Tuesday of Week 5 in Ordinary Time

Is there such a God in your kindness.
To your servants when they walk in your way.
The question Solomon asked as witness.
Applies to all of us seeking his way .
Do we walk in his way .
Do we think of him on what path to take.
Do we walk towards his son’s sun ray.
And do everything for his sake.
Do we , like me forget him.
For much of the day.
Doing everything according to our own whim.
Forgetting to pray.
Do we walk in his way.
Only he can say.
We walk in his way
Or that is what we should do
But do we do it
See 1 Kings  8

Monday of Week 5 in Ordinary Time

The Lord has chosen to dwell in the thick cloud.
But I have built you a dwelling.
We cry out aloud.
What is my calling.We mourn anyone dying.
But really we have just given them to the angels.
We are declining , they are thriving.
Or they’re even perhaps archangels.

We carry on.
They have arrived.
Into a new dawn.
We will die, they have merely moved.

So do not despair.
For they are released from all worry and fear.


Where does the Lord dwell
Is he hidden in thick cloud
Or is he here now


See 1 Kings 8

5th Sunday in Ordinary Time








Is life on earth nothing more than pressed service.
His time no better than hired drudgery.
We never seem to scratch below life’s brittle surface.
Seeking but being denied sight of celestial imagery.

The Priest at mass mentioned bereavement.
He said often the best thing is silence and prayer.
We pray for some kind of discernment.
Exploring solace layer by gentle layer.

Months of delusion , Job said,  I have assigned to me.
Nothing for my own but nights of grief.
From doubt and despair will ever we be free.
Oh God, we ask ourselves when will we find relief.

Like Job during the long night we wander in wilderness.
Praying yet often meeting  a great silence.


We are just like Job
We wonder if we’re alone
And pray that we’re not


See Job 7 : 1-4, 6-7

Saturday of Week 4 in Ordinary Time

Give your servant a heart to discern between good and evil.
For who could govern this people of yours which is so great.
Are we prepared to deal with any upheaval.
Do we prepare patiently for the long wait.
Since you have asked for discerning judgement.
Here and now I do what you ask.
And we one day will face a last judgement.
So we need to keep to our task
I give you a heart wise and shrewd.
As none before you has had.
By God all was viewed.
The happy and sad.
Thus Solomon acted wisely.
Do we have the courage to ask sagely.
Discern good and evil
That is the choice given us
But do we do so
See 1 Kings 3 : 4- 13

The Presentation of the Lord







Now, Master, let your servant go in peace.
Because mine eyes have seen the salvation.
We search, sometimes discouraged without cease.
Seeking our final resting  station.

We went  up to be blessed.
Receiving the holy oil.
Perhaps seeking some mind’s rest.
From our turmoil.

My soul was sad .
The priest’s words were soothing.
Perhaps all was not after all so bad.
Eventually things would  start improving.

We lit our candlemass light.
And searched for a greater light.


Let us go in peace
Our eyes have seen salvation
And too a new light


See Luke 2: 22-40

Thursday of Week 4 in Ordinary Time

He instructed them to take for the journey.
No bread, no haversack, no coppers for their purses.
Even though the road ahead was stormy.
And no doubt regaled with curses.
If you enter a house anywhere.
Stay there till you leave the district.
We, all of us need a seer.
And all of us however weak are still fit.
And if any place does not welcome you.
As you walk away , shake the dust from your feet.
There is always somewhere new.
Someone else to greet.keep walking.

And hoping.




Take for your journey
No bread and no haversack
You just need yourself


See Mark 6: 7-13

Wednesday of Week 4 in Ordinary Time

A prophet is only despised .
In his own country.
And we rarely feel prized if not actually despised.
Even if we proceed humbly.Despised among his own relations.
And in his own house.
Let alone among all the nations.
And we ask what and where is his house.

He could do no miracle there.
Though he cured a few sick people by laying hands on them.
But have we the courage to dare.
Even if others condemn.


A prophet despised
For he’s in his own country
And then so are we


See Mark 6 : 1-6

Tuesday of Week 4 in Ordinary Time

She came up behind him through the crowd.
And touched his cloak.
We are so nervous too , we don’t want to shout out loud.
We seem to peer through heavy mystical  smoke.
If I can touch even his clothes.
I shall be healed .
We ask , is he God, who knows.
Nothing really is known or sealed.The source of the bleeding dried up instantly.
And se felt in herself that she was cured of her complaint.
But we only see the truth distantly.
For we will never be a saint.

Jesus felt instantly that power had gone out of him.
And he knows instantly when we were seek to touch him.


She came up to him
And she tried to touch his cloak
That’s all we can do

See Mark 5 : 21-43

Monday of Week 4 in Ordinary Time

Go home to your people.
Tell them all that the Lord in his mercy has done for you.
If we ponder this we can spread our wings like an eagle.
We can live a life anew.I felt empowered by this verse.
To speak up for what I believed.
Things would get better and certainly not worse.
In this I surely was not deceived.

He has done so much .
Which chained, we never appreciate.
We feel always his touch.
Yet worn down by this great material weight.

But do we have the courage.
To go out and try to encourage.


Go home to people
Tell them what the Lord in his
Mercy’s done for you


See Mark 5 : 1-20

4th Sunday in Ordinary Time






His teaching made a deep impression.
Because unlike them he spoke with authority.
We always need to ask the difficult question.
Is our soul really our priority.

St Thomas Aquinas realised that as he neared the final shore.
That all his writings seemed like straw.
And he wrote no more .
Thus a great truth he finally saw.

It is not cleaver writings that count.
Nor profound theology or poetry.
It is faith that is truth’s ever flowing fount.
And that in all its infinity solely.

It is just thought that leads to calmness.
That overcomes all aloneness.


Thus all his writings
Just seemed like so much mere straw
And thus too all ours


See Mark 1: 21-28

Saturday of Week 3 in Ordinary Time






David pleaded for the child.
He spent the night on the bare ground covered with sacking.
In this life we feel exiled.
At the end so much seems lacking.

When all seemed forlorn.
I looked at the churches crucifix.
And then new hope was born.
There was no despair if no quick fix.

So I left the church’s door
Feeling a little better.
No longer sad to the core
No longer without any answer

Ready to start anew.
With a new view.


When all seemed forlorn
I looked at the crucifix
And I felt better


See 2 Samuel 12

Friday of Week 3 in Ordinary Time






Using many parables.
He spoke the word so far as they were capable of understanding.
Yet they asked for miracles.
And like them we’re waiting for the King.

I was praying for life last week.
And didn’t get an answer.
All I could do was in vain to seek.
The worst had come, what was to be was to occur.

And then tonight I prayed again.
And I seemed to see a great light.
There was new life, prayer was not in vain.
It had not been in vain the fight.

And so out of seeming disaster.
We can have faith in the thereafter.


A fruitless prayer
But that was only last week
Now I had answers


See Mark 4 : 26-34

Thursday of Week 3 in Ordinary Time






I was nearly at Damascus.
When a bright light shone about me.
Perhaps this message is for us.
So that we might the better see.

Sad,  I entered the church and read this message.
If you are suffering ask for strength.
Words that are difficult but sage.
Helping us in hope , to go to any length.

And this too, if you are happy give thanks.
And ask that you remain so.
We are up and down held in endless ranks.
High or low.

But I left that church a little fortified.
That hope for the future has not died.


A Damascus light
Anytime May shine on us
We just have to hope


See Acts 22: 3-16

Tuesday of Week 3 in Ordinary Time


Your mother and your sisters are outside.
He replied who are my bothers and sisters.
Perhaps we should start with the view that all are onside.
That there are as many good people as beautiful vistas.

Anyone who does the will of God.
That person is my brother and sister.
We should all surely be awed.
As we look on our own vista.

I was watching a program about older people in love .
They seemed to be so happy in each others company.
Maybe too we can  fly like  a dove.
We can all be somebody .

Love achieves so much
We know so little and not really much.


Who are my brothers
Are they not everybody
Part of one body


See Mark 3 : 31-35

Monday of Week 3 in Ordinary Time






If a kingdom is divided against itself.
It cannot stand.
Perhaps we should think less of self
More of the common good at hand.

All men’s’ sins will be forgiven.
And all their blasphemies.
So perhaps there is hope we will be striven.
Despite all our infamies.

But we need to stand together.
However much we disagree.
Our differences are merely a floating feather.
Cast upon a turbulent sea.

One day we will see all this.
But only when at death we receive the Lord’s kiss.


Kingdoms divided
Will certainly fall apart
So we must take care


See Mark 3 : 22-30

3rd Sunday in Ordinary Time

God is close at hand.
Repent and believe the Good News.
But where do we stand.
What truly are our views.As I walked into Vespers this evening.
The alto cantor was singing the Our Father.
Suddenly my mind was resting.
I did not need to go any further.

The words were so soothing.
So manifestly true and inspiring.
And so in that moment arriving.
There was for a short time no need for more doubting.

There was no need for zest.
I was at rest.


Singing Our Father
Just listening was enough
And just accepting


See Mark 1: 14-20

Saturday in week 2 in Ordinary Time


Jesus went home and such a crowd collected.
That they could not even have a meal.
On hearing this I recollected.
What was false and real.

His relatives set out to take charge of him.
Convinced he was out of his mind.
Against the tide we swim.
Do we truly see or are we blind.

When I heard of him calling his disciples by the lake.
I felt that we were being called too.
That we should do something for his sake.
And that is a pledge we would not rue.

But perhaps others think we are out of our mind.
Who knows , is it us or them who are blind.


We think we are called
Or are we out of our mind
We just do not know


See Mark 3: 20-21

Friday of Week 2 in Ordinary Time






So they came to him snd he appointed twelve.
They were to be his companions and to be sent out to preach.
Like them we wander and we for truth delve.
Maybe just to ponder and not necessarily to teach.

Ita Missa Est.
Translated As Go The Mass is Ended.
But actually Go It Is Sent meaning us, est.
Perhaps he is sent or are we sended.

So at the end of Mass do we forget.
Or do we think of it for the rest of the day.
Remain calm or break out in a sweat.
Or perhaps better occasionally pray.

We walk out pondering.
Remembering, hoping.


Ita Missa Est
And Go the Mass is Ended
Or just it is sent


See Mark 3 : 13-19

Thursday of Week 2 in Ordinary Time





In God I trust.
I shall not fear .
We will not just end up as dust.
We are not just here.

In the 1994 film Miracle on 34th Street, a one dollar note is produced.
It bears the words, In God  We Trust.
Some beliefs whether in Santa Claus or God cannot be induced.
We just have to take them on trust.

Of David , Saul was jealous
Jonathan persuaded him to forgive.
And we too must be loving not just zealous.
If so we will not die , we will live.

But in God we must trust.
That maybe is a must.


In God do we trust
And with that we shall not fear
But of course we do


See Psalm 55 and 1 Samuel 18

Wednesday of Week 2 in Ordinary Time

Stretch out your hand.
He stretched it out and it was better.
We seek out a spiritual land.
Where we will no longer merely be a debtor.
When we are beset with possible tragedy.
Everything else falls into perspective.
We just need to count our blessings thankfully.
And be reflective.It helps to pray.
Stand before Mary.
Petitions to lay.
Burdens she will help carry.

Time may heal.
And it may turn, the wheel.


Just stretch out your hand
If we do so it’s better
Or that’s what we hope


See Mark 3 : 1-6

Tuesday of Week 2 in Ordinary Time

Why are they doing something on the Sabbath day.
That is forbidden.
Ah, but what  is the way.
To what we ask , are we really bidden.
So there was something  I really wanted to do.
That I could not.
It was frustrating that this I knew.
How could I untie the mind’s knot.
I remembered the words of Galadriel when she resisted.
I have passed the test, I will diminish go into the West.
And thus in my resolve I felt assisted.
And to fate I could leave the rest.
We think , submitting to our will.
We can do good but it may be better to remain still.
I have passed the test
And I will diminish now
It’s for the better
See Mark 2: 23-28

Monday of Week 2 of Ordinary Time





Why is it that John’s  disciples fast.
And yours do not.
Shall the first be last.
What will be our lot.

Surely the bridegroom’s attendants would never think of fasting.
While the bridegroom is still with them.
Nothing is ever lasting.
But we will find eventually some comfort crumb.

I am watching Call The Midwife.
A simple tale of love despite poverty.
What’s important is not what you have but what you give in life.
And be imbued with simple sincerity.

The first may well end up last
And the last first.


Should we be fasting
Perhaps it’s better giving
And also being


See mark 2: 18-22

2nd Sunday in Ordinary Time






As John stood with two of his disciples Jesus passed.
John stared at him and said there is the lamb of God.
And what would we do if we were asked.
Even if by his side we trod.

Why do we measure ourselves against others.
Could we not just feel part of the same whole.
We wrap ourselves in these jealous tethers.
And dig ourselves deeper in an anxious hole.

Can we not just look at others as we look at a sunset.
Marvelling at its beauty and timelessness.
Not trying to be by it won or beset.
Not pursued by restlessness.

When in the night sky we marvel at Venus.
We do not say it is less or greater than us.


Looking at others
We should sunset staring
Not just comparing


See John 1: 35-42

Saturday of Week 1 in Ordinary Time






It is not the healthy that need the doctor.
But the sick.
And perhaps the not so proper
And the not so quick.

All suffering or dissatisfaction.
Arises from a mistaken understanding.
That we are a separate and distinct self in tension.
I think of the Buddha’s words often even if they’re demanding.

We are so self judgmental.
But we need to free ourselves from our ego.
We are part of something monumental.
A universe where there is no ego.

If only we could learn to see.
We could burst free.


All this suffering
Comes from our sense of ego
But we can feel free


See Mark 2: 13-17