Sixteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time, 2021

You must come away to some lonely place.
All by yourselves and rest for a while.
So often we feel we cannot keep up with the pace.
Our faces rigid with a strained smile.

Today I swam alone in a lonely place.
Far from any buzzing road or footpath.
I swam slowly and floated quietly in no race.
My only companion a dragonfly, free from all wrath.

Later I sat in the shade of a weeping willow.
And watched the shadows play on the greened water.
The wet grass and damp towel my only pillow.
Here was cool serenity, along the distant road it was hotter.

Deep in the dark cool water’s embrace.
You needn’t worry about losing face.


learn to pray alone
Far from all distractions
As he did himself