Category Archives: General

Wednesday of Week 17 in Ordinary Time

They will not overcome you.
Because I am with you.
Only you can defeat you
And if you think he is not there for you.Woe is me my mother.
Because you have born me.
I can never cut that tether.
I have not paid my full fee

One can be a man of strife.
And of dissension.
But there is new life.
And ascension.

We can but hope.
And seize this spiritual rope.


They will not overcome you
Because I am with you
Or that’s what we hope


See Jeremiah 15: 10, 16-21


Tuesday of Week 17 in Ordinary Time






Tears flood my eyes night and day.
Unceasingly , a crushing blow falls.
What more can I say.
Only that the voice still calls.

I go into the city.
I see people sick with hunger.
I call upon all my pity.
Can I show compassion for longer.

If you pass poverty by.
Should you just walk on the other side.
Shouldn’t you take action, not just sigh.
We are here to help, not just here for the ride.

Are we rejected altogether.
Or can we act all together.


If tears flood our eyes
Passing on the other side
But is that enough


See Jeremiah 14 : 17-22

Monday of Week 17 in Ordinary Time






If you had been here.
My  brother would not have died.
He releases us from fear.
And our hope being derided.

But I know that, even now.
What you ask of God, he will grant you.
We hope we are rewarded, when we sow.
Even if, in faith , we are the few.

I am the resurrection.
And the life.
Only he cuts us from tension.
The goodly knife.

Even though we will die.
If we believe we will not die.


Is he here now
Will he save us from our death
We must have faith


See John 11 : 19-27

17 th Sunday in Ordinary Time

Pick up the pieces left over.
So that nothing gets wasted.
Do we just accept things, are we a mover.
If not now, one day, we will be tested.
So they picked them up.
And filled twelve hampers with scraps.
They like us all can sup.
Leaving no gaps.The people seeing this sign.
Said , this really is the prophet.
Can we also tread this line.
Will our fears and hopes always be met.

We worry about whether there will be enough.
But there usually is, if not, just say tough.


The leftover pieces
Enough for everybody
And is it for us


See John 6 1-15

Saturday of Week 16 in Ordinary Time





If you do not exploit the stranger.
The orphan, the widow.
In the land I gave  to your father.
I will stay with you , you I will follow.

Passing in my air conditioned car.
I saw the woman and toddler living on the Delhi street.
I looked upon her from afar.
Just as the rich man and Lazarus would not meet.

In face  of this poverty.
All my efforts seemed futile.
What is our life truly worth next to this misery.
Why in helping, can we not go the extra mile.

When I die will I be confronted.
Or will I be comforted.


Pass the stranger by
Then left behind by the car
Punished from afar


See Jeremiah 7 : 1-11

Friday of Week 16 in Ordinary Time





The one who received it on patches of rock.
Is the one who hears the word and welcomes it.
But he has no root in him because of the rock.
He does not last , let some trial come and he falls away from it.

The one who received the word .
In thorns is the man who heard the word, but the love of riches.
Chokes the word.
And he produces nothing by way of riches.

And the man who received the word in rich soil.
Is the man who hears the word and understands it.
He is the one who yields the harvest from this soil.
A hundredfold from it.

And where does our seed fall.
Will we rise or will we fall.


Received on the rock
Or does our seed land in thorns
Or on some rich soil


See Matthew 13 : 18-23

Thursday of Week 16 in Ordinary Time






We are in difficulties on all sides.
But never cornered.
Buffeted by ingoing  and outgoing tides.
But in his loving grasp, never betrayed.

We see no answer to our problems.
But never despair.
We know our guiding emblems.
We need not fear.

We have been persecuted.
But never deserted.
Not often feted.
But never , we hope, feared.

We carry within us the body of Jesus.
So that in our body may be seen the life of Jesus.


In difficulties
But we are never cornered
Held in loving grasp


See 2 Corinthians 4 : 7-15

Wednesday of Week 16 in Ordinary Time






Before I formed you in the womb I knew you.
I have appointed you as prophet to the nations.
Before you came to birth I consecrated you.
Known if not  revered by all nations.

I do not know how to speak, I am a child.
Go now to those to whom I send you.
But the Lord said , do not say I am a child.
And say whatever I command you.

Do not be afraid of them.
For I am with you to protect you.
It is the Lord who speaks to them.
Look today , I am setting over the nations, you.

You will build and plant.
Everything to you I grant.


Before I formed you
I did know  you in the womb
You are a prophet


See Jeremiah 1 : 1 , 4- 10

Tuesday of Week 16 in Ordinary Time

Through the law.
I can now live with God.
I am dead to the law.
I am crucified with God.I live not my own life.
But the life of Christ
Who is my life.
I live with Christ.

The life I now live in this body.
I live in faith.
Faith in the son of god and his body.
Real and no mere spiritual wraith.

He loved me.
And sacrificed himself for me.


It is through the law
That I can now live with God
Crucified with God


See Galatians 2 : 19-20

Monday of Week 16 in Ordinary Time

I will seek him whom my heart loves.
I sought but did not find him.
And our heart too craves.
We search but too often we cannot find him.
The watchman came upon me .
On their rounds in the city.
With new sight they could see me.
And in their eyes was pityHave you seen him whom my heart loves.
Scarcely had I passed them.
When I found whom my heart loves.
Our hope need never be dumb.

We must be meek .
If we are truly to seek.


I seek whom heart loves.
I sought but did not find him
But still my heart craves


See Song of Songs 3: 1-4

16 th Sunday in Ordinary Time

The Lord is my shepherd.
There is nothing I shall want.
Nothing to be feared.
Hope springs from the font.
Fresh and green are the pastures.
Where he gives me repose.
A lodestar for all my endeavours.
I try and keep him close.Near restful waters he leads me.
To revive my drooping spirit.
His angel to guide me so that I can see.
He is all I have, my angel, my only merit.

He guides me along the right path.
You are there with your crook and your staff.


The Lord’s my shepherd
There is nothing I shall want
Nothing is now feared


See Psalm 22

Saturday of Week 15 in Ordinary Time






He will not break the crushed reed.
Nor put out the smouldering wick.
He is the new holy seed.
In the celestial wall , the final brick.

He has led the truth to victory.
In his name the nations will put their hope.
A truth beyond all mystery.
Yet putting our faith in him, we can cope.

He will not brawl or shout.
Nor will anyone hear his voice in the streets.
Putting to rest all doubt.
The holder of all final receipts.

I will endow him with my spirit.
Faith I will inherit.


He will not break reeds
Nor put out the burning wick
For he is our Lord


See Matthew 12 : 14-21

Friday of Week 15 in Ordinary Time

What I want is mercy.
Not sacrifice.
Nor controversy.
For this we will pay any price.
Now here I tell you.
Is something greater than the temple.
As gentle as summer dew.
We need never ever tremble.
This new teaching.
Not based on sacrifice.
Loving , calming.
The message concise.
A new life is here.
Not just anywhere, here.
We ask for mercy
Which is greater than sacrifice
And that’s all we need
See Matthew 12 : 1-8

Thursday of Week 15 in Ordinary Time






Come to me all you who labour and are  over burdened
And I will give you rest.
We are pardoned.
And blessed.

We make mistakes.
We are criticised.
We are given bad breaks.
We may even be despised.

But we did our best.
We tried as hard as we could.
We deserve our rest.
And it is all to the good.

We fail and fall.
We get up and walk tall.


Come to me all you
Who labour overburdened
We deserve our rest


See Matthew 11: 28-30

Wednesday of Week 15 in Ordinary Time

I bless you father for hiding these things from the learned.
And revealing them to mere children.
And perhaps to the  spurned.
And if we only listen, to all men.But we cannot act like children.
We are just too self conscious.
We have to be above or different from other men.
And of others we’re just too conscious.

If only we could be entirely accepting.

But we have to try to be cleaver.
So him, we may never know him ever.


Hidden from the learned
Given then to mere children
But are we like them


See Matthew 11: 25-27

Tuesday of Week 15 in Ordinary Time

Jesus began to reproach the towns.
In which most of his miracles had worked.
Because they refused to repent on any grounds.
There doubt had always lurked.Alas for you Chorazin.
Alas for you Bethsaida
Did they want to be saved from sin.
They had not sought or heard of siddhartha.

And we ignore the miracles .
They are for a different time.
Thus doubt goes in cycles.

Somehow with us they do not chyme.
Will it go hard on us on judgement day.
Who can say.
Jesus reproached them
And also reproaches us
But do we listen
See Matthew 11: 20-24

Monday of Week 15 in Ordinary Time






Do not suppose that I have come to bring peace.
It is not peace that I bring.
Yet for peace we pray without cease.
And his celestial song we sing.

I have come to set a man against his father.
A daughter against her mother.
But still he helps us see further.
And divine the true source of all matter.

Anyone who does not take his cross.
And follow me is not worthy of me.
Our gain is our loss.
But of course this, we cannot see.

Anyone who prefers son or daughter to me.
He tells us ; and we don’t follow it ; is not worthy of me.


He does not bring peace
He sets father against son
Yet he does bring peace


See Matthew 10

15th Sunday in Ordinary Time






Take nothing for the journey save a staff.
Do not take a spare tunic.
Do nothing in half.
Listen to the celestial music.

As you walk away .
Shake off the dust from under your feet.
Troubles to lay.
Happiness to greet and meet.

Not everyone will give us a welcome.
But do not worry.
Friendship will come.
If you are prepared to tarry.

How often do we take too much.
And worry too much.


Take only a staff
Not even a spare tunic
For that is enough


See Mark 6: 7-13

Saturday of Week 14 in Ordinary Time


Can you not buy two sparrows for a penny.
And yet not one falls to the ground without the father knowing.
We will, if only we wait, have plenty.
Love will come flowing.

Why every hair on your head has been counted.
So there is no need to be afraid.
Worries can be surmounted.
And tension laid.

So there is no need to be afraid.
You are worth more than hundreds of sparrows.
All our doubts will be laid.
We will have all our tomorrows.

Every hair counted.
Every doubt surmounted.


One penny sparrow
Every hair is counted
Our father knows us


See Matthew 20 : 24-33

Friday of Week 14 in Ordinary Time






Have mercy , God in your kindness.
In your compassion blot out my offence.
We make mistakes, question our fitness.
We worry , feel tense.

But it’s no great thing.
We can move on.
Did many notice.
It’s not such a painful sting.
Nor the ruin of our life’s opus.

And perhaps we were right.
Our critics wrong.
Even if the decision was tight.
We were true to our own song.

But if all else fails.
We can cling to mercy’s tails.


Dear God have mercy
In your kindness to us all
Blot out our offence


Psalm 50

St Benedict







If your plea is for clear perception.
You will understand what the fear of the Lord is.
And thus achieve redemption.
And become his.

We speak out.
We are criticised.
Told we are nought.
Perhaps even despised.

But it is always right to speak your truth.
Without fear or favour.
Your truth is as good as any others’ truth.
Even if you do not do others a favour.

Take courage.
You will manage.


Clear perception
Must lead to fear of the Lord
That is our main task


See Proverbs 2: 1-9

Wednesday of Week 14 in Ordinary Time







Constantly seek the face of the Lord.
O sing to the Lord, sing his praise.
But should we seek the face of the Lord.
Should we content just to sing his praise.

Perhaps we should follow his back.
And follow him as he walks.
In heaven we will no longer be on life’s rack.
In heaven we will follow the light as he walks.

He will lead us into ever greater mystery.
Something we cannot even comprehend.
In this world we will never understand this mystery.
How can this blinding light, we comprehend.

So we will follow him.
And seek to understand him.


We seek the Lord’s face
But should we follow his back
And towards the light


See Psalm 104

Tuesday of Week 14 in Ordinary Time

They have set up Kings.
But not with my consent.
They will not take to wings.
Their salvation will not be sent.Out of their own silver and gold.
They have made idols.
Their soul is sold.
They will receive no spiritual medals.

But how often do we set up false idols.
Not anything physical but in our mind.
We neither will receive our spiritual medals.
Neither to others nor ourself are we kind.

Those who set up any sort of false calf.
Have not walked with a spiritual staff.


We have set up kings.
In our mind without consent
And so we are judged


See Hosea 8

Monday of Week 14 in Ordinary Time







I am going to lead her out into the wilderness.
And speak to her heart.
And we also seek redress.
And a new start.

I am going to give her back her vineyards.
And make the valley of Achor a gateway of hope.
We struggle slowly forward eating up the yards.
Clutching an elusive rope.

Then she shall respond to me.
As she did when young.
I hear , do I listen, can I see.
Do I know the notes that I have sung.

Will I betroth you with integrity.
With love and with honesty.


Led to wilderness
And then speaking to her heart
Is this really me


See Hosea 2