Wednesday, Eighteenth Week in Ordinary Time, 2021

For forty years you shall bear the burden of your sins.
And you shall learn what it means to reject me.
And thus the lifetime haul begins.
I doubt if ever I shall be free.

The Israelites wandered for forty years.
I have struggled for seventy.
Absolute belief will not come however many tears.
Will it remain thus for another twenty.

I fear I will never get further than my own Mount Nebo.
Once indeed I did stand there.
All one sees is desert painted in ever shifting shades of yellow.
The land falls away into a vast depression, everything is bare.

So today I just sat in the Blessed Sacrament chapel.
And I found relief as I made my own appeal.


We ourselves wander
It might be a long lifetime
In our own desert

[Note: See Numbers 13]