30th Sunday in Ordinary Time, 2020

You must love the Lord your God with all your heart.
And with all your soul and with all your mind.
How can we pierce the heart with love’s dart.
The mind calls yet we are blind.

What is the body save corruption halted for a day.
What is the mind but a mere extension of the body.
And what the soul is, we do not know we cannot say.
So all that is corporate dies, only the incorporate can survive, the soul to embody.

The secret of happiness is to live for the here and now.
Except not to try and live for the here and now.
We should live as if there was no future, neither calm nor a row.
We need just to plod on and follow the plough.

So we cannot be sure what heart or soul is or fathom our heart.
But unknowing we can try love for a start.