Saturday, Third Week in Ordinary Time, 2021


Only faith can guarantee the blessings that we hope for.
Or prove the existence of the realities that at present remain unseen.
We worry whether this really is truth or just ancient lore.
Our faith falters even if we are keen.

I dreamt that I had some besetting fault.
As a result I found myself locked in a room, I couldn’t breathe.
Panic chocked me, I felt trapped in a vault.
And then my sight cleared, the door unlocked, fear I could sheathe.

But it was by faith that the saints obeyed the call.
By faith they knew they would again rise.
Locked on that black room I had had no faith at all.
I could see myself inside this box spiralling through space, deaf to my cries.

But the door did finally open.
Because in him, I had hope in.


Door at last opens
Because now I hoped in him
Before the door closed