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Friday of Week 1 in Ordinary Time

When they had made an opening.
They lowered the stretcher on which the paralytic lay.
We wonder how we will find our own healing.
And we do not know the way.
The paralytic like us had to be carried.
He did not even asked to be healed.
We too often need to be ferried.
Before our fate is sealed.
I had not wanted to do some work.
And then I remembered how he cured the paralytic.
Doubts always lurk.
My senses are so arthritic.
I need his inspiration ongoing.
Just to keep going.
An opening made
And a stretcher was lowered
But is it for us
See Mark 2 : 1-12

Thursday of Week 1 in Ordinary Time

If you want to, you can cure me.
Of course , Jesus replied , I want to, be cured.
But do we ask for the right thing, for our soul to be free.
Or just to be reassured.We won’t  always  be given what we ask for.
It may not smooth our path to heaven.
We may by attracted not by truth but the lure.
So much of what we want is mere digression.

The leprosy left him at once.
And he was cured.
And what we suffer from may leave us at once.
But do we need to go without even if long endured.

Do we ask for what helps the soul.
Or is it really about the body and nothing about the soul.


What do we ask for
Really, is it the right thing
Or just what we want


See Mark 1: 40-45

Wednesday of Week 1 in Ordinary Time

The Lord called Samuel, Samuel.
He answered here I am.
Who calls , how can we tell.
Is it God’s lamb.How often do we lie awake at night.
What calls do we receive.
We cannot tell the night from the call of the light .
Is this punishment or reprieve.

Samuel answered , Speak.
Your servant is listening.
And thus we are told how to seek.
And to whom we are answering.

And thus the call comes as light.
Dispelling the perils of the night.


When the Lord does call
How do we answer this call
It is as servant


See 1 Samuel 3

Tuesday of Week 1 of Ordinary Time

Here is a teaching that is new.
And with authority.
And yet we increasingly are not the many but the few.
Filled with temerity.What is the Greek for authority.
It is exousia or power.
But he does not exude superiority.
His is as delicate as a flower.

The unclean spirit threw the man into convulsions.
And with a loud cry went out of him.
Thus he releases all tensions.
Nothing will deter him.

If we have faith to seek.
We must surely speak.


It’s a new teaching
It’s filled with authority
And a new power


See Mark 1: 21-28

The Baptism of the Lord





Come to the water , all you who are thirsty.
Why spend money on what is not bread.
The way surely is mercy.
Our minds are after all read.

What is baptism.
But the annihilation of previous sin.
Or is all this mere escapism.
I think it’s more a way to win.

Water is soothing.
It washes away imperfections.
The past diffusing.
A sense of new directions.

But like John do we accept.
Or question and reject.


When baptism comes
Do we accept the witness
Or question it


See Isaiah 55: 1-11

The Epiphany of the Lord




The nations come to your light.
And Kings to your dawning brightness.
And yet often he seems tantalisingly out of sight.
As if it was too great , his very lightness.

Sometimes a  nagging depression  descends.
Of course we can go for a good walk.
We can realise that life doesn’t give, only lends.
Or we can meditate more and give up the talk.

But still like the Kings on a journey.
We seek a distant star .
The road twists and is all too thorny
We are like the three kings of Orient are.

Born is the King of Israel.
Let’s be content in the now, the future we cannot tell.


When depression comes.
We can talk less and think more
And follow our star


See Isaiah 60: 1-6

6 January

We accept the testimony of human witnesses.
But God’s testimony is much greater.
Yet still we are only left with vague images.
As we search for the creator.

And this is God’s testimony.
Given as evidence for his son.
We don’t ask for ceremony.
As we search for the ultimate one.

Everybody who believes in the son of God.
Has this testimony within him.
It’s as if we are spiritually shod.
We know that this is no whim.

Perhaps we need something to search for.
Is there something there , we do not know.

We stand in front of a shut door.
But that is no excuse for feeling low.


If the door is shut
How then will we ever know
If God is behind


See 1 John 5 : 5-13

5 January







God is greater than our conscience.
And he knows everything.
What is this strange sense.
Is it everything or nothing.

Is our conscience the voice of God.
Or is it the mere rattling of nervous  electricity.
Let it be a spiritual lightning rod.
Guarding against all  mendacity.

I wonder if we can have a Tom Bombadil type freedom.
Just taking delight in nature.
Not constrained by time , accepting all as a Te Deum.
Taking solace in song., not worrying about what is  the lessor or greater.

And as Nathanial just accepted.
We will have received.


What is conscience
It’s truly the voice of God
Or that’s what we hope


See 1 John 3 : 11-21

4 January






Rabbi, they answered , where do you live.
Come and see Jesus replied.
It doesn’t  give much away as to whether we thrive.
Where we reside.

But a better question to ask.
Is how do we live.
That is our task.
Can we pass through the spiritual sieve.

It may be in the smallest things.
That we pass the test.
Not grand gestures are needed to complete these rings.
Nor whether we worry more or lest.

But at the call, did we stand up and follow.
Out of our comfortable hollow.


How do we answer
The question posed to us
As to how we live


See John 1 : 35-42

The Most Holy Name of Jesus

What we are to be in the future has not yet been revealed.
All we know is that when it is revealed we will be like him.
Probably already our fate is sealed.
But we cannot see over the celestial rim.The horseman  was far away.
I could barely make him out in the winter twilight.
Thus so much we pray for seems far away.
Indistinct , fleeting , too little light.

The image was beautiful , reassuring .
In control the rider passed on behind a tree.
Thus our hopes and insights are fleeting.
One moment we are entranced then we cannot see.

But we can treasure the memory.
And put it on our mind’s directory.


Horseman riding by
Merely a fleeting image
But reassuring


See 1 John 2 :


2 nd January






What is promised to you by his own promise.
Is eternal life.
When it comes to all this I am a doubting Thomas.
Doubts surge but hope is rife.

We worry about our body’a demanding lie.
Resting it, feeding it , obeying its demand.
But one thing is certain , it will die.
Very soon now annihilation is at hand.

We hope that the soul will survive.
But we spend so little time pampering it.
We’re obsessed with whether we will thrive.
But what is I or we , what is it.

We really do not know.
So we go undemanding , unquestioning with the flow.


What is his promise
It is nothing less than life
And it’s eternal


See 1 John 2 : 22-28

Mary the Mother of God , 1 January






May the Lord Bless you.
And keep you.
And I hope all others too.
And my family too.

From Numbers, a good greeting.
All we really need for this New Years  day.
As we ponder the year while resting.
And hope for a blessing.

If we ask her.
Does Mary ever say no.
She knows what’s fair.
And will always help us go with the flow.

But we have to ask.
And she will help us in any task.


May the Lord bless you
And keep you with all others
That’s what we hope for


See Numbers 6: 22-27

The Holy Family





It was by faith that Abraham set out,
Not knowing  where he was going.
We though are plagued by doubt.
Pausing , questioning not reaping.

It was by faith that Sarah was able to conceive.
In spite of being past the age.
If only we were open we could all hope receive.
But against fate we rage.

It was by faith that Abraham offered up Isaac.
He was confident that God had even power to raise the dead.
If only we were content with what we have rather than lack.
So much of our unhappiness could finally be laid.

But always we have this nagging feeling.
But we must have confidence in our ultimate healing.


By faith he set out
And yet Abraham arrived
And so too will we


See Hebrews 11: 8

30 th December

Nothing the world had to offer.
Could ever come from the father.
Of course you can be an unrepentant scoffer.
But the word gets us further.
I had a bad dream .
I couldn’t  find a child in my responsibility.
But things are not what they seem.
What a relief to wake up to actuality.
When a really bad dream happens.
We realise how lucky we really are.
And that things are not really so bad as one imagines.
Worry is near , real disasters are usually far.
And anyway what the world has to offer.
Cannot compete with what the father can proffer………The world can offer
So much less than the father
Let’s just be grateful


See 1 John 2 : 12-17

29 December . St Thomas Becket






For who is the greater , the one at the table.
Or the one who serves.
Surely, he said, the  one at table.
Yet here I am among you as one who serves.

At times we feel so low.
We achieve so little , we just serve.
But is this not valuable , you know.
Even if so often we are behind the curve.

How strange is scripture.
Just when we judge our lack of success.
We find a reading that answers our own self stricture.
And we lift our head and think more of ourselves not less.

If Our Lord was happy just to serve.
Is this not all that we need or deserve.


Who is the greater
The one who sits at table
Or the one who serves


See Luke 22 : 24-30

The Holy Innocents . 28 December




God is light.
There is no darkness  in him at all.
But so often he is not in sight.
He may talk to us but we cannot hear his call.

I was lying in the bath.
Staring at the candle.
Something moved , peace, no wrath.
Everything suddenly easy to handle.

But more .
I felt his presence.
Not somewhere distant but in my very core.
An undefinable but very real essence.

But in a different medium , no tension
As gentle sound is to distant vision.


God is truly light
And we may be just some sound
The two cannot meet.


See 1 John 1 , 5-2: 2

27 December . St John








The other disciple who reached the tomb first.
Went in, he Saw and he believed.
For what do we thirst.
It is surely that faith should be received.

In our mind’s eye.
The tomb is empty , we cannot be mistaken.
But how many times do we question or believe it is a lie.
That the body was resurrected and that it was in fact taken.

Oh, that we could be like John there.
That we could see with our own eyes.
This is one thing we all pray we could share.
But only our tender faith can confront the lies.

If truth could just to us be revealed.
How forever would our lives be changed.

…. ..

We who have not seen
Must just rely on our faith
It is all we have


See John 20: 2-8







St Stephen’s Day






Do not worry about how to speak.
Or what to say.
You just have to seek.
And worries to lay.

What makes for happiness against all polemics.
My son replied like the Buddha, right view and right intention( wisdom.)
Right speech , right action , right livelihood ( ethics)
Right effort , right  mindfulness, right concentration ( meditation, )Om.

This he said is the noble eightfold path.
It certainly seems a way to avoid much suffering and wrath.


What’s the eightfold path
Wisdom, ethics, leading to


See Matthew 10 : 17-22

Christmas Day


He was not the light.
Only a witness to speak for the light.
Here at last today the Lord comes into sight.
Now we begin to understand the meaning of what is right.

The altar was bedecked with candles.
And the candles covered the churches columns.
Here towards the light we found new channels.
Now we could start to forget our problems.

Our whole journey is one towards this light.
The light of salvation , ethereal.
Eclipsing the darkest night.
Even though it is to our eyes, immaterial.

But still we seek the light.
Even if it is out of sight.


Where is the true light
It remains ethereal
But we can find it


See John 1 – 18

4 th Sunday in Advent






Pour forth we beseech you O Lord.
Your grace into our heart.
We were drawn into the country church as a spiritual ford.
Looking for a new start.

I read this collect of the day.
It said all that needed to be said.
A chance troubles to lay.
Realising that all things by him are made.

What if we knew this were our final week.
How focused on the present we would be .
We would know too that always we must seek.
Knock and celestial light see.

Yes let this grace be poured onto our heart.
So that we really can make a new start.


See the Collect of the day.

23 December

At that moment Zechariah’s power of speech returned.
And they were all astonished.
What then if our own mind turned.
And all our doubts were banished.
I wondered what if I really believed.
Not tried to believe.
How all cares  and doubts would be relieved.
There would only to be joy to receive.Why would anything matter.
We would all merely be waiting to enter into glory.
All earthly things would scatter.
And there would not be mine,  only the divine story.

I woke from my dream .
And rejoined life’s wearisome team.


When will faith return
Will it just be gradual
Or come instantly


See Luke 1: 57-66

22 December





O Rex gentian et desideratus earum.
Lapisque angularis.
O King  of the peoples, whom they long for , the sum.
The cornerstone that always was and is.

Qui facis utraque unum.
Veni et salva hominem.
Who made the two into one, the sum.
Come and save man and all of them.

Quem de limo formasti.
Whom you made from clay.
Done to a ti.
Which none can gainsay.

Thus we sing the great Antiphon.
Knowing we are all one.


You made us from clay
And you made two into one
King of the peoples


See The Antiphon to the Magnificat at Vespers

21 December

My beloved is like a gazelle.
Like a young stag.
We were young once but as for when death comes who can tell.
For how long will we keep aloft life’s tattered flag.
I went to a funeral today .
The service was in the Cathedral , no one I knew.
An ordinary life , youth, eventual decay.
Children , grandchildren , one of the many , not the few.
It’s good to go to any funeral.
Everything falls into perspective.
Not certainly a procession down the Mall.
But interesting, a good life, reflective.
We will all one day end up there.
Let’s hope someone sheds a little tear.…….

At our funeral
We will be there in spirit
Or thats what we hope


See Song of Songs  2 : 1-14

20 December





Ask the Lord God for a sign.
Coming from the heights above.
We stumble and fail to tread a straight line.
Forgetting that always ultimately there is love.

I am at a Christmas celebration.
Immersed in Bach and Handel.
For a moment I have a clear vision.
All should be clear and well.

And then the doubts surface.
God as a stable baby , really.
Could anyone have looked God in the face.
I wonder questioningly.

But I sort of know , it’s true.
It really is the way for me and you.


Will he give a sign
We wait and we pray for that
It takes a long time


See Isaiah 7 : 10-14

19 th December






Even from his mother’s womb.
He will be filled with the Holy Spirit.
We must always have hope from womb to tomb.
Whether or not we conceive ourselves to have any merit.

Both were worthy in the sight of God.
But they were childless.
Whatever our fate we are worthy in the sight of God.
Whether we are the greater or the less.

Zechariah , your prayer has been answered.
Your wife Elizabeth is to bear you a son.
All our prayers too one day will be answered.
We one day will be enveloped by rays of a celestial  sun.

We only have to pray and  somehow cope.
And we will be vouchsafed hope .


From our mother’s womb
We’re filled with Holy Spirit
But we must have hope


See Luke 1: 5-25