Monthly Archives: January 2025
Thursday of Week 3 in Ordinary Time
With the measure you use.
It will be measured to you.
Perhaps it’s all too short, our fuse.
I should think less of me, more of you.
For to the one who has more will be given.
And from the one who has not.
That will be taken.
Holy, happy, sad or not.
I find this teaching.
Very hard.
Being given me, a bad card.
But we have to use our talent.
Or we will lament.
The measure you use
Will then be measured to you
That is just our fate
See Mark 4 : 21-25
Wednesday of Week 3 in Ordinary Time
Offering repeatedly the same sacrifices.
Is there something that we miss.
If left to our own devices.But when Christ had offered for all time.
A single sacrifice.
He sitting next to God absolved much crime.
Most things in future would suffice.
On the blessed sacrament exposed.
One can just visualise.
Thus it came in my dream reposed.
Despair could fade and hope rise.
We are never alone.
We can atone.
Priestly sacrifice
Is offered repeatedly
But Christ only once
See Hebrews 19 : 11-18
Tuesday of Week 3 in Ordinary Time
We have been sanctified.
By the body of Jesus.
Both as man and deified .
He did this for us.
I was back again before the blessed sacrament.
What an amazing claim I realised.
That this is God actually here, extant.
Not just a symbol I surmised.
But is that really true.
Is God really here.
Held up before us few.
Is this doctrine really clear.
I waited for inspiration.
Calm yes but in vain still for jubilation.
We are sanctified
By the body of Jesus
That’s our honest hope
Se Hebrews 10 : 1-10
Monday of Week 3 in Ordinary Time
If a kingdom is divided against itself.
That house will not be able to stand.
Is this directed at ourself.
Or at some distant unknown land.
There was no mass available today.
I went to the Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament.
What a good way to end an aimless day.
It was as if all this was meant.
The church was candlelit.
The Hail Marys softly said.
Truth quietly knit.
Worries laid.
For peace, not much needs to be uttered.
The litany can just be muttered.
Kingdoms divided
The house not able to stand
But are we in it
See Mark 3 : 22-30
3rd Sunday in Ordinary Time. Sunday of the Word of God
Ezra read from the book clearly.
So that the people understood the reading.
No harm in reading scripture daily.
Meditating, understanding.
But by midday.
I’ve often forgotten the reading.
But every day is a new day.
A chance again to start remembering.
Reading, meditating.
Contemplating, repeating.
Read the book clearly
And understand the reading
A good way to start
See Nehemiah 8
Saturday of Week 2 in Ordinary Time . The Conversion of St Paul
And I said, what shall I do.
And the Lord said unto me , Arise and go into Damascus.
We , of course are the many not the few.
But this message is for us.
At the Same boated mass today the Deacon insisted.
We all have in life a task.
Too many times have we resisted.
Thrust from our lips the proffered flask.
Maybe my only task out of them all.
Is to write these sonnets slowly.
No one may bother to read them at all.
Is it worth doing really.
But doing something creative every day .
Must be good for the soul, who can say.
Lord , what shall I do
This is the question we ask
We just do something
See Acts 22 : 3-16
Friday of Week 2 in Ordinary Time . St Francis de Sales
Justice and peace have kissed.
St Francis’ loving heart was set.
No part of compassion was missed.Whoever wants to preach effectively.
Must preach with love.
This is what St Francis said reflectively.
As peacefully as a rising dove.
I read these words at mass.
Suddenly everything seemed clear.
As gentle as soothing waving grass.
There need be no worries or fear.
St Francis de Sales, the gentleman saint.
A man of true love and restraint.
Preach effectively
Do so only with great love
That is the best way
See Psalm 85
Thursday of Week 2 in Ordinary Time
Holy , innocent , unstained.
We are merely, compared to him, the least.
We pass , he is and will have remained.
Exalted above the heavens.
With him we are neither losers or winners.
Neither here nor there , past or present odds or evens.
He is master of all the saints feasts.
We have such a high priest.
An everlasting , supreme, unchanging spiritual priest.….
We have such a priest
Holy , innocent , unstained.
Apart from sinners
See Hebrews 7
Wednesday of Week 2 in Ordinary Time
Is it lawful on the Sabbath to do good.
Or to do harm.
Their’s was an unforgiving mood.
Where was their charitable charm.
He looked round at them with anger.
Grieved at their hardness of heart.
And us, of our anger, do we remember.
Are we prepared to make a new start.
Stretch out your hand.
And the hand was restored.
Thus he entered a new land.
Faith proclaimed, not just stored.
We only need to stretch our hand faithfully.
And we will be restored eventually.
Lawful to do good
On the Sabbath yes it is
Now and for ever
See Mark 3 : 1-6
Tuesday of Week 2 in Ordinary Time
His disciples began to pluck ears of corn.
The Pharisees were saying , why are they doing what is not lawful.
We too often invite scorn.
But then what is lawful or awful.
Have you never read what David did.
When he was in need and hungry.
Do they say of us as of him that we overbid.
Are we trespassing in another country.
But the Sabbath was made for man.
Not man for the Sabbath.
The Son of man.
Is Lord of the Sabbath.
So we pluck, when we please, the grain.
That is our happy refrain.
Sabbath made for man
Man is not made for Sabbath
That is our refrain
See Mark 2 : 23-28
Monday of Week 2 in Ordinary Time
He can deal gently with the ignorant and wayward.
Since he himself is beset with weakness.
With his help we can move forward.
Despite our lack of fitness.
No one takes this honour for himself.
But only when called by God, just as Aron was.
Can we do this ourself.
No , only with his gain, not our loss.
So also God did not exalt himself to be a high priest.
But was appointed by him who said , you are my son.
Like him in hope we will not desist.
But bow down before the one.
He was perfect.
On this we can only reflect.
He can deal gently
With ignorant and wayward
Are we those people
See Hebrews 5 : 1-10
2 nd Sunday in Ordinary Time
Everyone serves the good wine first.
And when people have drunk freely, then the poor wine.
And for what do we thirst.
Are we really doing fine.
As at Cana this is not our best life.
There is better to come.
Then there will be no more strife.
No need to be glum.
The small church was empty, of people clear
As I stood quietly.
I felt a heaviness in the air.
Soothing all anxiety.
Does this joy just arise internally.
Or from some kind of infinity.
Serve the good wine first
That always happens to us
Except at Cana
See John 2 : 1-11
Saturday of Week 1 in Ordinary Time
The word of God is living.
And active.
Never tentative.
Sharper than any two edged sword.
Piercing to the division of soul and spirit.
Given freely by the Lord.
Irrespective of our merit.
Discerning the thought.
And intentions of the heart.
We are truly and gently caught.
And we can make a new start.
No creature is hidden from his sight.
We all walk in his light.
God’s word is living
It’s active and inspiring
Sharper than a sword
See Hebrews 4 : 12-16
Friday of Week 1 in Ordinary Time
For good news came to us as to them.
But the message they heard.
Did not benefit them.
They did not listen , they had not heard.
We who have believed entered that rest.
As he has said and swore in his wrath.
They shall not enter that rest.
Will we be the subject of his wrath.
We are given every opportunity.
To listen and to hear.
But we lack sanctity.
We just fear.
One day we will listen.
And to him hasten.
Good news comes to us
As it also came to them
But do we listen
See Hebrews 4
Thursday of Week 1 in Ordinary Time
O that today you would listen to his voice.
Harden not your hearts.
We have a choice.
To make new starts.
As at Meribah.
As on that day in Massah in the desert.
We can see , if we wish, far.
But is anything truly a cert.
I woke up with a new resolution.
To never think of myself.
What a joyous thought, an inspiration.
To put others first , not myself.
And how long did it last.
As long as breakfast.
Listen to his voice
As on that day in Massah
As at Meribah
See Psalm 95
Wednesday of Week 1 in Ordinary Time
He healed many who were sick.
With various diseases.
And what makes us tick.
What can we let go of , what seizes.
He would not permit.
The demons to speak.
Again are we entirely fit.
What do we really want or seek.
And Simon searched .
So often we are sick in body or mind.
Have we really searched
To ourselves are we at all kind.
Jesus went to a desolate place and prayed.
Can we say of ourselves in our pain that at least we prayed.
He healed many sick
With various diseases
But will he heal us
See Mark 1 : 29-39
Tuesday of Week 1 of Ordinary Time
Monday of Week 1 in Ordinary Time
Jesus came into Galilee.
And also for us to see.
Is understanding.
The time, he said, is fulfilled.
And the Kingdom of God is at hand.
Hope like flour needs to be milled.
It need not be like a thousand grains of rasping sand.
Repent .
He told us and believe.
Fear can be spent.
We only have to receive.
He said Follow me.
That we too might see.
The time is fulfilled
Is at hand now
Repent and believe
See Mark 1 : 14-20
The Baptism of the Lord
A voice cries.
In the wilderness.
Amongst all our sighs.
But full of tenderness.
Prepare the way.
Make straight in the desert .
A highway.
For our God with our every effort.
Every valley shall be lifted up.
And every mountain and hill laid low.
A new holy cup .
We cannot say No.
And the glory of the lord shall be revealed.
All this in our heart sealed.
In the wilderness
A voice cries make a Highway
For this is our God
See Isaiah 40
Saturday after Epiphany Sunday
The people dwelling in darkness.
Have seen a great light.
Away with this restlessness,
As we keep him in sight.
And for those dwelling in the shadow.
On them a light has dawned.
Always working not to be low.
Our life, whatever it is, will be mourned.
It is a freezing winter day .
And I am ill.
But the dawn brings a new day.
And , God willing, we will be there still.
Looking forward.
Not backward.
Dwelling in darkness
But then seeing a new light
That is our future
See the Gospel Acclamation of the day
Friday after Epiphany Sunday
You can make me clean.
I will.
Jesus replied, be clean.
And immediately.
The leprosy left.
He was no longer bereft.
Like the leper.
To ask, to engage.
Not pause or temper.
Or do we pass by.
And go on living whatever is our lie.
Lord please if you will.
You can make me clean, you can
But then do we ask
See Luke 5 : 12-16
Thursday after Epiphany
Beloved, we loved.
Because God loved us.
We have survived.
Because he created and knows us.
If anyone says , I love God and hates his brother.
He is a liar.
For everyone is our brother.
But only if we think of them like our father.
He who does not love his brother whom he has seen.
Cannot love God whom he has not seen.
So no need to be mean.
It’s enough to know and to have seen.
It’s enough just to love God.
Because we are born of God.
Beloved we loved
Because our God has loved us
And created us
See 1 John 4
Wednesday after Epiphany Sunday
Because the wind was against them.
Sometimes it’s difficult to carry on faithfully.
We search in vain for comfort’s crumb.He meant to pass by.
But he spoke and said do not be afraid, it is I.
Where are you , we say.
Are you nigh.
Jesus got into the boat.
And the wind ceased.
So yes , with him we can keep afloat.
And make a little progress at least.
They were astounded.
Let’s pray our hearts are not hardened.
Can we make headway
Even against all the wind
Yes we can with help
See Mark 6 : 45-52
Tuesday After Epiphany Sunday . Orthodox Christmas Day
For love is from God.
And who loves another.
Has been born from God.
Does not know God.
Because God is love.
Here among us is manifest the love of God.
Into the world.
So that we might live through him , his son.
In this and the next world.God loved us .
And sent his son to be the propitiation of the sins of us.……..
Let’s love one another
For love is from God always
And we’re born from God
.. …
See 1 John 4 : 7-10