Monthly Archives: April 2020

Good Friday

Mine eyes are wet with weeping.
My soul is in turmoil.
I listened to the Lamentations of Jeremiah, my soul always seeking.
In te Domine Speravi. Am I always loyal?
In you Lord have I put my trust.
Let me never be put to confusion.
The haunting cadence of the lamentations enters my soul’s hard crust
And joy burns away all Earth’s disillusion.
This cry wounded crushed in despair.
Speaks of Jerusalem’s desolation.
But will my emotions emerge from Hell’s deepest lair?
For surely joy and hope will rise once more and be put in hopeful motion.
But now this Friday they that see me keep their distance.
My only friend a God that seems to have forsaken me and strikes me with an indifferent lance.

Maundy Thursday

Dilexi Quoniam.
I am well pleased
That the Lord has granted my prayer as the merciful lamb.
That calling on him I believed.
Death encompasses us.
Trouble and heaviness of heart are everywhere.
But God is indeed merciful to all without nagging fuss.
I was miserable and he helped me from the torture of my lair.
My soul then can rest secured
Because it has been rewarded.
My soul then will not die, my feet stumble, mine eyes with tears spared.
My love for him close to my heart hoarded.
We will receive the cup of salvation.
We will pay our dues in the presence of God’s nation.

Wednesday of Holy Week

Salvum me fac.
Save me O God.
For the waters are come into the soul to my heart’s lack.
I stick fast in the deep sod.
I am come into the suffocating waters and I am weary of crying.
My throat is brittle dry.
They hate me by their tongues’ lying.
They have no cause is my sigh.
Mine enemies are more than the hairs of my head.
Though guiltless they would destroy me.
You God know my supplications that I have left unsaid.
Let those that trust me see my prayers as your fee.
It is only for you God that I suffer this reproof.
And it is your understanding that is your existence’s proof.

Tuesday of Holy Week

In te Domine speravi.
In thee, Lord, have I put my trust.
Let confusion fly from me.
Incline thine ear unto me and pierce conceit’s enveloped crust.
Deliver me Lord out of the hands of cruel men.
For I put my hope in you.
I knew you in my mother’s womb, Amen.
And my trust in you can only slowly accrue.
May I sing of your praise all day long.
And do not leave me I beg you as I grow old.
Even if my enemies gather to persecute me.
Let their hate be stilled and lie cold.
While I continue to praise you more and more.
Mine aim is this, to make mention only of your righteousness, this I abjure.

Monday of Holy Week

I stood alone by the country church reading today’s psalm.
The Lord is my light and my salvation.
This thought I treasured in my hand’s palm.
Thus I thought whom should I fear in all creation.
Is not then the Lord the strength of my life?
Of whom then I should be afraid.
Mine enemies then, they shall stumble though they cut my flesh with the sharpest of a knife.
There then in your tender hands will my trust be laid.
I stood alone listening to the psalm’s essence.
My mind and my thoughts silencing,
And now working through me I felt his heavy profound sentience.
No present fear, no disappointment, long festering, me menacing.
This then by this empty church was a joy creeping in.
And all for a moment, just one fleeting minute of quiet, banishing sin.