Friday of Week 25 in Ordinary Time

There is a time for everything, a time for planting.
A time for uprooting what has been planted.
And so we start meditating .
On what is really needed.Padre Pio told us not to worry.
The greater challenge is not to fret.

To know that missed opportunities are not scary.
To let go we should  let.So remember there’s a time for laughter.
A time for mourning.
A time for chatter.
A time for quietly praying.

So there’s a time for searching.
And , no matter, a time for losing.


Time for everything
Time for losing and winning
Take it in our stride


See Ecclesiastes 3 : 1-11

Thursday of Week 25 in Ordinary Time

Vanity of vanities.
What does man gain by his toil.
Too many ups and downs, too many worried sighs.
Not enough rooting in spiritual soil.
I was thinking of Padre Pio’s wisdom.
Hope, he said, pray and don’t worry.
There’s how into peace we slowly come.
We can pause, slow down and tarry.I arrived at Buckfast for a talk on prayer.
What is prayer but a lifting up of the mind.
Finding God and peace layer by layer.
To oneself and others being kind.

Be calm , a generation goes.
A generation comes then goes.


All are vanities
What do we gain by our toil
Precious little


See Ecclesiastices 1: 2-11

Wednesday of Week 25 in Ordinary Time







Give me neither riches nor poverty.
Only my share .
Nor happiness or misery.
Only that I should care.

I was praying to Padre Pio.
That during the night my leg should stop aching.
I realised that I had mused the point In my woe.
The point was that praying my leg would stop hurting.

Wasn’t to stop the aching.
It was to get me to start praying.
Now the Father could start listening.
And I could start dreaming.

When we pray for something.
We get not what we want but that is not nothing.


Give not what I want
But what I really need
The point of prayer


See Proverbs 30: 5-9

Tuesday of Week 25 in Ordinary Time






The Lord spoke to Ahaz and said ask God for a sign.
From the depths of Sheol or the heights above.
Where we ask is our shrine.
And where is our true love.

I woke in the middle of the night.
All at last seemed clear from that still moment.
One needn’t endlessly question what is right.
To accept is to be content.

And the other great truth is this.
All that really matters is  love.
Frankly everything else you can safely miss.
Because it comes from down below not above.

Sheol , a deathless underworld is not for us.
Hope and heaven lie waiting for us .


We ask for a sign
It’s from below or above
It just comes from love


See Isaiah 7: 10-14, 8 : 10

Monday of Week 25 in Ordinary Time . St Padre Pio








No one lights a candle to cover it with a bowl.
Or put it under a bed.
Do we search for our transcendent soul.
As we seek our daily bread.

The Anglican service was ending.
Delightful, traditional.
But just words unending.
And I had not felt the call.

But then at the end of the service.
We sat in silence praying.
Here at last I felt grace.
And a deeper understanding.

You cannot approach a service rationally.
You have to do so emotionally.


The service ending
We just sat there in silence
With abundant grace


See Luke 8: 16-18

25 th Sunday in Ordinary Time








Whenever you find jealousy and ambition.
You find disharmony.
To what truly do we offer rendition.
How do we keep ourselves in harmony.

The wisdom that comes down from above.
Is essentially something pure.
It comes from pure love.
Of that, if nothing else, we can be sure.

It makes for peace.
And is kindly and considerate.
But we have to search without cease.
It is the only thing we should rate.

It is full of compassion.
If we search for it with passion.


Jealousy, ambition
There you find disharmony
From above find peace


See James 16-4 : 3

Saturday of Week 24 in Ordinary Time







Why does your master eat with tax collectors.
And sinners.
But then we are all sin collectors.
And perhaps even worse sinners.

It is not the healthy that need the doctor.
But the sick.
Today we think of Matthew the lector.
The evangelists’ yardstick.

What I want is mercy.
Not sacrifice.
Or maybe controversy.
As we throw life’s dice.

Like Matthew do we decide to follow.
Or are we too entangled to follow.


Matthew got up
He was called and he followed
Do we do the same


See Matthew 9 : 9-13

Friday of Week 24 in Ordinary Time

With him went the twelve aswell as certain women.
Who had been cured of evil spirits and ailments.
We all of us search, men  and women.
And we never give up despite our ailments.What is more important than family.
Or greater than love.
This is no fantasy.
What else is there when push comes to shove.

These women he loved.
And cherished.

Faith hope and love.
But the greatest of all these is love.


There is faith hope, love
The greatest of these is love
Do we accept this


See Luke 8 : 1-3

Thursday of Week 24 in Ordinary Time

Her tears fell on his feet.
And she wiped them away with her hair.
One day we too will sit at his seat.
And every day we hope, will be fine and fair.
She covered his feet with kisses.
And anointed them with the ointment.
Where  are our innermost wishes.
Are we ready for our final appointment.If this man, the Pharisee said, were a prophet.
He would know who this woman is.
Do we always act for our own profit.
Or are we really his.

This man will forgive us .
As he will all of us.


Tears fall on his feet
And she wipes them with her hair
And he forgives her


See Luke 7 : 37-50

Wednesday of Week 24 in Ordinary Time






John the Baptist comes not drinking.
And you say he is possessed.
He is passing by.
And truly he is blessed.

The son of man comes , eating and drinking.
And you say, glutton and a drunkard.
Although he is forgiving.
And our faults are unnumbered.

A friend of tax collectors.
And sinners.
Probably also debtors.
And dreamers.

By others we cannot do right.
That doesn’t mean we aren’t right.

.. …..

John is not drinking
Jesus the friend of drunkards
Neither can do right


See Luke 7 : 31-35

Tuesday of Week 24 in Ordinary Time





Everyone praised God saying.
A great prophet has appeared.
Seeking is not necessarily believing.
But of course he lived, he cared.

They have found a new galaxy.
Its light takes 11 billion years to reach us.
Could Jesus really have created this galaxy.
Was he not a man once , one of us.

He called himself the son of God
He talked of his Heavenly Father.
But did he ever call himself God.
Perhaps he was a sliver of the divine essence of the father.

But where I ask is God to be found.
Is he up there , I do not know, or is he all around.


Where can I find God
Is he in heaven or here
And what is heaven

.. ……

See Luke 7 : 11-17

Monday of Week 24 in Ordinary Time







Sir I am not worthy to have you under my roof.
But give the word and let my servant be cured.
Too often in history people remained aloof.
Not so much loved as feared.

We admire the Centurion for his modesty.
And of course for his faith being transparent.
Can we say we have such faith in all honesty.
Or is our zeal all spent.

So the servant was cured.
Jesus did not have to go there.
We may not see him either but we can be assured.
We will not see him here now but maybe later there.

The humility of the Centurion.
Has down the ages given him mention.


I am not worthy
To have you under my roof
Can we too say that


See Luke 7 : 1-10

24 th Sunday in Ordinary Time


I will walk in the Lord’s presence.
In the land of the living.
This is surely the essence.
Amidst all our striving.
I was dreaming that I was entirely open.
Only wanting to think of and help others.
Thus care and love can happen.
Releasing us from life’s cloying tethers.
Here was joy and serenity.
You just have to stop thinking of number one.
All thought on the divine entity.
The one.

we just have to dream.

All is not what it might seem


Walk in his presence
In the land of the living
Then you will not stray


See Psalm 114

The Exaltation of the Holy Cross







He gave his only son.
So that everyone who believes in him may not be lost.
Our search is never done.
Whatever the cost.

But do we truly believe.
So can we count on not being lost.
We give but will we receive.
Our faith reduced to frost.

God sent his son , not to condemn.
So that through him the world might be saved.
We really all are a gem.
Our path to glory is well paved.

We just have to to really try to listen
And we will into heaven be christen.


He gave us his son
So if we believe in him
We might then be saved


See John 3 : 13-17

Friday of Week 23 in Ordinary Time


Love your enemies
Do good to those who hate you.
Search for remedies.
Act for him, her, and you.

Why do you observe the splinter in your brother’s eye.
And never notice the plank in your own.
Are we living a lie.
Do we worry too much about we own.

Suddenly last night all was clear.
I woke to a great love of mankind.
At once I knew no fear .
It was enough to just be kind.

But these sublime moments pass.
As we move out of sleep’s pass.


Love your enemies
Do good to those who hate you
But do we do this


See Luke 6 : 39-42

Thursday of Week 23 in Ordinary Time

Be compassionate.
As your father is compassionate.
An end to hate.
For that, it’s all too late.
Do not judge.
And you will not be judged.
Or begrudge
For our actions may be ill judged .Do not condemn.
And you will not be condemned.
Search in everyone for the gem.
In every friend.

Grant pardon.
And you will receive pardon.


Be compassionate
Your father is compassionate
And just be patient


See Luke 6 : 27–38

Wednesday of Week 23 in Ordinary Time






How happy those who are poor.
Theirs is the kingdom of God
What do we really want to ask for.
What do we think is really right or odd.

I am looking at Van Gogh’s Olive Trees
The sun is a natural halo.
The disc hovers above the trees.
Art can take us anywhere , high or low.

Art can be spiritually expressive.
Without quoting from the bible.
It can send a strong missive.
In itself a religious fable.

I stood in the room alone with these pictures.
Here there seemed to be only light and no physical fixtures.


Art spiritually
Expressive without bibles
As strong as the word


See Luke 6 : 20-26

Tuesday of Week 23 in Ordinary Time






Everyone in the crowd.
Was trying to touch him.
Because the  power that cured the whole crowd.
Came out of him.

I suddenly felt the strength of these words.
As I listened to them in mass.
There is nothing more powerful than his words .
In any mass.

Now in Luke Jesus relies less on miracles.
And more on the power of teaching.
There is as much power in words as in  miracles.
And even greater and more powerful teaching.

The power of words hits you.
And you realise suddenly this is for you.


Everyone touching
His power cured the whole crowd
And it will cure us


See Luke 6 : 12-19

Monday of Week 23 in Ordinary Time







How can you be so proud of yourselves.
You should be in mourning.
Look first at ourselves.
Before we start condemning.

St Paul says a man who does a thing like that.
Ought to have been expelled from the community.
But was he, are we sure that he had done that.
Is this or that something that marks our unsuitability.

Better to be understanding.
Ready to forgive.
Not condemning.
Love and let live.

Are we sure what happened.
If indeed anything happened.


Look first at ourselves
Before we start condemning
For are we honest


See 1 Corinthians 5 : 1-8

23 rd Sunday in Ordinary Time






The eyes of the blind shall be  opened.
The ears of the deaf unsealed.
Faith like harvest wheat will be ripened.
And truth revealed.

The lame shall leap like a deer.
And the tongues of the dumb sing for joy.
We will know no fear.
And become the purest alloy.

For water gushes in the desert.
Streams in the wasteland.
We will be alert.
As we search for a new land.

All this Isaiah tells us will happen.
And our hearts will open.


Eyes of blind opened
The ears of the deaf unsealed
Faith will be ripened


See Isaiah 35 : 4-7

Saturday of Week 23 in Ordinary Time





Remember the maxim.
Keep to what is written.
We can’t just obey every whim.
Have hope, our faith will quicken:

It is not for you so full of your importance.
To take sides.
Have some true sense.
Follow the scriptural guides.

In any case brother.
Has anybody given you some special right.
We need to hold on to our spiritual tether.
The better to approach the light.

You are influential , you are celebrities.
We are, St Paul tells us, nobodies.


Remember maxim
And keep to what is written
Then you can’t go wrong


See 1 Corinthians 4: 6-15

Friday of Week 22 in Ordinary Time

John’s disciples are always fasting.
Yours go on eating and drinking.
And we , are we just waiting.
Asking ourselves, is he coming.There is no one way.
All are equally just.
We all are entitled to our say.
Just as we are to our crust.

But everything in moderation.
Nothing excessive.
Will lead we hope to ascension.
But we need to send a missive.

Asking in the next life for eternity.
And in this for love and fraternity.


We’re always fasting
And we’re eating and drinkng
But what is the way


See Luke 5 : 33-39

Thursday of Week 22 in Ordinary Time

Who will climb the mountain.
Who will claim this holy place.
To set us on the right lane.
And win our life race.I dreamt that every time I was angry.
I conjured up an illuminated cross.
The anger then fled my memory.
And frankly I felt no loss.

Then I dreamt that I had lost money.
But thought of the rich man and the the eye of the needle.
And the loss just seemed quite funny.
And really in life’s great scheme, quite feeble.

And so we adjust.
As we always must.


We climb the mountain
Or we may finally fall
It is just our fate


See Psalm 23

Wednesday of Week 22 in Ordinary Time







Leaning over he rebuked the fever.
And it left her.
Love he could gather.
Because he was true and fair.

When daylight came he left.
And made his way to a lonely place.
Never with prayer  bereft.
Full of abiding grace.

At sunset all those who had friends.
Suffering from diseases.
Were given a loving care that mends.
A love that never freezes.

He will cure us.
Because he knows us.


He rebuked fever
And it will leave us we hope
If we do believe


See Luke 4: 38-44

Tuesday of Week 22 in Ordinary Time


Then Peter spoke up.
You are the Christ.
Who will pass the cup.
And be sacrificed.
It was not flesh and blood.
That revealed this.
Overcoming doubts’ flood
We cannot miss this.You are Peter and on this rock.
I will build my church.
Unlocking finally mortality’s lock
Completing our search.

This we know .
We cannot say no.


Then Peter spoke up
You are the Christ son of God
But do we believe


See Matthew 16 : 13-19