Monthly Archives: June 2022

Thursday of week 13 in Ordinary Time




What is easier to say , your sins are forgiven.
Or get up and walk.
And where is our own vision.
Do we act or are we just talk.

We dislike going to confession.
We wonder whether are sins are worth it.
What will we say in all this confusion.
We don’t want to commit.

But you feel better .
If you open up .
We have cut a fetter.
After a spiritual check up.

And if we have striven.
We are always forgiven.


We may not be cured
We are always forgiven
Is that not enough


See Matthew 9: 1-8

Sts Peter and Paul


Behold the lamb of God.
Behold him who takes away the sins of the world.
It was if I was a lightning rod.
Through which  the wings of doubts  were furled.
It was at this moment in the mass.
That at these words I believed.
Into something else we seem to pass.
All doubts momentarily seem ill conceived.

And then the moment passes.
But the memories remain.
As we wait for other masses.
And this second again and again.

As the host is held high.
Our heart says a heartfelt aye.


The host is raised high
We see, we hear and believe
Then belief passes


See Eucharistic prayer of the mass.

Tuesday of Week 13 in Ordinary Time

Do two men take the road together.
If they have not planned to do so.
Rarely do we all pull  together.
We just go with our own flow .






I was with someone of my age.
He’s full of  lighthearted energy .
He’s not giving up and continuing to engage.
Full of cheeky fun and no lethargy.

Never despair for one instant.
Keep on going as if you were young.
Just ignore all the irritating ageist cant.
Stride out through life as if stung.

We may eventually end up fired.
But hopefully not soon retired.


Just keep on working
It’s good for you and for them
And after all why not


See Amos 3

St John Southworth





Jesus said, follow me.
And let the dead bury their dead.
So we might follow, but we try to flee.
Constantly we attempt to remake the thread.

I was standing in front of the Saint in his case of glass.
Lying there in his red vestments, trimmed with gold.
The same as the priest saying mass.
His presence with us put on hold.

Awed by his courage .
Determined  he was to not prevaricate.
Nothing was he discouraged.
constant to pass the narrow gate.

We will never match him.
We will just sing the hymn.


We so lack courage
Unlike the great worshiped saints
But we can just try


See Matthew 8:18-22

13th Sunday in Ordinary Time






Foxes have holes and the birds have nests.
But the son of man has nowhere to lay his head.
In this world we are only guests.
Wearily on our path we tread.

I crashed my head on the cottage beam.
So hard I was flung to the floor.
I walked as in a dream.
Shocked to the core .

The bang on the head did some good.
I felt really positive in everything next morning.
Not exactly martyrdom or sainthood.
But an end of senseless mourning.

Perhaps a bit of shock
Unpicks the lock.


Be comfortable
But the perhaps not too much
You have to move on


See Luke 9: 51-62

The Immaculate Heart of Mary





My eyes wasted away with weeping.
My entrails shuddered.
I am mired in endless seeking.
Hope so often is shuttered.

During the long night’s vigil.
I ponder the parable of the lost sheep.
I find my elusive Sybil.
And at last taste calm sleep.

Thus we can take refuge in daily reading.
With every new dawn , new hope.
And positive thinking.
Climbing a celestial rope.

And then  there’s another long night.
And we toss and turn till first light.


We cannot find sleep
Then we ponder on scripture
And at last it comes


See Lamentations 2:2

The Most Sacred Heart of Jesus

What man with a hundred sheep losing one .
Would not leave them behind.
And go after the missing one .
Thus we are as one defined.

We are the missing one
The repentant sinner.
We will be rescued by the one.
The loser will be the winner.

We may think we have done alright.
And think others worse than us.

So we continue our relentless fight.
But we have missed the Spiritual bus.
Locked out, we have wandered from the flock.
But the shepherd will find the key’s lock.
We are the one sheep
The ninety nine will remain
But he comes for us
See  Luke 15: 3-7

The Nativity of St John the Baptist

The Lord called me before I was born.
From my mothers womb he pronounced my name.
There is no time to mourn.
With no profit in being spiritually lame.

I ponder Tolstoy’s dream.
Saved from the abyss by a celestial rope.
Things are not as bleak as they seem.
Where there is faith there is hope.

There is no fear now of falling.
We can safely awake.
Secure in our remembering.
No longer in fear of the black lake.

The pillar with the rope.
Is our abiding hope.


The pillar is near
We can reach out for the rope
And we will be saved


See Isaiah 49: 1-6

Sts John Fisher and Thomas More .


These brave who resisted the King’s command.

In this matter it is our duty to disobey.
This too is our demand.
Follow the spiritual not the lay.
Tolstoy’s death of worms and stench.
It is nothing , only for the body.
This life is not our only workbench.
We can reject all that is tawdry and shoddy.
We need not fear anything in this life.
Indeed nothing is very important.
Because death will end all our strife.
Even if now it feels all too distant .
Death is preferable to disobeying conscience.
In all conscience.
Why worry in life
Soon all will be extinguished
For better or worse
See Entrance Antiphon of today’s mass.

Tuesday of Week 12 in Ordinary Time




Enter by the narrow gate.

Since the road to perdition is wide.
We have no idea as to our fate.
But we can know who is our guide.

I am depressed by Tolstoy’s thought.
We wait only to be food for worms and stench.
By death and rot we are caught.
What matters, this is the inevitable wrench.
We will not rise again here.
But I take refuge in this Christian message.
We will rise up not here but there.
Thus we take refuge in this hopeful presage.
We do not know if we will rise up.
But that’s no reason to give up.
Treat others  then as
You would like them to treat you
This is the message
See Matthew7:6, 12-14

Monday of Week 12 in Ordinary Time


The judgements you give.
Are  the judgements you will get.
Not a bad rule as to how to live.
Better let fall the debt.
Someone has done me a bad turn .
I was going to reply in kind.
And then I decided finally to learn.
I’ve dropped it , they’ll not know, I don’t mind.
I was reading Tolstoy’s Confessions.
Full of fear of death and suffering.
Depressed, in church, I heard the bells’ lessons.
And felt a great spiritual easing.
Well, I’ll try and look on the bright side.
That’s all for now,  I can really decide.
The plank in one’s eye
The speck in the other eye
Keep them both in mind
See Matthew 7: 1-5

Corpus Christi






They all ate as much as they wanted.
The scraps remaining filled baskets twelve.
With faith and hope everything is slowly sorted.
We, into this basket of belief, need to to delve.

Sometimes we are in a lonely place.
Everything seems beyond our control.
We feel we cannot complete the race.
Despite all our ceaseless toil.

And then a miracle happens unaccountably.
Somehow we are spiritually fed.
It changes everything fundamentally.
We rediscover life’s thread.

This is the secret of Corpus Christi.
All is contained in this mystery.


We taste bread and wine
And thereby know his body
This is mystery


See Luke 9: 11-17

Saturday of week 11 in Ordinary Time




Do not worry about tomorrow.
Each day has enough troubles of its own.
We feel so often ever so low.
Everything seems to be in a grey tone.

But tomorrow will look after itself.
Set your hearts on his kingdom first.
Try not to dwell on the self.
He is all that will slake your thirst.

So do not worry ,do not say.
What are we to eat.
Perhaps things will or will not or may.
It’s enough each day to greet.

Leave the worries, concentrate on the breath.
For the great leveller will come in its time,  death.


The grass grows so green.
Flowers rise up and they bloom.
Then in furnace thrown.


See Matthew 6: 24-34

Friday of week 11 in Ordinary Time





If your eye is sound.

Your whole body will be filled with light.
We do not know wither we are bound.
Truth remains tantalisingly out of sight.
If your eye is diseased.
Your whole body will be in darkness.
We wonder how happiness can be seized.
But it is in our inwardness.
Today I looked far over the Wolds.
Pure light reflecting off the lake.
Thus contentment unfolds.
Leaving regret in its wake.
To look upon natural beauty.
Is never a dreary duty.
The sight of the eye
Is sound looking at nature
And the heart is whole
See Matthew 6: 19-20

Thursday of Week 11 in Ordinary Time





The mountains melt like wax.
The skies proclaim his justice.
Maybe we’re all a bit too lax
Too prone to injustice.

We all feel we fall short.
None of us have have impeccable standards.
We muddle through, clearly fraught.
Short of the heights by many yards.

Let those who serve worthless gods be ashamed.
Thus the Psalmist admonishes us.
But we all have worthless Gods untamed.
It has and always will be thus.

I’m not always happy with myself.
But perhaps you’re not happy with yourself.


We all have to do
Things we would rather not do
But we muddle through


See Psalm 96

Wednesday of week 11 in Ordinary Time







When you fast put oil on your head.
And wash your face.
Free us from all dread.
And give us grace.
No one will know you are fasting .

Except your father.
Very little is lasting.
And  we will be as we were.

So we try to look cheerful.
While knowing all is a fast.
There is no need to be fearful.
Nothing is going to last.

Show a smile .
We’ll be here awhile.


We do need to fast
But do we need to show it
Perhaps not this time


See Matthew 6: 1-6 and 16-18

Tuesday of Week 11 in Ordinary Time

Love your enemies.
And pray for those who persecute you.
This was our command down the centuries.
Thus our faith grew and grew.
Sometimes we lose it.
Then Elijah whispers on our ear.
We are Ahab in our own Pit.
Trying to escape from fear.
We wear sackcloth.
We plead for mercy.
For what we did to Naboth.
And we cannot escape from his mercy.
For  we will be forgiven.
This is an absolute given.
Love our enemies
It’s easier to love friends
Sad, it’s what we do
See 1 Kings 21: 17-29 and  Matthew 5: 43-48


St Antony of Padua


It was said eye for eye, tooth for tooth.

But I say , offer the wicked man no resistance.
Here is a truly difficult truth.
How hard is all real coexistence.
Perhaps we could turn to St Antony.
And read his gentle teaching.
He helps us  to see.
He’s always understanding.
Are we like Ahab.
Coveting Naboth’s vineyard.
Are we in need of rehab.
Maybe we’re scarred.
Return to his teaching.
And carry on seeking.
An eye for an eye
Can we really reject this
A tooth for a tooth
See 1 Kings  21: 1-16 and Matthew 5: 38-42

The Most Holy Trinity



Sufferings bring patience.
Patience brings perseverance.
We feel ourselves coming into his presence.
As we seek his ordinance.

And perseverance brings hope.
And this hope is not deceptive.
Somehow now we will be able to cope.
Giving us a new perspective.

I read St Paul, how true his words are.
Giving us all a way forward.
They seem to seal every scar.
But will everything will be straightforward.

Patience is not easy.
So we remain uneasy.


Are we patient
Do we have perseverance
Sadly not enough


See Romans 5:1-5

Saturday of the 10 th Week of Ordinary Time

Sing psalms to the Lord with the harp.
With the sound of music.
We try the note of c sharp.
Or we can take our pick.

How glorious to sing out this 97th psalm.
The Lord had shown his salvation.
It can always keep us calm.
While looking at all creation.

I walked down the  meandering hill.
Looked at the view and belted it out.
And felt much better for it , what a thrill.
At perhaps not entirely full shout.

His right hand has brought salvation.
All earth has seen God’s salvation.

And we feel better
We have sung a psalm to God
Then we keep walking
See Psalm 97

Friday of Week 10 in Ordinary Time





The Lord is my light and my salvation.

Whom then shall I fear.
He guards all creation.
He will wipe away every tear.
The Lord is the stronghold of my life.
Whom then should I dread.
He will shield me from all strife.
In my time here a constant thread.
When those who do evil draw near.
They stumble and fall .
He releases me gently from all fear.
If only I heed his call.
But do I remember all of this.
Sealed only with his spiritual kiss.
The Lord is my light
And he’s my salvation
Will I recall this
See The Entrance Antiphon of today’s mass.

Thursday of the 10th week of Ordinary Time




Fresh and green are the pastures.

Where he gives me repose.
We need not look far for answers.
To repel life’s  irritations and blows.
The journey up the A1 had been long.
Heavy traffic , delays , overtaking .
In the thick of the throng.
No time for quiet thinking.
Here was I now at the Ramblers’ Church resting.
A glorious view unfolding .
Green pastures spreading.
The only noise , birds singing.
I read  psalm twenty two.
And my drooping spirit away flew.
The Lord’s my shepherd
We read in psalm twenty two
By restful waters
Read Psalm 22

Wednesday of the 10th week of Ordinary Time



Make me grasp the way of your precepts.
And I will muse on your wonders.
We perhaps not, but he accepts.
Whilst  Jehovah thunders.

Not one dot, not one stroke will disappear.
from the law until it’s purpose is achieved.
We have nothing to fear.
In this we are not deceived.

The man who keeps these commandments.
Will be considered great in the kingdom.
There are ever more lovely enchantments.
And ever greater wisdom.

But do we  ever infringe them.
And how often do we bang the drum.


Commandments given
But do we always obey
That is up to us


See Today’s Gospel acclamation and Matthew 5:17-19

Tuesday of Week 10 in Ordinary Time




What can bring happiness , many say.

Lift up the light of your face on us O Lord.
How can we keep suffering at bay.
How can our hearts be pierced by love’s sword.
We worry during the long watches of night.
Turning over fears for the future over and over.
But we are shown the Saviour’s light.
Our dreams descending into three leaved clover.
He told us we are the world’s light.
A city built on a hill top.
He is always near, if out of sight.
Our abiding strong, listening prop.
But does our light shine in the sight of men.
We can only search and try again and again.
The light of the world
Is certainly in his sight
We ask who it is
See Psalm 4 and Matthew 5: 13-16

Mary, Mother of the Church

ADAE3F06-0632-45A6-B8CC-734F364E4054It is accomplished.

Bowing his head he gave up his spirit.
At his courage we stand astonished.
His life we  now hope to inherit.
Do we have his courage.
That we never will .
In this and every age .
We climb wearily our spiritual hill.
But we can have courage to follow .
And declare like her our  allegiance .
Need our faith be hollow.
Can we not  take our stance.
So we carry on .
And on and on.
It is accomplished
He had run and won his race
And what about us
See John 19:25-34