Monthly Archives: June 2024

Wednesday of Week 9 in Ordinary Time

God’s gift was not a spirit of timidity.
But the spirit of power and of love.
Or for that matter of undue temerity.
I looked at my wife and felt great love.And then in my waking dream.
I dreamt that I loved the whole world.
Why does this feeling only really come in a dream.
Why is compassion in us too often furled.But we should love all.
Irrespective of who they are.
Then truly we could walk tall.
And with amazing vision see far from afar.

That time will come in life.
But maybe not now in this life.


God’s gift is not fear
Or timidity in life
It is just true hope


See 2 Timothy 1

Tuesday of Week 9 in Ordinary Time





Give back to Caesar.
What belongs.
To Caesar.
Accepting any wrongs

And give back to God.
What belongs.
To God.
Who does no wrongs.

But most importantly.
Is that God is everything.
And all beginning and finality.
In , for, from and to everything.

We know to whom we must give.
And what we must sieve.


Give back to Caesar
What belongs to the Caesar.
And to God the rest


See Mark 12 : 13-17

St Charles Lwanga and his companions






May you have more and more grace and peace.
As you come to know our Lord more and more .
We pray this without cease.
Unto our innermost core.

By his divine power he has given us all the things we need.
For life and for true devotion.
The blood of the martyrs is the church’s seed.
Reminding us of our true creation.

But to attain this you will have to do your utmost yourselves.
Adding goodness to the faith you have.
Self control, patience in ourselves.
Kindnesses’  salve.

And to kindness love.
The ascending spiritual dove.


We seek just some peace
We  come to live with the Lord
With kindness and love


See 2 Peter 1

The Most Holy Body and Blood of Christ






Take it, he said , this is my body.
This is my blood , the blood of the covenant.
For this gift are we alert and ready.
Our thanks and prayers lovingly sent.

At the last supper.
He gave a gift of himself.
Now our succour.
For everyone not just ourself.

Did anyone before.
Give such a gift.
Loving us to our core.
Healing every rift.

At communion .
With him we are in union.


This is my body
And this he said is my blood
Now and for ever


See  Mark 14

Saturday of Week 8 in Ordinary Time

You must use your most holy faith.
As your foundation.
Not view it as some sort of intangible wraith.
Or as some way of avoiding damnation.
Build on that .
Praying to the Holy Spirit.
Never falling flat.
Or being some sort of hypocrite.When there are some who have doubts.
Reassure them.
Everywhere and hereabouts.
Rather than with doubt being struck dumb.

When there are some who have doubts reassure them.
And in every way try to help them.


Use your holy faith
As all your foundation
For you and others


See Jude 1:17

The Visitation of the Blessed Virgin Mary

Of all women you are the most blessed.
And blessed is the fruit of your womb.
What future pain and joy could then be guessed.
Or what greatness would loom.Why should I be honoured.
With a visit of the mother of my lord.
And why should we be honoured.
With salvation from our Lord.

Yes blessed is she who believed.
That the promise of the Lord would be fulfilled.
And will it be said of us that we believed.
That this two thousand year old promise would be fulfilled.

We will never receive a visit from the mother of our Lord.
But we  ask for help from the mother of our Lord.


You blessed woman
You the mother of our Lord
We ask for your help


See Luke 1: 39-56