Friday of Week 16 in Ordinary Time





The one who received it on patches of rock.
Is the one who hears the word and welcomes it.
But he has no root in him because of the rock.
He does not last , let some trial come and he falls away from it.

The one who received the word .
In thorns is the man who heard the word, but the love of riches.
Chokes the word.
And he produces nothing by way of riches.

And the man who received the word in rich soil.
Is the man who hears the word and understands it.
He is the one who yields the harvest from this soil.
A hundredfold from it.

And where does our seed fall.
Will we rise or will we fall.


Received on the rock
Or does our seed land in thorns
Or on some rich soil


See Matthew 13 : 18-23