Monthly Archives: August 2024

The Transfiguration of the Lord


There in their presence he was transfigured.
His clothes became dazzlingly bright.
At last he was fully measured.
We see him in his true light.

When they looked round.
They saw no one but Jesus.
When we think or look around us,
Normally we think of anything but Jesus.

Jesus became for a moment as he is.
And as one day we may see him in reality.
He cannot be described as, he just is.
We can never in this life understand his true reality.

Perhaps we should spend less time looking around us.
And more time looking at a man standing before us, Jesus.


He was transfigured
His clothes were dazzlingly bright
But can we see them


See Mark 9: 2-10

Monday of Week 18 in Ordinary Tome

Keep me from the way of error.
And teach me your law.
Let me be spared any night time terror.
Fill me with love for you to the core.Do not take the word of truth.
From my mouth.
Let me enter your holy booth.
As I head East, West , North and South.

Let my heart be blameless.
Lest I be ashamed.
Let me be happy with more not less.
And my passions tamed.

Though some may lie in wait for me.
You  have taught me.


Keep me from error
And then teach me all your law
Lest I then forget


See Psalm 118

18 th Sunday in Ordinary Time







I am the bread of life.
Whoever comes to me will never be hungry.
Even though doubt is rife.
All the other promises seem empty.

He who believes in me will never thirst.
We will win though.
Because we know he comes first.
In every high and every low.

Do not work for food that cannot last.
But work for food that endures for eternal life.
May we at last join the holy cast.
For a new life.

It is my father who gives you the bread.
From heaven, the true bread.

He’s the bread of life.
With it we’re never hungry
But we must believe


See John 6: 24-25

Saturday of Week 17 in Ordinary Time





Rescue me from sinking in the mud.
Save me from my foes.
Save me from the coming flood.
Dress me in spiritual clothes.

Save me from the waters of the deep.
Lest the waves overwhelm me.
I know I sow what I reap.
But be merciful to me.

As for me in my poverty and pain.
Let your help O God lift me up.
Save me from pointless strain.
In my weakness give me a hand to help me up.

Do not let the deep engulf me.
Nor death close its mouth on me.


From sinking in mud
Save me from the coming flood
From the deep’s waters


See Psalm 9

Friday of Week 17 In Ordinary Time

More numerous than the hairs on my head.
Are those who hate me without cause.
My fate is read.
They pursue me without pause.Those who attack me with lies.
Are too much for my strength.
They do not hear my sighs.
They will go in their vengeance to any length.It is for you that I suffer taunts.
That shame covers my face.
And envy me haunts.
I have come to the final race.

In your great mercy answer me O God.
With your help that never fails O God.


Answer me O God
With your help that never fails
I turn to you God


See Psalm 68

Thursday of Week 17 in Ordinary Time

So I went down to the potters house.
And there he was working at the wheel.
I proceeded, quiet as a mouse.
Hoping the deal with God to seal.Whenever the wheel he was working on came out wrong.
He would start afresh.
So I continue with my spiritual song.
Hoping to escape life’s enveloping mesh.

Our hands work away.
Things come out right or wrong.
Our troubles we store away.
And continue with our own tuneless song.

Our life turns endlessly.
For the good  and messily.


We work at our wheel
Sometimes things come out alright.
And other times not


See Jeremiah 18: 1-6