Holy Saturday, 2021


Let us make man in our own image.
In the likeness of ourselves.
Now we approach the end of our Lenten pilgrimage.
We have sought to clear the clutter from our mind’s burdened shelves.

Last night I dreamt the world was at peace.
I felt a great unusual love for all.
But I knew I would wake and all that joy would cease.
Unconscious I was truly aware, conscious I would wait in vain for God’s call.

Now we are expectant in the dark at the Easter vigil.
Night is descending on the Cathedral.
Yet the city outside has yet to become still.
But here at least we are one people.

Surrexit Christus, soon the bonfire will be lit.
Et Dominus de Caelo intonuit, and we will feel in our hearts the resurrected spirit.


The bonfire is lit
Feel resurrected spirit
In all of our hearts