Tuesday, Fifth Week of Easter, 2021


Let your face shine upon your servant.
You hide them in the shelter of your presence.
Is life reserved for the observant.
How do we come into your omnipresence.

What happens to the soul after death.
Are these near death experiences proof.
What happens in the hours after our last breath.
Away from our body does our soul see, hear and stand aloof.

I doubt all these experiences, are they truly undeniable.
They all seem to talk of earthly beauties and cities.
Surely heaven is infinite, indescribable.
Utterly separate from earth’s cares and duties.

I prefer to put my trust in one who was dead for three days.
Then many witnesses testified he was alive, as bright as the sun’s rays.


The soul after death
Does it live on conscious
We know there was one who did