First Week in Lent

Sunday 10 March 1st Sunday in Lent

“I will give you all this power and the glory of these kingdoms.” (Luke 4:1-13)

How and why do we strive for power or influence or recognition? How difficult to give Jesus’s answer: You must worship the Lord your God and serve Him alone.

Monday 11 March

“I tell you solemnly, in so far as you did this to one of the least of these brothers of mine, you did it to me.” (Matthew 25:31-46)

Isn’t this the most difficult injunction of all? Do we visit the sick, those in prison?

Tuesday 12 March

I go to Mass and think on today’s psalm: “The Lord rescues the just in all their distress.”

I think all those who come forward to take communion should be welcomed whatever their state of mind.

“I sought the Lord and He answered me. From all my terrors He set me free.”

Wednesday 13 March

I go to our Mass in the crypt.

“Remember your companion, O Lord, and your merciful love, for they are from of old.” (Entrance Antiphon)

Thursday 14 March

“O Lord, give heed to my sighs. Attend to the sound of my cry, my king and my god.”

I have sent off my letter to the Holy Father in which I ask for zero tolerance of clerical abusers. We will see what answer we get.

Friday 15 March

“If you, O Lord, should mark our guilt, who would then survive?”

Saturday 16 March

I read a psalm in our village church. KJV because that is in the Book of Common Prayer they have there. But here it is in modern speak: “They are happy whose life is blameless, who follow God’s law. They are happy who do His will, serving Him with all their hearts.” (Psalm 118)