Saints Basil and Gregory







All the ends of the earth
Have seen the salvation of our God.
Delighting in nature there can be no dearth.
Everything seems right, ordained by the artisan God.

A glorious winter’s day.
The sky a brilliant blue.
Nothing could go wrong today
All this teaching seemed true.

I looked at the sun through the church window.
A brilliant orb framed by glass.
For a moment I believed , I could not be low.
All was right in this silence.
As abiding as ancient church brass.

We can believe if we accept.
We need not be bereft.


All the ends of earth
Have seen God’s salvation
And yes so can we


See Psalm 98

Mary, Mother of God






He was called Jesus.
The name given by the angel before he was conceived in the womb.
This was all for us.
To bid farewell to the finality of the tomb.

And this year what is our destiny.
What are we called for.
Beware , we are our own enemy.
We need to be happy with less not more.

I realised that tweeting on politics.
Makes me a lot less happy than writing a religious sonnet.
It’s to do with not being hurt with stones and sticks.
Positive  not negative thoughts can be met .

A New Year for all of us beckons.
Less depression, more happiness I reckons.


He was called Jesus
Meaning that he is with us
Now and for always

See Luke 2: 16-21

7 th day of the Octave of Christmas






Let the heavens rejoice.
And earth be glad.
Let us find our true voice.
No need to be sad.

An old year ends  and New Year arrives.
The years passing.
Ours just one of countless lives.
Arriving , being, leaving.

But we survived another year.
It wasn’t all that bad,  have we forgot.
He told us, have no fear.
So let’s be happy with what we’ve got.

One New Year we won’t be here.
We will be at peace , certainly with no fear.


Let heavens rejoice
And let all our earth be glad
We can all rejoice

… …

See Psalm 96

Monday of the Octave of Christmas, 6 th day.

Do not love the world.
Or things in the world.
If anyone loves the world.
The love of the Father is not in him in the next world.
For all that is in the world.
The desires of the eyes and the pride of life.
Is not from the Father but from this world
Choose not this but the next life.
Last night I had a good dream.
Despite my fears my eyes were saved by an  optician.
The initial fear was not as it would seem.
His was a healing mission.
Sometimes dreams may come true.
Life we do not always need to rue.……..

Do not love  the world
If anyone loves the world
Father’s not in him


See 1 John 2

The Holy Family

The reason why the world does not know us.
Is that it did not know him.
But he will never desert us.
As long as we believe in him.

We know that when he appears we shall be like him.
Because we shall see him as he is.
But of course in this world we can never be like him.
Because we come and go but he always is.

Whatever we ask.
We receive from him.
That is our only real task.
Understanding that all comes from him.

We just have to believe in him.
And know in our hearts that God resides in him.


The world does not know
The world did not believe him
But do we believe


See 1 John 3

posted on the 29 th December




The Holy Innocents







God is light .
And in him there is no darkness at all.
We ask ourselves continually , what is right.
How do we free ourselves from doubting thrall.

Everywhere today is shrouded in mist.
Yet as I sat in the church  reading the words of John.
I sensed a gap in the doubting mist.
That this was truth, a new dawn.

As he writes , if we walk in the light.
We have fellowship with one another.
As he is the light.
We seem to know anew our father.

As I left the church the mist remained.
But hope had returned.


We know God is light
In him there is no darkness
But do we seek him


See 1John 1

St John, Apostle

Then the other disciple who had reached the tomb first.
Also went in and he saw and believed.
and us, for belief do we thirst.
Have faith we received.Today, we think of the rising from the tomb.
From the wood of the crib to the wood of the cross.
Just two days ago we thought of the gift of the womb.
We travel from new birth to gain from loss.

St John at the tomb is not named.
It could be us running there.
How much of our doubt has remained.
But were we not told, have no fear.
We, we hope are on a journey too.
From birth to tomb to new birth too.
He came to the tomb
And there he saw and believed
And do we do so
See John 20 : 2-8

St Stephen 26 December






In those days, St Stephen, full of grace and power.
Was doing great wonders and signs.
The first martyr died with prayer.
Beyond all previous confines.

Will, like him, our last words be.
Lord Jesus receive my spirit.
And what then after death will we see.
Irrespective of our merit.

I think of St Stephen’s chapel.
Dedicated by Edward the Third.
The home of the House till the fire’s 1834 appel.
All those historic voices heard.

Now just a hall to walk through.
But every thing finds or not its due.


He was full of grace
Dying he said one prayer
Lord receive spirit


See Acts 6: 8-10 and Acts 7 : 54-59

Christmas Day

How beautiful on the mountains.
Are the feet of him who brings good news.
Glorious spiritual fountains.
Even mind wandering in the pews.Who publishes peace.
And gives good news of happiness.
Building piece by piece.
Into some kind of stuttering holiness.

I went to three masses today.
Latin, low and sung.
Seeking some sort of divine ray.
But climbing in faith so very slowly rung by rung.

However many masses I go to.
My faith seems questioned through and through.


We try very hard
Going to masses and praying
Faith is elusive


See Isaiah 52: 7-10

24 December

Because of the tender mercy of God.
Whereby the sunrise will visit us from on high.
Our hope is well shod.
Fastened with an eternal tie.
Give light to those who live in darkness.
And in the shadow of death.
This is not about our unfitness.
It is to give us new breath.To guide our feet.
In the ways of peace.
Sitting at his feet.
Praying without cease .

The day is near.

If our Redeemer’s birth.

We need not fear.

For this will be our spiritual re-birth.


But of course we ask again and again.
Is it all real , are we travelling the right lane.

Give light in darkness
To guide us in ways of peace
Now and for ever
See Luke 1: 67- 79

23 December






What then will this child be.
For the hand of the Lord is upon him.
We neither know or can see.
We are bound  by our ego’s narrow rim.

We do not really know who we are.
What is this consciousness we call I.
Actually we can hear little but we think we see far.
This all enveloping ego is a lie.

All that matters is the soul’s being
But about this we know nothing.
It transcends everything .
But is in any material sense nothing.

Who is this we call the I.
When it has no ear or eye.


What will this child be
And what will we be after
We just do not know


See Luke 1 : 57-66

4 th Sunday in Advent

When the sound of your greeting came to my ears.
The baby in my womb leapt for joy.
Allaying too all our fears and tears.
The purest spiritual  alloy.And blessed is she who believed there would be a fulfilment.
Of what was spoken to her by the Lord.
Surely her greatest testament.
To help all of us cross the final ford.

But what if Mary had not given her fiat.
If she had said no or been too frightened.
We would not exist , everything would be dreary, flat.
Emptied of hope  , lessened.

But Mary did in her humility say yes.
And got us all out of an unholy mess.


The sound of greeting.
Came to Elizabeth’s ears
And it was to save us.


See Luke 1 : 39-45

21 December









For behold the winter is past.
The rain is over and gone .
The winter solstice will not last.
A new rising sun has shone.

The flowers appear on earth.
The time of singing has come.
The dawn of new mirth.
For all and not just for some.

And the voice of the turtle dove.
Is heard in our land.
It is born, a new eternal love.
A rock , not shifting sand.

In the clefts of this rock.
A new life , a new longer day, can we lock.


The winter is past
Not quite but beginning to
Or that is our hope


See Song of Solomon 2 : 8-14

20 December







You will conceive in your womb and bear a son.
Who will release us from our own tomb.
And cast light as from a perpetual sun.
There will be no more everlasting tomb.

We wonder who are we.

A mere temporary brain process.
Or an immoral soul, not the physical me.
Does our soul go to heaven or someone else.

Whatever happens we survive.
Here or we pray there.
We will remain alive.
I doubt but I should be clear.

Gabriel’s message is for all.
Have faith , we can walk tall.


Your womb will conceive
And then you will bear a son
And Mary said yes


See Luke 1 : 26-38

19 December

You will have joy and gladness.
And many will rejoice at his birth.
We need to be content with less.
Rather than plenty, there is always occasional dearth.Zechariah had given up hope .
Elizabeth expected no more.
But Gabriel the angel told him there was hope.
A new child, a new more hopeful shore.

Not much may happen.
Our lives may be in a groove.
But something new will gladden.
We have nothing to prove.

But we must say yes , accept every crumb.
Or like Zechariah we might be struck dumb.


Your joy and gladness
Will come from then from your rebirth
For it is promised


O radix Iesse
Qui  stas in signum populorum
Super quem continebunt  reges os suum

See Luke 1: 5-25

18 December

And this is the name by which he will be called.
The Lord is our righteousness.
Our prayers are often still born or stalled.
We seem afflicted with mindlessness.The angel of the Lord appeared to Joseph in a dream.
Saying do not be afraid to take Mary as your wife.
Not always are our dreams as they seem.
They may point to new life.

I don’t have nightmares.
But most things in my dreams go wrong.
Tangled indeed are mens’ affairs.
I just bear it, awaken and sing my own song.

But Joseph’s dream was right.
And now he saw the light.


We call him this name
The son of righteousness
He’s with us always


See Jeremiah 23 :1-8  and Matthew 1: 18-24

17 December









O Sapientia , O wisdom.
You come forth from the mouth of the most high.
We ask who are we , where really are we from.
Is all of this true or mere legend, a lie.

We are told you fill the universe.
And hold all things together.
But sometimes we think the converse.
We are bound by our doubting tether.

O come , we ask.
Teach us the way of truth.
That surely is our task.
The only really meaningful truth.

The great feast of Christmas approaches.
Now is the time to end all reproaches.


Where is our wisdom
Do you come from the most high
Is this illusion


See The Sequence from today

Monday of the 3rd week of Advent






Him who sees the vision of the almighty.
Falling down with his eyes uncovered.
We have so much in plenty.
If only we have always endeavoured.

Water shall flow from his buckets.
And his seed shall be in many quarters.
No more worries or needless rackets.
Or spoilt spiritual slaughters.

His king shall be higher than Agag.
And his Kingdom shall be exalted.
In our long race we need not lag.
Everything shall be duly salted.

The oracle of the man is opened.
But is our vision also opened.


Almighty’s vision
And are our eyes uncovered
That is what we ask

….  …

See Numbers 24: 2-7 , 15-17a

3rd Sunday in Advent






The spirit of the Lord is upon me.
He has sent me to proclaim good news to the poor.
So says the Lord but my spirit is blind, I cannot see.
I do not know what I am against or for.

Again the long sleepless night.
I must not think of myself , I promise.
And then surprised by the early light.
I forget this ultimate premise.

Think only of others .
They are all that matters.
Break our tethers.
And these cloying selfish fetters.

This is the spur of the Lord.
This the spirit of my Lord.


Spirit of the Lord
Come I pray down upon me
That is all I hope


See Today’s Gospel Acclamation

Saturday of the 2 nd Week of Advent. St John of the Cross








The prophet Elijah rose like a fire.
And his word burned like a torch.
And one day we hope we will join the heavenly choir.
And approach tentatively the celestial porch.

I awoke worrying , regretting.
But there will always be those who achieve more.
Many less or  who are now dead or dying.
For happiness forget this life, look to the soul’s core.

And when I awake in the middle of the night .
It is not the long night of the soul.
Imagine we are monks praying in the early light.
Be content, we all have our role.

We all encounter the soul’s dryness.
Best to meet in with accepting openness.


We all encounter
The such long night of the soul
But with prayer persist


See Sirach 48: 1-4

Friday of the 2nd week of Advent . St Lucy








Oh that you had paid attention.
To my commandments.
With prayer we move into another dimension.
Ending disenchantments.

Then your peace would have been like a river.
And your righteousness like the waves of the sea.
We can seek solace for ever.
As far as we can see .

Your offspring would have would have been like the sand.
And your descendants like its grains.
Whatever or wherever our land.
All worries, mere tiny grains.

St Lucy refused to compromise her belief.
Or from persecution to seek any relief.


We paid attention
To every commandment
But did we really


See Isaiah 48 : 17- 19

Thursday of the 2nd week of Advent

I the lord your God.
Hold your right hand.
Why despair when we can laud.
Not everything to seep into the sand.It is I who say to you.
The Lord says this to us.
Fear not , I am the one who helps you.
We need not worry , he is with us.

Behold I make of you a threshing sledge.
You shall make the hills like chaff.
We may shelter behind life’s flimsy hedge.
And be blown away like so much chaff.

But with him we will prevail.
And live after death to tell the tale.


I the lord your God
Do hold your right hand in mine
That’s our hope and dream


See Isaiah 41 : 13-20

Wednesday of the 2nd week of Advent

The creator of the ends of the earth.
He does not faint or grow weary.
With him we can overcome all dearth.
Is it fact , it’s certainly a comfortable theory.
I was at evening sung mass.
At the restored Notre Dame Cathedral.
A thousand people there in one great mass.
It was more wonderful emotion rather than cerebral.In this great crowd.
People praying quietly watching.
Nothing intrusive or loud.
Even from tourists photographing.

I walked up to communion.
With this great crowd in communion.


Creator of earth
He’s neither faint or weary
And he is with us


Se Isaiah 40 : 25-31

Tuesday of the 2nd week of Advent







A voice cries in the wilderness.
Prepare a way for the Lord.
Reject all bitterness , embrace quietness.
Cross into peace by the spiritual ford.

Make straight in the desert.
A highway for the Lord.
We can remain unhurt.
As we emerge from that dark ford.

Every valley shall be lifted up.
And every mountain and hill laid low.
As we drink of the communion cup.
We reap joyously after we sow.


In the wilderness
Is often raised up
But we are then heard


See Isaiah 40 : 1-11

Monday of the 2nd week of Advent . The Immaculate Conception

She was greatly troubled at the saying.
And tried to discern what sort of greeting this might be .
We wonder too what is our calling.
Whether we are just this body or, what are we to be.

The angel said to her , do not be afraid.
For you have found favour.
We ask will our troubles ever be laid.
Where will we find our saviour.

Who are we anyway.
Do we really exist
Who can say.
All truth is shrouded in mist.

We just have to persist.
And not always resist.


Troubled by the saying
She tried to discern greetings
And we do the same


See Luke 1 : 26-38