Tuesday, Fourth Week of Lent, 2021


Do you want to be well again.
While I am still on the way , someone else gets there before me.
Do we really want to cast off our binding chain.
Our own will is the key.

Our own pool of Bethzatha is never far away.
Why do we always wait for someone else to put us in.
Why do we make excuses, we could make the effort, why don’t we say.
No one else stops us, it is only our own will and sin.

We are paralysed not physically but with inner fear.
It is our mind not our body that is blind and lame.
Others are to blame, thus we cast a lonely tear.
We are not at fault, look at those others, we are not the same.

We could get up and walk now with our metaphorical bag for sleeping.
But we end up not walking towards the light but sideways creeping.


Our goal is not far
We could get up and walk there
Our own fear stops us