St Pius X

You must love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul and with all your mind.
The second commandment is that you must love your neighbour as yourself.
We love our children and grandchildren so much, that we can never unwind.
But our neighbours, that is something not part of our ruling self.

I as dreaming again, I had taken my granddaughter out and everything was right.
On a bus in a strange city, we were hurried.
Then how I do not know how, she vanished into the night.
I was distraught, horribly upset and worried.

Mercifully I was suddenly awake.
What a blessing it is when the dream ends with an end to grief.
The emotion and the fear is so intense, enough to quake.
To return to this world of reason, what a relief.

A saint like Pius X has this trick of loving all equally thankfully.
I merely, an ordinary bloke love my family.