Monthly Archives: October 2021

Wednesday of Week 27 in Ordinary Time


God arranged that a worm attack the castor oil plant.
And it withered.
How often do I say I can’t.
How often have we dithered.

Jonah refused to do what was asked.
And he paid the price.
Our future is masked.
Often held in a vice.

But Nineveh would also meet its fate
Unless he acted.
He didn’t leave it too late.
Once no longer distracted.

We can do the same.
If our will is not too lame.


We act like Jonah
If we come to terms with fate
And do it in time


See Jonah 4:1-11

Tuesday of Week 27 in Ordinary Time


It is Mary who has chosen the better part.
It is not to be taken away from her.
We cannot know when we will depart.
Or indeed if it will be timely or fair.

But there is no need to assist how we are ended.
In due time it will come naturally.
Just allow me to be well tended.
Before I come to rest finally.

One day all our bustle will cease.
Only prayer then left but tasks to do, a million.
We will leave our crease.
And walk slowly back to the pavilion.

When the final breath comes.
Let me think of you , not count the runs.


The innings is done
The number of runs count not
It’s how we do them


See Luke 10,38-42

Monday of Week 27 of Ordinary Time . St Francis of Assisi . 4 October


The man left his home behind.
Abandoned his inheritance.
Will we escape the daily grind.
Immune to all circumstance.

I would never make myself penniless.
Nor then will I ever be raised up.
We always hold ourselves in readiness.
Refusing the offer of the spiritual cup.

Poverty and humility.
A world away.
Far beyond our meagre ability.
Well , who can say.

But we can look at the steps of the master.
And perhaps we might progress a little faster.


Our humility
Is so many steps away
But we can just try


See The Entrance Antiphon of the Mass

27 th Sunday in Ordinary Time


Let the little children come.
Do not stop them.
Their voices a gentle hum.
A life force from a small stem.

Teach me to think that  glorious way.
Seeing the world in fresh paint.
In primary reds and greens, lit by the sun’s ray.
All without  worrying restraint.

Let me welcome the kingdom.
Like a little child .
Sensing a simple wisdom.
With nothing defiled.

Do not turn any child away.
They are truly here to stay.


What is most precious.
The life force of all children
However tiny


See Mark 10:2-16

Saturday of Week 26 in Ordinary Time



I tell you solemnly unless you change.
And become like little children you will never enter.
All this may seem strange.
But it is pious simplicity at the centre.

Sometimes we must lay aside doubt.
Not agonise over the rational.
Not worry what it’s all about.
Remember it’s emotional.

Consider it all new .
Joyous to view.

Being just little.
Can be a great acquittal.


Welcome the little
It can lead us to greatness
By very small steps


See Mattthew 18:1-5,10

Friday of Week 26 in Ordinary Time


He brought our fathers out of Egypt.
To give us a land where milk and honey flow.
We who are free cannot rewrite the script.
Be we ever so high or low.

I am bidding goodbye to the sea’s eternal gaze.
Why do I find that look so Lovely yet depressing.
Is it because she does not give me plants to raise.
The sea is a desert never blooming.

She rises and falls with the moon.
Caring nothing for our whim.
I will not see her any time soon.
The sun dips beneath her rim.

I miss the green wold.
Full with tale untold.


Our land overflows
Not just with milk and honey
We are truly blessed


See Baruch 1:1-15