Thursday of Week 1 in Ordinary Time

If you want to, you can cure me.
Of course , Jesus replied , I want to, be cured.
But do we ask for the right thing, for our soul to be free.
Or just to be reassured.We won’t  always  be given what we ask for.
It may not smooth our path to heaven.
We may by attracted not by truth but the lure.
So much of what we want is mere digression.

The leprosy left him at once.
And he was cured.
And what we suffer from may leave us at once.
But do we need to go without even if long endured.

Do we ask for what helps the soul.
Or is it really about the body and nothing about the soul.


What do we ask for
Really, is it the right thing
Or just what we want


See Mark 1: 40-45