We campaigned in Marshall’s Yard in Gainsborough. We first contented ourselves with saying Good Morning and talking to those who wanted to stop. I find this is a better approach than trying to hand out leaflets which people usually don’t want.
Gainsborough is, thanks to recent regeneration, a bustling, pleasant place. In addition to this those gems, the Old Hall and parish church are always there. In the afternoon I drove to Durham to take my son back to university. I just managed to get into the Cathedral before it closed. I then ambled around Palace Green and the Old Bailey. On Prebends Bridge is inscribed the following poem which I managed to remember.
Grey Towers of Durham
How well I love thy mixed and massive piles
Half church of God, half Castle ‘gainst the Scot
And long to wander in these venerable aisles
With records stored of deeds long since forgotten.
— Sir Walter Scott (1771-1832)
It is indeed a great delight to wander these quiet and almost deserted places. To listen to the bells of the Cathedral chiming the hours, there is even a distinctive smell to the place that brings back memories of friends now gone.