Category Archives: General

Thursday of the 4 th week of Easter , St Mark




IMG_9333Your sister sends you greetings.
So does my son Mark.
Strong families , many meetings.
Keep us from the lonely dark.

So the Apostles had families.
They like us were flesh and blood.
Friends they had and no doubt enemies.
Like us they were in the ebb and flow of life’s flood.

They were not just saints.
They knew fear and doubt.
No doubt they were grateful and had complaints.
They succeeded and once were  put to rout.

God , they once denied.
Then triumphantly affirmed.


They had families
Sons, brothers and sisters
Yet they’re apostles


See 1 Peter 5 : 5-14

Wednesday of the 4 th week of Easter


Let the nations be glad and exult.
For you rule the world with justice.
And we pray , to good result.
Fighting all injustice.We pray this psalm.
Every day before sitting.
Trying to be calm.
Quietly reflecting.

O God be gracious and bless us.
And let your face shed its light upon us.
Do not forget us.
By protecting us.

Pray a psalm.
Be quiet and remain calm.


If we pray a psalm
We seldom do act wrongly
Unless we forget


See Psalm  66

St George , martyr


These sufferings bring patience .
And patience brings perseverance.
But we are martyrs to impatience.
And our own spiritual incoherence.

Of St George we know very little.
And certainly will never know any more .
But the patron saint of so many countries large and little.
And he figures so largely in our lore.

The dragon he killed.
Invented centuries after he died.
About his life controversy never stilled.
People have said anything about him and they unwittingly probably lied.

But we are sure for his faith he died.
And in that we have almost certainly not lied.


What does patience bring
Surely some perseverance
Or that’s what we hope


See Romans 5 : 1-5

Monday of the 4 th Week of Easter

What God has made clean.
You have no right to call profane.
Let’s assume that all is good that is seen.
And it is all to our gain.I was at a funeral .
In a small church in a nestling village.
An end to a life temporal.
Well spent , sage.

She gave much.
All that she gave was right
All given with a gentle  touch.
Let us keep her memory in sight.

Like the Psalmist, our soul is thirsting for God.
Our life’s God…….

What God has made clean
You cannot call it profane
We eat anything


See Acts 11 : 1-18 and Psalm 41

4 th Sunday of Easter

This is the stone rejected.
That has become the keystone.
Always advancing  if sometimes tempted.
Ready to listen and to atone.
I was dreaming .
And felt one should love even if one fails.
Never complaining.
Remembering those nails.
With such insight.
We advance slowly.
Receiving new sight:
Physically and inwardly, mentally.
Maybe rejected.
But only in the next life perfected.
The stone rejected
Will become the cornerstone
And so many will
See Acts 4 : 8-12

Saturday of the 3rd week of Easter





Lord , who shall we go to.
You have the message of eternal life.
I think we know this through and through.
Gently leading us from all strife.

I stood in the garden at night.
No wind , just the sound of chalk stream rippling.
Only the many stars gave light.
Literally nothing , no branches moving.

Earlier I stood in the quiet wood behind the house.
What joy to live in such profound silence.
Quiet enough to hear a burrowing field mouse.
Only nature really makes this entire sense.

And who made all of this.
Chance or God , who more likely made this.


Who shall we go to
Is it some eternal life
Who has this message

… …..

See John 6 : 60-69

Friday of the 3rd week of Easter







Immediately it was as if scales fell from Saul’s eyes.
And he could see again.
Thus we see the defeat of self imposed lies.
Saul now Paul was born again.

We are on our own road to Damascus.
Intent, we hope on listening.
This story is of all of us.
Walking but not seeing.

Ananias laid his hands on Saul.
Recover, he said, your sight.
Perhaps one day we may receive this call.
And see the light.

I wish one day I could hear  his  voice.
But I suspect that is my choice.


Scales fall from our eyes
For a moment we can see
Then the darkness falls


See Acts 9 : 1-20

Thursday of the 3 rd week of Easter







The spirit said to Philip.
Go up and meet that chariot.
Sometimes we just have to try , like Philip
Otherwise we will never catch that chariot.

When Philip ran up, he heard him reading Isaiah.
He asked, do you know what you are reading.
Can we climb our own hymalaya.
Do we keep trying.

How can I , he  replied.
Unless I have someone to guide me.
Sometimes we search fruitlessly for a guide.
We hear but we cannot understand or see.

Philip proceeded to explain the good news.
And thus we too emerge from our blues.


The good news offered
Is our Opportunity
But do we take it


See Acts 8: 26-40

Wednesday of the 3rd week of Easter

Whoever sees the son and believes in him.
Shall have eternal life.
In this vast lake of indifference how can we swim.
A feeling of hopelessness is rife.He tells us he is the bread of life.
And that he who comes to me will never be hungry.
But for all that we are never free from internal strife.
Doubting , forever thirsty.

But then with some small word or trick of light.
We know, we see , we believe.
We are given sight.
And we do receive.

Oh , God I pray let me not be forever thirsty.
And spiritually hungry.


Do we see the son
And do we believe in him
It’s our only hope


See John 6: 35-40

Tuesday of the 3rd week of Easter

He who comes from me will never be hungry.
He who believes in me will never thirst.
Which is why we seek another country.
Hopefully we are all well spiritually versed.The priest seemed so convincing.
I needed to say the Rosary every day.
This was the key, constant praying.
For heaven, a small price to pay.

Then I watched the program on cosmology.
The size of the Universe is awe inspiring.
It seems to dwarf the Bible’s genealogy.
It starts one questioning.

Did our God really create all this.
Is there something here that is amiss.


To be not hungry
And never to be thirsty
Is it to believe


See John 6 : 30-35

Monday of the 3rd week of Easter


All looked intently at Stephen.
And his face appeared to them like the face of an angel.
We ask again and again when.
When will we die, who can tell.

I was at a memorial today.
At St Bartholomew the Great.
His life was good but he could not stay.
That of course is all our fate.

We all just leave a faint trace
His was one of kindness.
How will we appear before the celestial face.
Will he look on us with fondness.

We cannot know
We just hope he won’t say No.


The face of Stephen
Shone like an angel to them
Then how will ours shine


See Acts 6 : 8-16

3rd Sunday of Easter








So you see how it is written that the Christ would suffer.
And on the third day rise from the dead.
His life all generations offer.
So it is written and so it is read

The TV pilgrims  gather around the Buddhist stupa .
Symbolising the centre of the universe.
In their relationship to the Buddha.
Into the spiritual  they and we can immerse.

The pilgrims all had to let go.
We are all tied down by some grief.
We have not just to reap sadness but sow joy.
And always somewhere find relief.

All pilgrims reach their destination.
And find some illumination.


Pilgrims reach the end
The end of walking maybe
But not of seeking


See Luke 24 : 35-48

Saturday of the 2 nd week of Easter






They saw Jesus walking on the lake.
And coming towards the boat.
He does all this for our sake.
So that spiritually we might also float.

In the Pilgrimage they come to a thin place.
This is where heaven seems less far away.
I feel this too in my own race.
There are places where faith seems to stay.

By a small village church.
Or by the rushing river Gave at Lourdes.
Here you feel you can more easily make your ultimate search.
You feel the pressing into your flesh of spiritual swords.

A thin place may be a Welsh mountain.
Or it just may be a quiet country church or lane.


Where is a thin place
It could be a high mountain
Or just your garden


See John 6 : 16-21

Friday of the 2nd week of Easter





Jesus saw the crowds approaching.
And asked where can we buy some bread.
We too are just approaching, never arriving.
Or that is what is said.

I’m watching on television the Pilgrimage.
The participants all talk of their soul surviving.
I am still not convinced  even at my age.
But I persevere in seeking.

Then I looked at the sunset.
And listened to the music of Shakespeare in Love.
The truth is nothing is stone set.
We will never truly know what is above.

But natural beauty  always remains.
Soothing life’s immovable stains.


The crowds approaching
Needed more than just some bread
They were given it


See John 6 : 1- 15

Thursday of the 2 nd week of Easter


Anyone who believes in the son has eternal life.
But anyone who refuses to believe  in the son will never see life .
Free us we pray from all strife
Cut through our doubts with a meditative knife.

I read through my father’s letters of love.
Written to my mother eighty years ago.
He was away in the RAF and so much in love.
He wrote every two days and he was so very low.

They met when he was nineteen , she twenty two.
We think of Bletchley Park of codebreaking.
One of the many not the few.
Never complaining , only serving.

Far away , busy writing.
But eventually returning.


Belief in the son
Will lead to eternal life
And the other way?


See John 3: 31-36

Wednesday of the 2nd week of Easter






Go, stand in the Temple.
And tell the people about the new life.
What thoughts lie behind our own temple.
Is hope ascendant or doubts rife.

I went to my mother’s grave.
And stood by this quiet green place.
What of her memory , could I save.
Anyway , she has now won her race.

Alone that night , quietening all sense.
One of her pictures  fell from the wall.
Of course just a coincidence.
Or was it some sort of reminder or call.

The dead cannot speak.
But do they still seek.


Stand in the Temple
Go tell people of new life
We are the living

….  …..

See Acts 5: 17-26

Tuesday of the 2nd week of Easter






The wind blows wherever it pleases.
But you cannot tell where it is going.
All success or failure ceases.
Our fate to a close is meandering.

I suddenly in sleep felt a profound joy.
It was as if I now had nothing , almost humiliated.
And in this nothingness at last knew real joy.
All those things like reputation only temporarily  rented.

It was a sense of complete freedom.
Possessions make for little happiness.
It seemed I had finally paid my ransom.
I had never before felt this calmness.

Then I started to wake up.
And all the worries started up.


Winds blow as they please
From whence they come or they go
We just do not know


See John 3 : 7-15

The Annunciation of the Lord


Rejoice so highly favoured.
The lord is with you.
Sometimes our acceptance is laboured.
But hope is there for you too.
At mass my mind kept wandering.
Something else was irritating.
My attention was fleeting.
I was not concentrating.
Then the moment came .
Mary accepts the divine summons.
Faith and joy were no longer lame.
We also can  receive this summons.
She said she was the Lord’s handmaid.
And of us, can that be said.
She’s the Lord’s handmaid.
And we ? We too ask ourselves
Probably not
See Luke 1 : 26-38

2nd Sunday of Easter .Divine Mercy Sunday

For those whose sins you forgive.
They are forgiven.
He gave us all a chance in peace to live.
Always with a chance to be forgiven.For those whose sins you retain.
They are retained.
Hope we may lose or regain.
But mercy surely will be obtained.

Easter is a slow burn.
We gradually find belief.
Just as the Apostles had to see to learn.
And like them eventually from doubt, we find relief.

But like Thomas we have to keep reading.
Or we remain doubting.


Whose sins you forgive
They are truly forgiven
And that’s what we hope


See John 20:29

Easter Saturday








Jesus appeared first to Mary Magdalen.
After this he showed himself to two who were on their way.
As the Lord risen.
All their doubts to lay.

These went back to tell the others.
Who did not believe them either.
They were still held by life’s doubting tethers.
And us , have we cut this tether.

Last he showed himself to the eleven.
While they were at table.
And at last they found a way to heaven.
Everything they could now enable.

They went out to the whole world exclaiming.
The good news to all creation, proclaiming.


Proclaim the good news
Now to all creation
Is that not our task


See Mark 16 : 9-15

Easter Friday







They went out and got onto the boat.
But caught nothing that night.
And we despite all our worries somehow keep afloat
Steering to what we hope is not night but light.

The disciples were in trauma , so went fishing.
They wanted to do something familiar.
Yet they caught nothing.
But nothing ever again would be similar.

They saw Jesus standing on the shore.
They did what he told them to do.
They caught more fish than ever before.
All was made anew.

They would never be the same again.
To all our  imperishable gain.


They took the boat out
Yet still caught nothing that night
Then they saw Jesus


See John 21 : 1-14

Easter Thursday








In a state of alarm and fright.
They thought they were seeing a ghost.
Sometimes doubt and fear obscure the light.
Or we cannot really comprehend the holy host.

Like them I wonder is this a God presence.
Or a figment of my imagination.
Is this a lie or profound sense.
Is it mere wish fulfilment , temptation.

But he showed them the wounds on his feet.
He ate fish in front of their eyes.
He could talk and he could meet.
How could this be mere lies.

And these frightened men found great  vigour.
And started to pull an earth shattering spiritual  trigger.


Did they see a ghost
Or did they really see God
A matter of faith


See Luke 24 : 35-48

Easter Wednesday







Jesus came up and walked by their side.
But something prevented them from recognising him.
Are we blinded by our pride.
Succumbing to every whim.

What if he walked  alongside us.
Would we recognise him.
We might just think this stranger had missed the bus.
He would be just another anonym.

He took the bread and said the blessing.
And their eyes were opened.
At communion do we believe and stop guessing.
Is all doubt truly ended.

Are our hearts like theirs  at his words burning.
Are we truly listening.


Jesus walks near us
Are we paying attention
Or just walking on


See Luke 24 : 13-35

Easter Tuesday

Mary stood outside the tomb weeping.
Then she stooped to look inside.
Fear and doubt too often are increasing.
We search inside for a guide.Jesus said, who are you looking for.
Supposing him to be the gardener.
We like Mary are shaken to the core.
But we need to search for the pardoner.

She knew him then.
And said in Hebrew Rabbuni, which means master.
And we fail to recognise him again and again.
And we court disaster.

But this is the new garden .
Of new life and of Eden.


She stood near the tomb
We don’t believe it’s empty
But yes it certainly is


See John 20: 11-18

Easter Monday








Filled with awe and great joy.
The women came away from the tomb and ran to tell the disciples.
These words at mass always give great joy.
Somehow imagining the scene we become disciples.

And there coming to meet them was Jesus.
Greetings, he said, do not be afraid.
And in mass we too feel we can meet Jesus.
For a moment only we are no longer afraid.

I sat for a long time thinking on these words.
Letting them wash over me.
Thoughts rose joyfully like birds.
There was no horizon however far that I could not see.

Later I looked at a Turner’s seascape.
Here at last the mind can escape.


Greetings he tells us
He says do not be afraid
And now nor should we


See Matthew 28 : 8-15