Saturday of Week 19 in Ordinary Time






The fathers have eaten unripe grapes.
And the children’s teeth are set on edge.
We wander forgotten in distant landscapes.
Truth hidden by an impenetrable mental  hedge.

But by the light of the sea.
We can see a little further.
We may not hear or understand but we can see.
Here we are free , not some mere time server.

What is about the sea that frees us slaves.
That transports us to another country.
Is it the relentless, lapping, sound blessed waves.
We seem here to belong to no century.

Time here is not of  the essence.
Only our physical sense.


We eat unripe grapes
And our teeth are set on edge
Yet we have the sea


See Ezekiel 18 : 1-10, 13, 30-32