The Immaculate Conception of The Blessed Mary Virgin


Rome - The Annunciation fresco by Joseph Erns Tunner (1830) in church Chiesa della Trinita dei Monti.





Rejoice so highly favoured.
You have won God’s favour , listen.
Concerned and soon to be belaboured.
Mary’s future would yet glisten.

She asked herself what this greeting could mean.
But the angel said, do not be afraid.
To this heavenly queen.
The promise was made.

Would we give the same answer.
Let what you have said be done.
Or are we plagued by doubt’s cancer.
Will we ever win immortality’s crown.

The choice is ours to take.
For ours and his sake.


We’re given a choice
We can give Mary‘s answer
To let it be done


See  Luke 1: 26-38