2 nd Sunday of Ordinary Time

I will make you the light of the nations.
So that my salvation may reach to the ends of earth.
Thus can we know our true foundations.
And a find a new house of our rebirth.
Today’s readings are all about the call.
But a call means little if not answered.
And if we are prepared for the long haul.
But is our reply loudly confident or quietly stammered.
I thought on the contrast.
Between these readings and newspapers.
The one based on love, eternal, present and past.
The other on conflicts and pointless vapours.
Do we see before us Jesus coming.
Or do we turn our back on him, retreating.
There’s the lamb of God
Who takes away the world’s sins
Is that our response.
See Isaiah 49: 3 , 5-6 and John 1: 29-34