Saturday, Eighteenth Week in Ordinary Time, 2021

Faithless and perverse generation.
How much longer must I be with you.
So are we condemned to damnation.
I can only say if only I knew.

So last night the usual doubts and fears were worrying around.
There are the long and the short type.
The years long regrets abound.
The short term irritations all too ripe.

And then in the dark my mental eye saw a light.
I focussed on it alone and just the present.
The doubts disappeared out of sight.
Few had ever given me a better present.

Perhaps our happiness is just down here and now to us.
Like faith a little would move mountains, we make so much fuss.


In the long dark night
I try to focus on light
Happiness is now

[See Matthew 17:1,4-20]