Saturday of the 7 th week of Easter


Jesus had not said to Peter, he will not die.
But if I want Him to stay behind till I come.
When and how will we die , we ask , we sigh.
Yet always we hear death’s distant insistent drum.

Yet as I am writing this at midnight.
The readings for Pentecost arrive on the Universalis app.
A new day , new hope and new spiritual sight.
As I think of a new race , a new life lap.

Thus as the readings for Easter end.
So the Apostles waited for a new beginning.
And indeed God did decide the spirit to send.

There is no permanent end only a new sending.

And thus does a new day arrive.
And they and we survive.


Easter is finished
And now Pentecost arrives
A new beginning


See John 21 : 20-25