Monday of Week 22 in Ordinary Time

I tell you solemnly.
No prophet is ever accepted in his own country.
All that advice is very timely.
As we think of heaven’s entry.
They sprang to their feet.
And hustled him out of town.
And we too maybe as we search for his seat.
He was just telling the truth not seeking renown.But he slipped through the crowd.
And walked away.
So don’t speak it too loud.
But you may be here to stay.

Can we speak our mind.
Will others mind.


Are prophets accepted
Speaking in their own country
Well of course they’re not


See Luke 4 : 16-30

22 nd Sunday in Ordinary Time

This people honours me only with lip service.
While their hearts are far from me.
We too do him a disservice.
We do not know what will make us truly free.The worship they offer me is worthless.
The doctrines they teach are only human regulations.
We are given so much , we give back a lot less.
Just adding to our tensions.

I question all these rules still today.
Can we not rely on pure spirituality.
Perhaps we should just concentrate on his ray.
Not on doctrinal  conformity.

Rules will not free us.
They will bind us.


We give lip service
But where are our hearts truly
Do we really know


See Mark 7

Saturday of Week 21 in Ordinary Time






Well done good and faithful servant.
You have shown you can be faithful.
They suffered , they were fervent.
Of his grace mindful.

The 30 th August had passed.
They, the martyr’s are now in glory.
They died because they witnessed.
And we revere their story.

What was their death agony.
Something passing.
But now they are held in our memory.
Their tale never finishing.

Yet when we are gone.
We will be forgotten.

….  ..

Good faithful servant
And showing you are faithful
By your example


See Matthew 25 : 14-30

Friday of Week 21 in Ordinary Time

God’s foolishness is wiser than human wisdom.
And God’s weakness is stronger than human strength.
We really don’t not know where we have come from.
Or our days’ length.
Today the 30 th August.
I think of the martyr’s.
The courageous just.
From all faiths and quarters.What must have been their fears .
The day before.
As they shed their tears.
But hopeful for life eternal to the core.

Their’s is everlasting glory.
And now we remember their story.


For God’s foolishness
Is wiser than our wisdom
And his strength than ours


See Matthew 25 : 1-13

The Beheading of St John the Baptist






When Herod heard John speak.
He was greatly perplexed.
Do we after the truth seek.
Not caring if others are vexed.

Do we speak truth to power.
Or prefer to remain silent.
Do we hide our views and cower.
Retreat to our own mind’s tent.

John spoke  his mind.
He paid the price.
To agree is not always to be kind.
Better honest than always  nice.

We won’t anyway lose our head.
And we just might stay ahead.


When John came to speak
King Herod was just perplexed
But he spoke the truth


See Mark 6 : 17-29

Wednesday of Week 21 in Ordinary Time

You appear to people from the outside.
Like good honest men.
But you are full of hypocrisy inside.
And lawlessness as men.Does that describe us
Are we the same inside
They will say of us.
As we are on the outside.

Are we scribes.
Certainly not prophets.

We can only keep trying.
If rarely succeeding.


We’re on the inside
The same as on the outside
Or we ask are we


See Matthew 23 : 27-32

Tuesday of Week 21 in Ordinary Time

You who clean the outside of the cup first.
And leave the inside full of extortion.
Is all our hope dispersed.
Are we full of unremitting tension.Clean the inside of the cup first.
So that the outside may become clean.
We should ask ourselves for what do we really thirst.
Is it the spirit unseen or the world which is seen.

Surely we can clean both sides of the cup.
From faith find what is true.
We can in hope sup.
And find life that is new.

The cup is ready.
But are we steady.


Do we clean the cup
On the inside and outside
Or just the outside


See Matthew 23 : 23-26

Monday of Week 21 in Ordinary Time







Your faith is growing so wonderfully.
And the love that you bear for one another never stops increasing.
But I ask is that happening  really.
Our faith is weak , in adversity, not enduring.

We can take special pride in your constancy.
Under all the troubles you have to bear.
But I ask do we not more often follow our own fancy.
Too prone to give up and shed a tear.

It all shows that God’s judgment is just.
And the purpose of it is that you may be found worthy.
But again we ask , do we really trust.
Is our faith half full or half empty.

Thus we read St Paul’s teaching.
And find ourselves only half listening.


Is our faith growing
Do we love each other more
Well perhaps, maybe


See 2 Thesalonians 1

21st Sunday in Ordinary Time





This, they said, is intolerable language.
How could anyone accept it.
But still we try and engage.
The lamp will not go out , it is for all time lit.

You have the message of eternal life.
And we believe.
Reading these words of Peter gives us new life.
Now at last we too can believe.

Peter could say .
You are the holy one.
And we too can say.
You are the holy one.

Give, we pray, us true belief.
So that we can have lasting relief.


You have the message
It’s one of eternal life
Now we can believe


See John 6 : 60-69

Saturday of Week 20 in Ordinary Time






He showed me Jerusalem , the holy city.
It glittered like some crystal clear diamond.
A place here of love and pity .
And far beyond.

The walls of it were of great height.
And had twelve gates.
Giving us new sight.
And inspired new fates.

That city is not far away.
It is here now in our mind.
If we will allow the present to hold sway.
And to forget the daily memory grind.

There is a city on a nearby hill.
It is here and in a mind that is still.


See Jerusalem
It is not so far away
It’s here in the mind


See Apocalypse 21: 9-14

Friday of Week 20 in Ordinary Time







The Lord set me down in a valley.
A valley full of bones.
Does God exist really.
Is he master of all the thrones.

We enter a dark night.
The soul does not exist.
Nothing we were taught is right.
Truth , what is it , is hidden in mist.

Our bones will rot.
No one will remember.
This is our final lot.
It falls like the nighttime chill of November.

But deep somewhere.
Is hope , a spirit arising out of fear.


We pass the valley
It is full of rotting bones
But surely there’s hope


See Ezekiel 37 : 1-14

Thursday of Week 20 in Ordinary Time








One man was not wearing a wedding garment.
How did you get in here, the King asked.
How do we prevent our own descent.
For our real future is masked.


But what is meant by the wedding garment.
Is it our original soul.

Have we forgotten what we were meant to be.
Have we rejected the truth, our soul.

Many are called.
But few are chosen.
We have been called
But will we be chosen.

Have we forgotten.
We are begotten.


Our wedding garment
We are asked is it our soul
But we do not know


See Matthew 22 : 1-14

Wednesday of Week 20 in Ordinary Time


If I should walk in the valley of darkness.
No evil should I fear.
Coming to mass, everything seemed less.
I shed an inward tear.

Then I listened to the twenty second psalm
Near restful waters he leads me.
To revive my drooping spirit, I was calm.
I was in a better place than me.

I sat in the small yard in London.
Looking at the new huge extension next door.
So I just changed the direction of the chair to no longer look on.
Every way, but that way, the sky, the wall, even the floor.

We can always lift the spirit, we say.
If we just start again and look away.


We walk in darkness
But he leads us by water
We have to look there


See Psalm 22

Tuesday of Week 20 in Ordinary Time

With this your heart has grown arrogant.
I am going to bring foreigners against you.
You will become an embarrassment.
Your fate is written down, if only you knew.We think too much of ourselves.
We are too conscious of our own ego.
Therein lies our disappointment in ourselves.
And leads to the suffering ego.

Everyone who has left brothers , sisters for my sake.
Will inherit eternal life.
We just have to give rather than to take.
And free ourselves from our own internal  strife.

But if we choose , for his sake,  not to leave everything.
We may well end up in the next with nothing.


Are we arrogant
And too conscious of ourselves
That’s the normal way


See Ezekiel 28 : 1-10 and Matthew 19 : 23-30

Monday of Week 20 in Ordinary Time




You are not to lament.
Not to weep , not to let your tears run down.
For the tree was my lament.
Its branches cut down.

So often had I looked through the west window.
Its branches gently swaying.
Now the machines had cut them low.
Were they still alive, growing.

Yes the tree will live.
Paired of the rotten branches.
It will now thrive.
Given in its long life new chances.

In our life if our hopes are pruned.
Somehow new life will be resumed.


Do not lament
Nor weep, not let tears run down
For you will survive


See Ezekiel 24: 15-24

20 th Sunday in Ordinary Time

Anyone who eats this bread.
Will live for ever.
So it is, by the Lord, said.
Faith never to sever.
For my flesh is real food.
And my blood is real drink.
But creeping doubt we cannot elude.
Into endless questioning , we ask, will we sink.
But if we doubt.
Where is the point of the mass.
If only we could put question to rout.
What joy we would have in the mass.
Just believe.
And in faith receive.…….

If we eat this bread
We will then live for ever
But we must have faith


See John 6: 51-58

Saturday of Week 19 in Ordinary Time






The fathers have eaten unripe grapes.
And the children’s teeth are set on edge.
We wander forgotten in distant landscapes.
Truth hidden by an impenetrable mental  hedge.

But by the light of the sea.
We can see a little further.
We may not hear or understand but we can see.
Here we are free , not some mere time server.

What is about the sea that frees us slaves.
That transports us to another country.
Is it the relentless, lapping, sound blessed waves.
We seem here to belong to no century.

Time here is not of  the essence.
Only our physical sense.


We eat unripe grapes
And our teeth are set on edge
Yet we have the sea


See Ezekiel 18 : 1-10, 13, 30-32

Friday of Week 19 in Ordinary Time

You were as unloved.
As on the day you were born.
Rejected , abandoned, shoved.
But not for all time , forsworn.I prayed again during the night to the blessed.
But this time a blank , the dream a dark void, no answer , silence.
Perhaps he was helping another wretched.
Do I have always to ask , can I not wait in silence.

I wonder if the saints watch out.
Waiting to help some poor soul.
Can they help more than one from despair to climb out.
Yes they regard equally surely every soul.

They are always there for us.
But not of course only us.


So we were unloved
As on the day we were born
But perhaps not now

…. .

See Ezekiel 16

The Assumption of Our Lady






The last of the enemies to be destroyed is death.
For everything is to be put under his feet.
Our last on this earth may not be our last breath.
We may breathe again after we approach his seat.

Awake at night , of course I started worrying.
And then suddenly I thought of Blessed Richard Leigh.
Immediately I saw wonderful lights appearing.
And a joyful  sense of peace set me free.

Are the dead really living.
How strange that he seemed so present.
Over four hundred years of death defying.
Maybe I should truly believe his ascent.

But how wonderful was that vision.
With the distant past true union.


Death can be destroyed
It’s the last of enemies
But God has the key


See 1 Corinthians 15 : 20-26

St Maximilian Kolbe






Whatever you bind on earth.
Shall be considered bound in heaven.
At our death we find our true worth.
Death is the true leaven.

We should think of Maximilian Kolbe not because of his death .
But of what  he had become.
His choice already made with every breath.
He had to save life even if death would thereby come.

When the final trial comes at last.
The choice, if we have prayed,  will be clear.
He had lived his true self as he breathed his last.
He was just a true man , no sear.

We are what we have become.
Which only may be clear to some.


What you bind on earth
Will now be bound in heaven
That is surely clear

.. ….

See Matthew 18: 15-20

Tuesday of Week 19 in Ordinary Time





Your will is my delight.
Your statutes are my councillors.
I seek your translucent light.
And your holy mentors.

Do not be a rebel.
Like that rebellious set.
Can we our own dissatisfaction quell.
Are all our desires truly met.

What is it about the seaside.
That soothes the restless.
The everlasting waves an incoming guide.
The antidote to ever moving stress.

If you walk quietly amongst the dunes.
You can read the calming runes.


Your will my delight
Your statutes my councillors
But do I seek light


See Ezekiel 2 : 8-3 : 4

Monday of Week 19 in Ordinary Time






So as not to offend.
Go to the lake and cast a hook.
We do not need always to break , we can mend.
We only have to really see aswell as look.

I woke up in the night depressed.
Negative thoughts racing.
Everything just messed.
Hope abandoning.

Then I said ,  remember no one who sought thy intercession.
Had their prayer unanswered.
Praying to Mary relieved the tension.
Nothing ventured , nothing tended.

When depressed cast a hook, pray.
And the Rosary say.


He said cast a hook
And then they found the shekel
Can we do the same


See Matthew 17: 22-27

19 th Sunday in Ordinary Time

Be friends with one another.
And kind, forgiving each other.
We are not separated from each other.
We have no distinct entity apart from each other.Like the Buddha we should worry less about God.
More about our impermanence.
An ever changing lengthening, shortening, connected rod.
An imprecise passing essence.

Where is suffering,
Save in our own ego.
Resenting not loving.
Diverted into our own high and low.

Rejecting our emptiness.
Not accepting our nothingness.


Friends one another
And forgiving each other
That’s the better way


See Ephesians 4

Saturday of Week 18 in Ordinary Time . Edith Stein, St Benedicta of the Cross.

I am going to lead her out of the wilderness.
And speak to her heart.
Can we be content with less.
Resolved to make a new start.
I am thinking of Edith Stein , St Benedicta of the cross.
Cruelly persecuted and killed by evil.
Her martyrdom , her example , triumphant in loss.
Her beautiful  soul now is resting, still.
And here am I looking now at the harvest.
All sunlit , calm , radiant.
But we must not just enjoy our rest.
We must remember others’ sacrifice,  not just be content.
When I think of Edith Stein.
I just hope now she’s in heaven and fine.
Led from wilderness
We speak to our lonely heart
If we speak to God
See Hosea 2

Friday of Week 18 in Ordinary Time







The foolish ones brought no oil.
Whereas the sensible ones took flasks of oil aswell as their lamps.
We make mistakes despite our toil.
And we receive precious little thanks.

Those who were  ready.
Went to the wedding hall.
Are we alert and steady.
Can we walk tall.

We can work hard all our lives.
And then make one foolish mistake.
And then nothing worthwhile survives.
We seem submerged in a deep dark lake.

But out of despair.
Can come lessons and repair.


Have we brought some oil
Or did perhaps not buy some
Thus will hang our fate


See Matthew 25: 1-13