Monthly Archives: January 2025

Monday after Epiphany Sunday






Do not believe every spirit.
But test the spirits.
To see if they are from a godly spirit.
For many out of the world are false spirits.

Perhaps just have confidence.
In our own spirit.
What is this but our conscience.
Our very own personal spirit.

If we obey our conscience.
We really cannot go wrong.
Because we can only test our own not others’ conscience.
This is our , no one else’s divine song.

So much is measured by conscience.
Nothing matters quite as much as conscience.


You cannot believe
Every spirit out there
But just trust yourself


See 1John 3

The Epiphany







And the star that they had seen when it rose.
Went before them until it came to rest over the place.
And do we follow the light wherever it goes.
We wonder if we will ever complete our race.

We may be happy with our lot or not.
Or we may be disappointed.
But out there is our star bright or not.
We do not need to be faint hearted.

We do not know where it will come to rest.
Or indeed how and when it arose.
But somewhere is our final nest.
It will be as a beautiful rose.

We just need to keep our eyes heavenward.
And follow our star onward.


They followed the star.
Until it came to rest there
Where the child was born


See Matthew 2 : 1-12

4 th January







Jesus said , what are you seeking.
And they said Rabbi, where are you staying.
Jesus answered come and you will be seeing.
So they came and saw where he was staying.

The disciples , saw, followed and stayed.
I wonder will we do the same.
Will all our doubts be allayed.
Perhaps we are different not the same.

Of course we cannot know him personally.
There is only a story to follow.
But we can pray daily.
Our belief need not be hollow.

In our imagination he is passing.
Will we be following.


What are you seeking
They asked where are you staying
Do we do the same


See John 1 : 35-42

The Most Holy Name of Jesus






The word became flesh.
And dwelt among us.
The words come every time utterly fresh.
And we know in our hearts it is Jesus.

How extraordinary and loving.
That if there is a supreme designer.
He should bestow this ultimate giving.
Or are we a mere dreamer.

But these words move.
They have enormous power.
There is nothing more to prove.
He was is and will be for ever.



The word became flesh
And dwells among us always
That is our belief

…. ..

See John 1

Saints Basil and Gregory







All the ends of the earth
Have seen the salvation of our God.
Delighting in nature there can be no dearth.
Everything seems right, ordained by the artisan God.

A glorious winter’s day.
The sky a brilliant blue.
Nothing could go wrong today
All this teaching seemed true.

I looked at the sun through the church window.
A brilliant orb framed by glass.
For a moment I believed , I could not be low.
All was right in this silence.
As abiding as ancient church brass.

We can believe if we accept.
We need not be bereft.


All the ends of earth
Have seen God’s salvation
And yes so can we


See Psalm 98

Mary, Mother of God






He was called Jesus.
The name given by the angel before he was conceived in the womb.
This was all for us.
To bid farewell to the finality of the tomb.

And this year what is our destiny.
What are we called for.
Beware , we are our own enemy.
We need to be happy with less not more.

I realised that tweeting on politics.
Makes me a lot less happy than writing a religious sonnet.
It’s to do with not being hurt with stones and sticks.
Positive  not negative thoughts can be met .

A New Year for all of us beckons.
Less depression, more happiness I reckons.


He was called Jesus
Meaning that he is with us
Now and for always

See Luke 2: 16-21

7 th day of the Octave of Christmas






Let the heavens rejoice.
And earth be glad.
Let us find our true voice.
No need to be sad.

An old year ends  and New Year arrives.
The years passing.
Ours just one of countless lives.
Arriving , being, leaving.

But we survived another year.
It wasn’t all that bad,  have we forgot.
He told us, have no fear.
So let’s be happy with what we’ve got.

One New Year we won’t be here.
We will be at peace , certainly with no fear.


Let heavens rejoice
And let all our earth be glad
We can all rejoice

… …

See Psalm 96