Thursday, Fourth Week of Lent, 2021


They forgot the God who was their saviour.
Who had done such great things in Egypt.
All eyes were on the idol’s grandeur.
Their attention to truth was not gripped.

But his love for us has no pre-conditions.
His forgiveness is unconditional.
We do not need to repent or make admissions.
We can be the ever returning prodigal.

Forgiveness is not just about justice.
The forgiven may not even know that this ends this part of their history.
But forgiveness releases, it just says trust us.
It breaks the chain of misery.

But why then do I find it so hard to forgive another’s sin.
Because I am not a father to all, only my own children, but he is, to all he is kin.


Forgive others is
hard I am not their father
But he is to all