Friday, Second Week in Lent, 2021


It was the stone rejected by the builders.
That became the cornerstone.
Life entrances, yet also bewilders.
We shout for joy then inwardly groan.

We look back on our own life.
Youthful peaks of ambition and hope.
Descending into dark valleys full of difficulty and strife.
Now on a gentle downward undulating slope.

Best put it all in perspective, it is nothing beside the wonders of the universe.
Today I looked at the amazing Perseverance rover images of Mars.
Seemingly so close I could almost touch the rocks, a 3D picture in verse.
Yet these photos are taken so very far away, it seems half way to the stars.

So as I persevere in this quiet green valley of mine,
I think of the red Jezero crater and something half divine.


Put in perspective
All life’s troubles up and down
Look at Mars’ surface