Tuesday, Seventeenth Week in Ordinary Time, 2021

The Lord, a God of tenderness and compassion.
Slow to anger, rich in kindness and faithfulness.
We who are mere followers of fashion.
Are sometimes prone to blindness.

But there are some, very few who stand up for right.
Thomas Becket, Thomas More and Titus Brandsma , a man of our time.
Truth was the won thing of which they never lost sight.
Apart from stubbornness they were guilty of no crime.

One killed in anger, one executed, one murdered.
All victims of a ruthless tyrant.
They never surrendered.
They did not recant.

We mere conformists.
Will not appear on any lists.



We mere conformists
Will not appear on a list
Of men who did right

[Note: First two lines from Exodus 33:7-11, 34:5-9, 28]