.

For there is a friend who will stand by you at his own convenience.
And never stand by you in your day of trouble.
Not one for steady maintenance.
Friendship can be mere rubble, a struggle.

Brought low this friend will be against you.
And will hide himself from your presence.
Thus true friends are all too few.
Not made of true essence.

But a faithful friend is a sturdy shelter.
He that has found one has found a treasure.
In our life’s helter skelter.
And we know his true measure.


What’s a faithful friend
He is a sturdy shelter
And a true treasure


See Sirach  6 : 5-17