VE Day

We have come to tell you the good news.
Yet I can scarcely watch the news, it is so depressing.
Full of perplexed and discordant views.
If for a moment a restless soul can recall, there is another path to a joy growing.
On this day 75 years ago there was welcome news, a triumphant day.
They heard it, my parents at Bletchley Park, my grandmother in occupied France.
Here was much to celebrate, a dark cloud lifted, for one day cares aside to lay.
And perhaps to remember friends gone, struck down by war’s fickle lance.
Did this generation ever lose hope, did they doubt their path?
Lord, we cannot know or understand Your will did they say?
Or did they ponder that there is one truth?
There is one way?
And now we too grapple with death’s hand
Can we not console ourselves with his love for our land.