Do you want us to weed it out?
No, he said, because when you weed out the darnel you might pull out the wheat.
I look out now at the pristine wheat around me, all weeds put to rout.
But if you herbicide life as full of weeds, life you cheat.
There are no people who are either wheat or darnel.
We are all both.
As we grow we live together in this to final charnel.
It is to disease that we at birth plight our troth.
But through life, solitary weed by weed out we pluck with patience.
We will not be cast whole into the fire but our sins will.
At our death the lamp of life will not be extinguished but lit.
But to this end our vision sees but barely above a mysterious window sill.
We are now crouching in darkness.
But soon we we will rise and see by help of his harness through this bleakness.