Thursday of the 4 th week of Lent

I have come in the name of my father.
And you refuse to accept me.
At mass something said allowed me to see further.
I was blinded by niggling questioning , now I could better see.






The priest said something obvious .
God is beyond our comprehension.
Trying to pigeon hole him is ridiculous.
Or imagining him after the ascension.

Before I couldn’t imagine him creating billions of stars.
But we shouldn’t see him at all as in the physical world.
He is not in that sense one of ours.
Doubts could now for a time could  be furled.

So when I stopped trying to rationalise.
It was easier not to doubt or categorise.


God not imagined
Is then easier to accept
As he’s beyond us


See John 5 : 31- 47