Saturday, Seventeenth Week in Ordinary Time, 2021

The greater the number of years the higher the price demanded.
The less the number of years, the greater the reduction.
We wonder what we are commanded.
How can we avoid our destruction.

St Ignacio holds my imagination.
He was a man of the world fulfilling every fancy.
He realised that reading scripture was not just his libation.
It made him happy.

I am not convinced scripture is all true.
But it seems to have extraordinary wisdom.
To everything it seems to give a clue.
In front of it my doubts are dumb.

Unlike Ignacio we may not be able to give everything up.
But of his wisdom we can surely sup.


As we read scripture
We feel it provides a clue
Whether or not true

[Note: First two lines from Leviticus 25:1,8-17]