It was to shame the wise that God chose what is foolish by human reckoning.
And to shame what is strong that he chose what is weak.
We think we can discern truth with learning.
But the key lies in other to what we seek.
I was lying awake last night for hours tossing.
My mind churning with worries what I was not, could, should be doing.
I realised there is a simple cure for that lack of dreaming.
To make the mind think not of yourself but of others under death labouring.
So I lay thinking not of this country but of Iraq and Syria’s suffering.
I tried to think not just of my family but the lonely.
Some say, force the mind into mindless mantra numbering.
Perhaps content lies in directing the mind to something else but the one and only.
If only we could appreciate compared to others our good fortune.
We would not be so unhappy about our own supposed misfortune.