2nd Sunday of Advent






Take off the garment of your sorrow.
And affliction.
There is no need to be low.
We need to find faith in conviction.

We can put on for ever the beauty of the glory.
And put on the robe of righteousness.
We are more than our own story.
We can resist mindlessness.

But who are we really , what for us is in store.
Are we truly this transient consciousness.
Are we just this body or much more.

Ir are we, we fear, temporal and so much less.

Where is our mind and soul going.
Have faith, it is not  transient but everlasting.


Take off our sorrow
And all of this affliction
For we are much more


See Baruch 5 : 1-9

Saturday of the 1st week of Advent

On every lofty mountain and every high hill.
There will be brooks running with water.
We look unsighted as through a grille.
Our hopes seeping as into a blotter.In the days of great slaughter.
When the towers fall.
Walls may indeed totter.
But we can them recall.

Notre Dame is reopened.
A beacon of hope redeemed.
It’s as if the fire never happened.
Emblem of France, our cultural inheritance reclaimed.

The light of the moon.
Will be as the light of the sun and soon.


On every mountain
And on all and every hill
Brooks run with water


See Isaiah 30

Friday of the 1st week of Advent






Out of their gloom and darkness.
The eyes of the blind shall see .
We ask where is our spiritual fitness.
We are all born blind , will we see.

Two blind men followed him , crying aloud.
Have mercy on us , son of David.
How do we pierce our mortal shroud.
Is hope challenged and faded.

He touched their eyes.
Saying , according to your faith , let it be done.
We can reach for this ultimate prize.
Our race can be won.

Our eyes can be opened.
Our life renewed , heartened.


From gloom and darkness
The eyes of the blind shall see
This is for us all


See Isaiah 29 : 17-24 and Matthew 9 : 27-31

Thursday of the 1st week of Advent






This song will be sung in the land of Judah.
We have a strong city.
With Isaiah into eternity we can see far.
For the fall of the Northern Kingdom he has pity.

Only God sets up salvation.
As walls and bulwarks.
This is the only God of creation.
His is his everlasting works.

Open the gates.
That the righteous nation may enter in.
Accept our fates.
Reject pride and sin.

You keep him in perfect peace.
Whose mind is stayed on you without cease.

.. ….

Sing in Judah’s land
For we have a strong city
As we also do

… …

See Isaiah 26 : 1-6

Wednesday of the 1st week of Advent







He will swallow up on this mountain.
The covering that is cast on all peoples.
Hope’s glorious fountain.
Spreading ever further light filled ripples.

The veil that is spread over all nations.
He will swallow up death for ever.
As long as we send our oblations.
And see God as the ultimate lever.

The Lord God will wipe away tears.
From all faces.
Easing our innermost fears.
Removing despair’s last traces.

That he might save us, we have waited for him.
This is the lord , we have waited for him.


He will swallow mountains
The covering that is cast on peoples
The veil on nations


See Isaiah 25 : 6-10

Tuesday of the 1st week of Advent

The wolf shall dwell with the lamb.
And the leopard shall lie down with the young goat.
Hope comes from the smallest gram.
With faith we can keep just about afloat.With Advent comes the Isaiah’s poetry.
Lifting us up to the mountain top.
Leading us into a whole new sphere of beauty.
Praise with this vision need never stop.

The cow and the bear shall graze.
Their young shall lie down together.
With Isaiah our song can raise.
And cut away our material tether.

At Advent we are not just waiting.
But expectant, listening, hoping.


The wolf and the lamb
Shall both lie down together
For Advent is here


See Isaiah 11 : 1-10

Monday of the 1st week of Advent






Lord I am not worthy.
To have you come under my roof.
The start is to realise we are unworthy.
To not be proud and not to stand aloof.

We say this at mass every day.
But do we mean it really.
To believe is more than just to pray.
Lest we barely achieve any meaningful spiritual tally.

During the long sleepless night I kept   repeating.
I am not worthy.
Saying and believing.
I will be healed even if I am not yet ready or worthy .

But only say the word and yield.
And I will be healed.


I am not worthy
But just only say the word
And I will be healed


See Matthew  8 : 5-11

1st Sunday of Advent








There will be signs in sun and moon.
And on earth distress of nations in perplexity.
Probably we hope no time soon.
So no need for great anxiety.

The heavens will be shaken.
People fainting with fear and foreboding.
Will there be time for faith to awaken.
All this here will count for nothing.

But do we really believe the world will be ending.
That what was written will come to pass.
But Advent means waiting.
So we pay attention to today’s mass.

Everything is thus in perspective.
And we need to be reflective.

….  ..

Signs in sun and moon
And distress of nations
When will we get there


See Luke 21

Saturday of Week 34 in Ordinary Time








If you believe that God raised Jesus from the dead.
Then you will be saved.
How many hundreds of times is this read.
Again and again is faith craved.

But we are told.
we must believe in our heart.
Our heart cannot be cold.
This surely is the start.

I can believe emotionally.
I know it makes sense.
But I struggle to believe rationally.
Well I just need to launch myself over the fence.

To accept the light.
And know all is alright.


Jesus raised from dead
Just believe this in our hearts
And all will be well


See Romans 10 : 9-18

Friday of Week 34 in Ordinary Time











I saw an angel, come down from heaven with the key of the abyss.
And in his hand an enormous chain.
What awaits , emptiness or bliss.
Nothing, mere pain or God’s reign.

We talk a lot of dying.
Less of death.
What are we missing.
Is it new breath.

The breath of the unknown.
Silent not existing in this world  yet strong.
An other sense of life and tone.
For this, if true, we long.

This earthly abyss.
Surely we shall not miss.


The key of abyss
Is held in the angel’s hand
And will we see it


See Apocalypse 20 : 1-4

Thursday of Week 34 in Ordinary Time

Happy are those who are invited.
To the wedding feast of the lamb.
Let the hope candle be lighted.
Secure in the mind’s own ashram.Serve the Lord with gladness.
Come before him singing for joy.
Why embrace sadness.
Always look for joy.

Know that he the Lord is God.
He made us, the sheep of his flock.

Let our faith be well shod.
Our hearts with him in lock.
Go within his gates giving praise.
Enter his courts with thanks of praise.
Happy those who are invited
To the lamb’s own wedding feast
As we also are
See Psalm 99

Wednesday of Week 34 in Ordinary Time

Even if you have to die.
Keep faithful and I will give you the crown of life.
We wonder if our end is nigh.
We worry , fear of a painful death is rife.What do we think about assisted dying.
I hope for compassion in dying.
To help naturally with peoples dying.
Not to hasten people’s dying.

Death is not to be feared.
It is a new beginning.
Nor with care need dying be feared.
We need to focus on palliative caring.

The soul is eternal.
There is hope , that is the kernel.


If you have to die
Keep faithful and I to receive life
Death is passing


See Rv 2 : 10. Gospel Acclamation.

Tuesday of Week 34 in Ordinary Time

The time will come when not a single stone.
Will be laid on another.
Sometimes we think ourselves so alone.
At the end of our tether.This is something that must happen.
But the end is not so soon.
We needn’t sadden.
And we can gladden.

I was writing this waiting for an operation.
Obviously I am a bit worried
Even a short wait feels like duration.
We feel we have enough tarried.

God willing all will be well.

I’ m sure I’ll be well.


The op went okay
A prayer really does help
Thank you nurse , doctor

See Luke 21: 12-19

Monday of Week 34 in Ordinary Time

But she from the little she had.
Has put in all she had to live on.
There’s nothing in this that is sad.
Her giving life runs on.
I paused today at the Cathedral donation terminal.
Tried to make my card work.
Ten pounds is hardly terminal.
But does some tiny doubt lurk.
We are given so much.
We give so little.
But the button we fail to touch.
Our great debt we cannot settle.
If we were more like the poor widow.
Into eternal life we might find a window.….   …..From little she had
She put in all to live on
Do we do the same

….. …

See Luke 21: 1-4

Christ the King







Yes I am a king.
I was born for this.
He had no country , yet was a king.
And precisely because he had none , he had to die for this.

What strikes me is his dignity.
His calmness.
His sincerity.
And other worldly ness.

Faced with this injustice.
We would fight and rage.
Be filled with resentful emptiness.
And what do we miss.

The power of acceptance.
Not resistance.


He said I am king
But it was not of this world
That was his power


See John 18 : 33-37

Saturday of Week 33 in Ordinary Time







Blessed be the Lord, my rock.
Who trains my arms for battle.
I wish I could open this spiritual lock.
That I was of more robust mettle.

I find faith so difficult.
I wonder if I really believe.
Then something clicks , maybe even in default.
I understand then , I receive.

I can read the Gospel.
And then nothing.
And then by chance , a word and I can tell,
That this is everything.

So I keep trying.
And receiving.


Blessed be the Lord
My rock trains me for battle
And I start again.


See Psalm 143

Friday of Week 33 in Ordinary Time St Cecilia






The dead do not marry because they can no longer die.
They are the same as the angels.
We worry and fret and sigh.
Looking at all the angles.

I was in the church sitting quietly.
Looking at the picture of St Cecilia on the wall.
She is the prime example of living defiantly.
How in suffering to walk tall.

I left this place.
Enveloped in peace.
Involved in no virtue race.
Wondering without cease .

Should we just conform.
To our time’s norm.


Saint Cecilia
Died bravely for her beliefs
Would we do the same


Your promise is sweet

I rejoiced to do your will

For you are my Lord


See Luke 19: 45-48 and Psalm 4

Thursday of Week 33 in Ordinary Time






If you had only understood the message of peace.
But alas it is hidden from your eyes.
We may search without cease.
But we fear irrationally we are surrounded by lies.

Yes a time will come when your enemies.
Will raise fortifications around you.
Even more so in our sixties and seventies.
Perhaps we just get what is our due.

They will encircle you on every side.
They will dash you to the ground.
They will deride.
For them nothing is sound.

But there’s always a new day.
It will be better, we hope, who can gainsay.


The message of peace
Is just hidden from our eyes
It’s certainly there


See Luke 19: 41-44

Wednesday of Week 33 in Ordinary Time

Sir , your one pound .
Has bought me ten.
Are our actions sound.
Do we stand out amongst men.Sir your one pound.
Has made me five .
With everything in the round.
We just about survive.

Sir here is your one pound.
I put it safely in a piece of linen.
We are found.
We have not risen.

Each of us are given a chance.
Do not leave our redemption to chance.


Sir your one pound here
Has bought you ten for your good
That is surely enough


See Luke 19: 11-28

Tuesday of Week 33 in Ordinary Time

He ran ahead and climbed a sycamore tree.
To catch a glimpse of Jesus who was to pass that way.
We have sight but do we use it to see.
Do we seek the celestial  ray.
When Jesus reached the spot he looked up.
And spoke to Zacchaeus , come down.
Will we with him tonight sup.
And witness transcendent light being shown.They all complained when they saw what was happening.
He has gone to stay at a sinner.
Is our own faith ripening.
Even though in faith we are only a beginner.

One day we will climb the celestial tree.
Then that day we might see.


So he climbs the tree
Jesus looks up and calls him
But does he call us


See Luke 19 : 1-10

Monday of Week 33 in Ordinary Time

There was a blind man .
Sitting at the side of the road.
I too feel blind with little scan.
Laden with heavy doubting load.Physically I can see.
But with true faith I cannot.
I remain in sterility of the soul’s lea.
Waiting for the final crossing to pay my fee or not.

Let me see again.
Jesus said , Receive your sight.
We only have to ask to remove all stain.
And see again the light.

But do we give enough praise.
And our sight to heaven raise.


There was a blind man
Asking just to see
We are much the same

…. ..

See Luke 18 :: 35-43

33rd Sunday in Ordinary Time

There is going to be a time of great distress.
Unparalleled since nations first came into existence.
We will have to make do with less.
As in our lives we encounter resistance.Of those who lie sleeping in the dust.
Many will awake .
Our affairs will not be as rust.
If we do all for his sake.

The learned will shine as brightly.
As the vault of heaven.
We will rest quietly.
Doubts will be riven.

As the stars in eternity.
We can live in fraternity.


Times of great distress
Unparalleled in our time
But we will survive


See Daniel 12 : 1-3

Saturday of Week 32 in Ordinary Time







Pray continuously.
And never lose heart.
Never earnestly.
Just make a start.

The unjust judge said since she keeps pestering.
I must give this widow her rights .
And what does this say for our own avoiding.
And how we dodge spiritual lights.

If we keep praying.
We may be listened to.
Despite not really  trying.
And being one of many not the few.

Keep praying.
And keep asking.


Pray continuously
And try to never lose heart
We are listened to


See Luke 18: 1-8

Friday of Week 32 in Ordinary Time

To love is to live.
According to his commandments.
And rather than take, give.
These are happiness’ elements.Drifting in and out of sleep.
Two words kept coming,  beloved and loving.
Something emerged out of the deep.
Calling, positive and soothing.

If you want to sleep well.
I find , do not think of yourself.
Or of life’s pell mell.
Or at least think positively of oneself.

Sleep returned.
And of course , the World turned.


To love is to live
According to to his teaching
Now and for ever


See 2 John 4-9

Thursday of Week 32 in Ordinary Time

I am appealing to you for a child of mine.
I mean Onesimus, whose father I became.
We all look for a sign.
We are all the same.Philemon is the Bible’s shortest book.
But it says something for hereafter.
That a slave matters even if forsook.
That he should always be looked after.

Paul says I am in the chains.
That the good news has bought me.

He would pass through many difficult lanes.
But he found the key.
Given joyously.
Paul had found the key
Rich friendship and loyalty
Given to a slave
See  Philemon 7-20