Thursday, Seventeenth Week in Ordinary Time, 2021

If you had been here.
My brother would not have died.
We do not know when we will be carried to our bier.
Or if others will have cried.

I am reading about the voyage of the Belgica.
And her terrible voyage to the Antarctic.
Over the side goes young Wiencke.
A line is thrown, it is all too quick.

Brave Captain Lecointe leaps to the rescue, despite any cost.
A savage freezing sea is raging.
A hand grips the lad but he is lost.
A last sight, the lad is not breathing.

Such is our fate, a line is thrown.
Life or death on the toss of a coin.


line is thrown to us
Then can we take it or not
It is life or death

[Note: First two lines from John 11:19-21]