Tuesday, Twelfth Week in Ordinary Time, 2021


With the increase in lawlessness.
Love in most men will grow cold.
We all feel this certain restlessness.
Routine envelopes us like clinging mould.

The rules of the church are hard.
But they have all been thought through.
Many will fall away, others may be barred.
But with tolerance, they are society’s glue.

What is the best thing a father for his children can do.
It is to love their mother for ever unreservedly.
We may fail in most things but this we should try to do.
I accept for me it had been easy to love my love profoundly.

But if we live virtuously we can claim no credit.
We have just been lucky in life’s credit and debit.


If a father loves
A child’s mother with true heart
That is best to do