Thursday, Second Week of Lent, 2021


He is like a tree by the waterside.
That thrusts its roots to the stream.
Our life flows in and ebbs out like the tide.
Nothing is quite like as it would seem.

Are we really like the rich man.
Ignoring poor Lazarus at our gate.
Surely it’s not as if we’ve done anything wrong, it’s just he was beneath our scan.
And our eyes were opened too late.

But it’s true by then it all be no use warning others.
After all when alive we paid no heed to any warning.
Despite the evidence from our betters.
I suppose we were past caring.

But if we put trust in other than man.
We might keep our roots by the stream during our span.


Trust other than man
Might keep our roots by the stream
During our long span

Roots dig by water
The stream flows gently by it
Waters its great age