Committee Dreams

I had a dream that I was attending a hearing of the House of Commons Committee of which I am Chairman, the PAC. It was all a bit of a disaster. First I started fighting with one of the other committee members, literally grappling on the floor, for fun!

Then I asked a Catholic priest to say prayers before the hearing began. (Prayers are said immediately before the daily debates in the Commons Chamber, though not prior to committee hearings.) However, he did it in a ludicrously over the top manner, in Latin, with the full works and dress! This inevitably led some of the more atheistic members of the Committee to start grumbling.

I then looked down to my desk and realised I had left my briefing notes in my office. My mind went blank and I had not the slightest idea what to ask the distinguished witnesses who sat patiently before me. There was an awkward silence, but fortunately I then woke up!

All this begs the question; does this dream reveal a deep insecurity? Or is it simply the result of my different thought processes becoming intertwined?