Monthly Archives: October 2022

Monday of Week 41 in Ordinary Time





Truly I have set my soul.
In silence and peace.
Try to make me whole.
If I pray without cease.

When I can’t sleep.
I think on maybe the Bhagavad Gita or the rosary.
Rather better than counting sheep.
Or thinking not of others but me.

I try to root out the negative.
Dwell on the good things .
And be positive.
Rather than go round on rings.

But I still stay awake.
Whatever I seem to do for his sake.


Often I’m awake
The night passes to slowly
Good to meditate


See Today’s psalm 130

31st Sunday in Ordinary Tme





Lord, you love all that exists.
You hold nothing in abhorrence.
Through all our turns and twists.
Till our ultimate disappearance.

Are there really two types.
There certainly is two paths.
Good and bad, we come in many stripes.
On life’s stormy sea on our fragile rafts.

Contented , resentful, taking.
Angry and calm, lazy and full of zest.
Greedy and giving.
hypocritical and honest.

Understand, do not grudge.
And do not judge.


We are two persons
We are all the good and bad
Our choice where to go


See The Book of Wisdom 11: 22-12:2

Saturday of Week 30 in Ordinary Time

I shall continue being happy.
Because I know this will help save me.
To be content we do not need to be at the abbey.
Or pay any high  spiritual fee.


I was dreaming I was Arjuna or any man.

Being advised by Krishna the charioteer at his seat.

What qualifies make us inhuman.

Hypocrisy, arrogance , anger conceit.

The divine qualities lead to freedom.
The demonic to bondage.
Hypocritical, proud and living in delusion, no Te Deum.
Bound by scheming and anxiety , in a rage
Be fearless and pure, give freely .
Truthful , loving , full of desire to serve sincerely.
They say there’s no God
And no spiritual law
No moral order
See  Philippians 1: 18-26 and The Bhagavad Gita , chapter 16 , Two Paths

Friday of Week 30 in Ordinary Time

You are no longer aliens or foreign visitors.
You are citizens like all this the saints.
Yet of fear and doubt we are prisoners.
We are never free of time’s remorseless restraints.
I wondered how Jesus could create the universe as God.
But I doubt if he did this as man.
But he was the essence , the Son of God
That’s the point he is God and man.
God is not some remote entity .
He came down to earth.
Not otherworldly, he shared our identity.
Giving us all eternal worth.
He is , all encompassing, infinite.
Yet like us , he once was finite.
Long have I doubted
Could Jesus create the stars
But he’s God and man
See Ephesians 2: 19-22

Thursday of Week 30 in Ordinary Time


You must rely on God’s armour.
Or you will not be able to put up any resistance.
Today I was a distant mourner.
What do we really believe in, new life or non existence
I listened to those words at Lazarus’ resurrection.
Whoever believes in me will have eternal life.
But did I believe , however hard my concentration.
Why are doubts , day dreams , murmurings so rife.
In a universe of billions of stars.
Where stands this rabbi.
Did he really create all these super stars.
Or is it all mere speculation or a lie.

But sitting there I felt reassured.

Still sailing, but soon to be safely moored.

Put on God’s armour
And you put on resistance
Now and for ever
Does life carry on
Does anything else matter
Do we think on it
I was filled with doubt
Then seeing the Pieta
Some faith was restored
See  Ephesians 6 : 10-20

Wednesday of Week 30 in Ordinary Time

Parents never drive your children to resentment.
But guide them as the Lord does.
If we want to head for contentment.
We don’t always need to catechise.
Work hard and willingly.
But do it not for the sake of men.
All with humility.
Over and over again.
You can be sure all will be properly rewarded.
For whatever work he has done well.
And it will be recorded.
As far as we can tell.
You have the same master.
The universal pastor.
Work hard, willingly
And do it not for men’s sake
But heaven’s master
See Ephesians 6: 1-9

Tuesday of Week 30 in Ordinary Time

Husbands should love their wives.
Just as Christ loved the church.
We do this through all our lives .
As we continue our never ending search.
Husbands love their wives as they love their own bodies.
For a man to love his wife is for him to love himself.
This is what we need to do for the ladies.
And truly for ourself.
A wonderful wife is the greatest good fortune.
Comparing only to the best of health.
And how we keep in tune.
Greater than any monetary wealth.
This has been my great privilege.
This is what gives any life the edge.
Husbands love their wives
As they love their own bodies
This is the best way
See  Ephesians 5: 21-33

Monday of Week 30 in Ordinary Time


Be friends with one another and kind.
Forgiving each other as God forgave you.
It’s a question of being fully resigned.
At the unforgiving rock of life we can only hue.
Try then to imitate God as children of his.
And follow Christ loving as he loved you.
But can we be sure we are really his.
Do we expect more than is our due.
Do not let anyone deceive you with empty arguments.
You were darkness once but now you are light.
Let us be just the innocents.
Remove us from all blight.
Like the children of the light.
Walking towards the light.
Befriend one another
And forgiving each other
As God forgave you
See Ephesians 4: 32- 5:8

Sunday of Week 30 in Ordinary Time


I thank you God that I am not grasping.
God b merciful to me a sinner.
Two people thinking.
Which are we , who is the real winner.

This man  man went home at rights with God
The other did not.
Do we recognise we are flawed.
We just have to accept our lot.

For everyone who exalts himself will be humbled.
But the man who humbles himself will be exalted.
So do not be disgruntled.

Hope, if you accept  fate, is never halted.
If  we pray like the tax collector.
We can always look to our protector.
God be merciful
To me  a sinner always
That is all I ask
See Luke 18: 9-14

Saturday of Week 29 in Ordinary Time






Each one of us has been given his own share of grace.
Given as Christ allotted it.
One day , we hope, we will see his face.
As by a celestial lantern lit.

He ascended to the height, he captured prisoners.
He gave gifts to men.
As of n an echo we are his listeners.
We can barely describe this with an inadequate pen.

The one who rose higher to fill all things.
Is none other than the one who descended.
Greater than all the Kings.
But will ever all our doubts be suspended.

But to some his gift was to be Apostles.
Some teachers or mere disciples.


Are we apostles
Teachers or prophets
Or mere disciples


See Ephesians 4: 7-16

Friday of Week 29 in Ordinary Time


Guard me as the apple of your eye.
In the shadow of your wings, protect me.
One day , we will let loose every worldly tie.
This will happen whatever our plea.May we always conform our will to yours.
And serve your majesty in sincerity of heart.
Then we will see them open, your doors.
And we will be given a new start.

Why not judge for yourselves what is right.
When you go to court try to settle.
Make light of any might.
As inconsequential as a frail  petal.

There is one body, one spirit , one baptism.
And we are given one chrism.

We try to become
Then the apple of his eye
In his wing’s shadow
See Entrance Antiphon and Collect of today , Ephesians 4: 1-6 and Luke 12: 54-59

Thursday of Week 29 in Ordinary Time




Bear with one another charitably.
In complete selflessness, gentleness and patience.
Seeking always some greater spirituality.
And coming thereby into his presence.

Do all you can to preserve the unity of the spirit.
By the peace that binds you together.
We need not have much merit.
And our faith may be light as a feather.

There is one spirit, one body.
Just as you were all called into the same hope.
When we were called to embody
Pulled by the same scriptures rope.

There is one God who is father of all.
Over all , through all and within all.


God, father of all
Over all and within all
And of course through all


See Ephesians 4: 1-6

Wednesday of Week 29 in Ordinary Time


Happy that servant if his master’s arrival.

Finds him at this employment.
This is the way to ensure survival.
To usher in a new advent.
Are we always waiting.
And always prepared.
Or is the mind drifting .
Confused and scared .
His master will come on a day he does not expect.
And at an hour he does not know.
Our hopes wrecked.
As we just go with the flow.
Do we know what the master wants.
Are we ready with a response.
The master will come
At an hour we cannot see
But are we ready
See  Luke 12: 39-48

Tuesday of Week 29 in Ordinary Time

The harvest is rich.
But the labourers are few.
But all does in time enrich.
Even if we start at the end of the queue.
So ask the lord of the harvest.
To send labourers to the harvest.
We will aim for the farthest.
Never forgetting our life zest.
Cary no purse, no haversack, no sandals.
Salute no one on the road.
Do not forget the candles.
Or despair of the heavy load.
The kingdom of God is very near.
Have no fear.
The harvest is rich
The labourers are so few
But  they are enough
See Luke 10: 1-9

Monday of Week 29 in Ordinary Time

Be on your guard against avarice of any kind.
A man’s life is not made secure by what he owns.
Easy to say , difficult to keep in mind.
Especially as we make use of all those loans.
Really we are like the rich man in the parable.
Building his barn, laying up stores for a good time.
It’s not going to happen, we say, something terrible.
But it does with death in time .
So our soul might be called tonight.
And then who then will inherit.
Certainly not us who no longer know this light.
All we achieved may go to someone of no merit .
Does it matter if the barn is full.
We cannot resist death’s pull.
Plan for the future
But it may all end tonight
So are we prepared
See Luke 12 : 13-21

29 th Sunday in Ordinary Time


Will not God see justice done.
To those who cry to him day and night.
With daily prayer  perhaps all can be won.
And eventually we hope  to see the light.

Are we the unjust judge .
Who cannot be bothered to listen.
Who nurses any old grudge.
And is just rather unchristian.

We pray and we wonder .
Is there a just judge listening.
Or are we alone, we ponder.
It’s all rather perplexing.

Better keep praying.
And hoping.


Praying constantly
We hope that is the answer
But we do not know


See  Luke 18: 1-8

Saturday of Week 28 in Ordinary Time


May he enlighten the eyes of your mind.
So that you can see what hope his call holds.
At our passing we need leave nothing behind.
Whatever in this life unfolds.
It is our village harvest festival.
The church bedecked with flowers and food.
The timeless hymns on the theme of the  pastoral.
The pace and tempo subdued.
Here the Anglican service is at home.
All is homely and English.
As taxing as a gentle country roam.
Like a warming culinary dish.
And all this in soothing twilight .
And soft candlelight.
Harvest Festival
Some gentle pastoral hymns
And bible readings
See Ephesians 1:15-23

Friday of Week 28 in Ordinary Time











Can you not buy five sparrows for two pennies.
And yet not one is forgotten in God’s sight.
To receive we only have to say please.
And there at the end of the tunnel,  is light.

I dreamt that I thought I had kept a role.
But strangely no one had asked me to do anything.
In fact I had been sacked, I was in a hole.
And no one had told me anything.

You are worth more than a hundred sparrows.
Do not be afraid .
So I was taken out of any lows.
Remembering his words so deftly made .

Remember that we are remembered.
And never surrendered.


What then are we worth
Surely more than some sparrows
But they’re remembered.


See Luke 12: 1-7

Thursday of Week 28 in Ordinary Time


May your grace , o Lord, we pray .
At all times go before us and follow after.
A thought good enough for every day.
And help us with a little laughter.As the priest ended mass today.
He did so with a broad smile.
His good humour held us in its sway.
As he walked up the aisle.

Always smile if you can.
It helps us all along.

As we follow the helmsman
Especially as we will not tarry here too long.
He walked away smiling.
And I remembered as I started walking.
If you can just smile
It cheers everybody up
So why not do it
See The Collect of the Day

Wednesday of Week 28 in Ordinary Time


If you  are led by the spirit no law can touch you.
When self indulgence is at work the results are obvious.
And something we may rue.
But the path may not be so obvious.What the spirit brings is very different.
Love, joy, peace , patience, kindness.

Never consciously indifferent.
Goodness, trustfulness, gentleness.
The body is merely an envelope.
Addressed to eternity .
Inside is the true message, a telescope.
Into the soul and harmony.
The material brings sadness.
The spiritual happiness.
What brings happiness.
It’s not the material
It’s spiritual
See Galatians 5: 18-25

Tuesday of Week 28 in Ordinary Time

He meant us to be free.
Do not submit again to the yoke of slavery.
This is always our often unanswered plea.
Perhaps all this needs some bravery.

As usual I was thinking about myself negatively.
And then I saw a blind man tottering.
What right had I not to think positively.
Or see happiness squandering.

Faith is what matters .
Through love it makes its power felt.

We search for spiritual ladders.
Lest trapped trapped by a monstrous recurring belt.
Forget your  troubles man.
Remember the blind man.
Think of the blind man
Despite all he complains not
Best to think of him
See Galatians 5: 1-6

Monday of Week 28 in Ordinary Time


May your grace O Lord we pray.
At all times go before us and follow after.
Keep sadness , we hope, at bay.
As we wait for the hereafter.

I was dreaming sad thoughts.
Then I thought of happy things.
Of my wife and children tying the knots .

Of eternity and rings.
Of our dog’s loyalty.
Of a job you like.
This, not worries are the true reality.
The wheels turning smoothly on a bike.
If we keep the good in sight.
Everything will end up alright.
Just think positive
Surely it’s all for the best
Why be negative
See  The Collect of the Day

28 th Sunday in Ordinary Time


Were not all ten made clean.
The other nine , where are they.
What then does all this mean.
How can we keep ingratitude at bay.

We receive so much .
We are given so many opportunities.
But do we keep in touch.
Or are we just content in our own communities.

Even if we were diseased.
Even if now we are cured.

Do we feel released.
Or do we just feel we have endured.
Perhaps we should like the cured leper turn back.
And give praise for our luck.
Only one turned back
Are we the one who did so
Or do we walk on
See Luke 17: 11-19

Saturday of Week 27 in Ordinary Time





Pardon what conscience dreads.
And give what prayer does not dare to ask.
Our life is weaved in delicate threads.
We hide our true nature behind a mask.

Surpass the desires of those who entreat you.
Pour out your mercy upon us.
Route out our sadness through and through.
Let us help others with prayer without any fuss.

In the abundance of your kindness.
Answer our prayers.
Cure our spiritual blindness.
And soothe away our many cares.

We can live in joy and hope .
If we can open the positive mind’s envelope.


Where is hopefulness
Is it here in mindfulness
Or in something else


See The Collect of the Day

Friday of Week 27 in Ordinary Time





Every kingdom divided against itself is headed for ruin.
And a household divided against itself collapses.
From Where comes our undoing.
Our life wanes and waxes.

I am at Rome for an anniversary mass.
It is for David Amess our murdered friend.
We are like cut grass.
We do not know whom innocently we offend.

A man you would think with no enemies.
With guileless charm and open friendship.
But we row our lives on turbulent seas.
Never knowing when we might lose our ship .

We salute David’s memory.
We know  he can  now see a greater glory.


We at Peter’s tomb
Say today mass for David
We will remember


See Luke 11: 15-26