Monday of Week 6 of Ordinary Time



The harvest is rich , but the labourers are few.
So ask the Lord of the harvest to send labourers.
We ask ourselves , what is our place in this queue.
Are we mere takers or active givers.

I know my place.
I may read but I don’t  do enough work.
I will be nowhere near the front in this race.
I need to do some more homework.

We are told to carry no purse, no haversack.
And salute no one on the road.
But I turn and tack.
Fearful of this spiritual load.

I will always be in the middle of this pack.
I hope St Peter doesn’t give me the sack..


The harvest is rich
But we are not labourers
We are onlookers


See  Luke 10 : 1-9