Friday of Week 29 in Ordinary Time


Guard me as the apple of your eye.
In the shadow of your wings, protect me.
One day , we will let loose every worldly tie.
This will happen whatever our plea.May we always conform our will to yours.
And serve your majesty in sincerity of heart.
Then we will see them open, your doors.
And we will be given a new start.

Why not judge for yourselves what is right.
When you go to court try to settle.
Make light of any might.
As inconsequential as a frail  petal.

There is one body, one spirit , one baptism.
And we are given one chrism.

We try to become
Then the apple of his eye
In his wing’s shadow
See Entrance Antiphon and Collect of today , Ephesians 4: 1-6 and Luke 12: 54-59