Saturday of Week 22 in Ordinary Time


Put in our hearts the love of your name.
So that we may nurture what is good.
Help us to feel no shame, attribute no blame.
To thank more and do what we could and should.

Last night I was trying in the darkness to look for brightness.
Thinking  mindfully only of the breath beyond.
I seemed in my dream to be enveloped in whiteness.
There is no way to wave a magic wand.

But I felt a strange sense of otherness.
We can for a moment transcend our being.
But in a second it is defeated by our selfishness.
Understanding is replaced with hearing and seeing.

I looked out of the window, trees silvery, not a breath of wind.
Intense starlight, no moon ,  that is a good place park the mind.


Not a breath of wind.
No moon, just lit by starlight
The trees silvery


See Collect of the day