Monday, Fifteenth Week in Ordinary Time, 2021


Anyone who finds his life will lose it.
Anyone who prefers son or daughter is not worthy of me.
Their daughter caused the little flower to be lit.
They knew that ones own life is not necessarily the key.

Imagine having nine children and giving them all to God’s city.
Here were two people living a life in deepest obscurity.
Indeed their daughter Therese exemplified humility.
The deepest shaded life can give luminosity.

And think of another saint today who died in agony.
He could have just remained a quiet Franciscan but died a martyr.
All these saints in their own way give testimony.
Would we ever our ambition with faith barter.

Meanwhile I plod my weary safe conformist way.
Is theirs the true way, who can say.


We who just conform
Must yes to others defer
Who always commit